Although he didn't know how strong the black armor on Fafnir was, he was told by Ji Hiirai Lingna himself about the power of the terrifying black fire, even if it was Siegfried's Armor of Fafnir. There is absolutely no way to stop it, so be careful.

"Everything is up to you!" Siegfried clenched the Graeme in his hand. He once defeated Fafnir's cursed holy sword. This time, he will use this sword to shoot it down again!

Fafnir spewed a raging flame from his mouth, Siegfried and Joel Joss quickly avoided, at that moment, Joel Jos activated his Noble Phantasm: "'The Sword of Strong Slaying Blessing (Ascalon )”!”

At this moment, the dragon attribute of the black armor on Fafnir was raised again, and at this moment, Joel Joss and Siegfried also gained the power to isolate the damage, Joel Joss sword cut the flame from one Divide into two!

"Take it, Fafnir!" Joeljos galloped at a high speed, and cut off a piece of black armor on Fafnir's body in one breath, tearing Fafnir's wound to a large extent.


Fafnir roared and slapped it with a palm. Suddenly, the earth shook, and black flames spread. Fafnir, who was bathed in the black flames, was like a real demon, showing the world his incomparable power. strength!

Chapter [-] Sleep again!

Every step of the step, a large flame was brought out, almost completely burning the earth. In the churning of the black flames, the murderous intent revealed in Fafnir's evil eyes almost killed people. Body piercing in general.

"It's not easy to handle now!" Joeljos took a few steps back.

"Then, let's go together! At least knock it down here!" Siegfried clenched his long sword and charged directly at Fafnir.

Joeljos also laughed when he heard the words: "Then, let's win together!"


Fafnir fluttered his wings, his wings like knives, spreading out towards the two of them.

"Drink!" Siegfried blocked a wing, and the sharp armor on it kept Siegfried back.

Georgios cut off Fafnir’s front paws with Ascalon in hand.

It is a pity that these injuries could not have much impact on Fafnir at all. The black weapon entangled the chopped front claw and pulled it back to Fafnir's severed limb, all of which were repaired.

Because of his ability to be almost undead, Fafnir is fearless at the moment. Even Siegfried, who has killed himself, is completely fearless, because he has a power that is almost undead!


With a frantic burst of flames, Fafnir's attack became stronger and stronger, and every burst of flames and claw strikes would make Siegfried and Joeljos extremely difficult.

Although Joel Joss used the Noble Phantasm, it did not mean that it could be used indefinitely. Once the magic power was exhausted, the two would really be unable to resist.

"Now we have to fight to the death!" Joel Joss knew that if this continued, the two of them would definitely be consumed by Fafnir.

The black flames on Fafnir’s body made them miserable. Coupled with the armor on their bodies, their attacks could only cause some damage to the armor, and the injuries to Fafnir’s body were not very serious, even if Fafnir’s body was injured. Na is injured, and the black mist can also restore his injury, as if endless, but the magic power of Georgios and Siegfried is not endless.

Giorgos deduced: "The speed of Fafnir's strength is not as fast as it was in the previous battle, otherwise, it would be impossible for the two of us to endure it, which means that its strength has declined, and it has declined very much. It's amazing, which means it's not immortal. It was hit to the point of death by Miss Lingcai with a very strong blow. It should be the blow that consumed a lot of its power, so it caused its power to drop. , so as long as you cause enough lethal damage to it next, you may be able to exhaust that strange power and knock it down!"

"However, the layer of armor must be broken first!" Siegfried said solemnly: "But that layer of armor is not so easy to destroy!"

"But, it must be done now!" Joeljos raised the Ascalon in his hand: "Next, I will create a chance for you, please be sure to knock down Fafnir!"


Giorgios summoned his mount, which was a magical white horse given by the witch who kidnapped Giorgios (Saint George) and later fell in love with him.It is said to make the rider invincible and to withstand a fatal blow only once.

It was precisely because of this war horse that Georgios got the position of Rider. However, facing Fafnir and the enhanced Fafnir, Joeljos did not know how long his beloved horse could last.

"'Interfectum Dracones'!"

At this moment, Ascalon turned into a javelin composed of rays of light, penetrating directly towards Fafnir: "Siegfried, let me see the brilliance of the Dragon Slayer Hero!"

Fafnir roared and sprayed a large mouthful of explosive flames directly at the two of them.

"This fatal blow, I will help you bear it!" Joeljos directly drove the warhorse to block Siegfried, and Fafnir's body had a huge pierced blood The hole, but the black mist is constantly filling the blood hole, but the black mist is also thinning and fading, and it can be expected that Fafnir's power is not much left.

"Yeah!" Georgios completely separated Fafnir's flames, and behind him, Siegfried, the most famous dragon slayer in Northern Europe, raised the cursed holy sword Graeme in his hand.

In the past, he embarked on various adventures as a prince of noble blood, until he killed the evil dragon Fafnir, bathed in dragon blood, and became an undead hero. Tragedy began, and he became The wishing machine that everyone can ask for, that is, the Holy Grail of that era.

Even poor villagers will not help without asking.Even the greedy tax collector will do it if asked.Because no matter what, one person cannot save everyone.Therefore only respond to those in need.

Fulfilling the wishes of others was the way of life in Siegfried's era. In the end, he fell into the hands of his best friend, because that was his best friend's wish, but Siegfried himself did not understand that he had No wish can describe his future.And he has been deceiving himself.Although I love the world, I cannot fill the void.

However, it was not until his deathbed that he finally understood:

"No one approves or no one appreciates, I just want to protect what I believe in. Not for others, not for myself, but for what I believe in."

——Yes, its desire is to be a "partner of justice"——!

Now, he finally has the chance to realize this wish!

Conquering Fafnir, killing him, and saving the dying human rights, this is exactly what he thinks a righteous partner should do!

"Faffner, you really shouldn't wake up, but since you are awake, then go to sleep again!"

Siegfried suddenly opened his eyes and held up Grammy: "The real ether is all open.

Fantasy Great Sword · Maximum output! !

Wake up from your golden dream—

Free yourself from the cradle...! ! !

Evil Dragon——...! ! !

will be destroyed! ! ! !

"The Great Sword of Fantasy: The Lost Heavenly Demon (Balmung)"

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