This is Siegfried's own Noble Phantasm released with all his strength, and it is also the strongest dragon-slaying blow.

The intense light completely drowned Fafnir in it!

Chapter [-] The last high wall blocking everyone, the words that make the gods tremble!


With the maximum output and maximum power, he injected his will into it, and Siegfried hit his strongest blow to fully unleash the true name of the Noble Phantasm. This is the liberation of the Fantasy Great Sword, the maximum output of the true ether. With a sigh, Fafnir was completely swallowed up in one breath, and the black mist on Fafnir's body was all destroyed in one breath.

Fafnir was completely given a chance, not even a bit of dust was left. Siegfried fell to the ground after exhausting his magic power, and Joel Joss also suffered extensive burns on his body. Neither of them died, but they did. Defeats the terrifying evil dragon that blocks everyone.

"It's up to you, Master!" Siegfried said softly.


Fujimaru Rika has already seen the light that shot into the sky, and also received a message from Siegfried; "Go on, let's end all this!"

"Yes, Master!" Matthew charged towards the castle with a large shield.

"I won't let you close to the castle!" Jill appeared at the entrance of the castle, holding the Luoyan City textbook, and summoned many sea devils like the starfish, completely blocking Matthew from the outside.

And Joan of Arc also found Black Joan of Arc, and the two Joan of Arc started a war here.

Joan of Arc screamed, and the white-gold flag in her hand was constantly waving, drawing beautiful traces, and constantly launching fierce attacks on Black Joan.

Black Joan of Arc was also not to be outdone, and let out a roar, the black flag in his hand was like a life-threatening magic spear, sending out an extremely strong attack towards the real.


The attacks of the two are constantly fighting at this moment, almost indistinguishable. Although Joan of Arc may not be as powerful as Black Joan of Arc, the strong belief supports Joan of Arc to catch up. Black Joan's footsteps.

"Damn it, a village girl in the countryside, why is it that you are not sure to give up!" Black Joan was already very irritable. Her side originally had a strong advantage, but she was completely defeated by the opponent step by step. Until now, He was about to lose himself.

Obviously, this little girl in front of her is completely incomparable to her in attributes and strength, but now she is on an equal footing with herself. How is this possible?

"Because I love this country, I don't resent this country, nor the world, so I would never do such a thing, so, I now clearly realize that you are not at all I, therefore, I will fight to protect this country!" Joan of Arc's tone was very firm, without the slightest wavering.

It is for this reason that Joan of Arc began to surpass Black Joan's imagination and counterattack again and again, and now, thanks to the contract between Joan of Arc and Fujimaru Rika, Fujimaru Rika has sent her magic power to her. Joan of Arc has temporarily filled the gap between Joan of Arc and Black Joan of Arc. Although there is still, it is enough for Joan of Arc.

"If you don't have a clear goal, you may lose. So, have you thought about your goal?"

At this moment, Black Joan thought of what the man had said to him. That was the theme of the first discussion between the two. At that time, Black Joan sneered, but now that sentence has become a reality.

"Yeah!" Matthew waved his big shield, knocking out the sea demons one by one, rushing towards Jill standing at the gate of the castle with all his strength.

"Oh, you will never be allowed to approach!" Jill's face was hideous at the moment, not like Jill in this era at all.

At this moment, the other battlefield also decided the winner.

"Tenshin Kashou Zanmai!" At this moment, Kiyohime burst into flames, wrapped herself in it, and rushed towards Vlad III.

"Blood-stained King Ghost (Kazikli Bey)!" Vlad III also used his own Noble Phantasm and shot countless piles from his body.

At that moment, the two Noble Phantasms collided strongly.

The raging fire completely enveloped Vlad III in it.

Vlad III's Noble Phantasm, the blood-stained King Ghost, is the same as Kiyohime's Turning Fire Samadhi, but one is C+ and the other is as high as EX rank.

The EX class is above the A class and is out of specification.

After the two collided, the pale flame completely wrapped Vlad III, and the raging flame completely burned Vlad III.

"Yu, to be able to do such a thing is really regrettable, heroic girl, this time Yu, lost!" Vlad III's words disappeared along with the wind, and he was completely burned by the flames along with himself. did.

"Master!" Kiyohime rushed to Fujimaru Tachika's side immediately after disarming the Noble Phantasm.

Dion and Ciel were held back by Mary, while Camilla was defeated by Elizabeth, Fafnir was killed by Siegfried and Joel Joss, Vlad III was also killed by Kiyohime, and the rest of the theater The phantom is no longer capable of fighting, and Jill is now dragging the Master from Chaldea and her servants in front of the castle gate, and she is also being held back by Jeanne.

His army of two-footed flying dragons was almost wiped out by Elizabeth's singing, although the opponent's army was similar.

But there is still a Servant who can move on the field, that is, Kiyohime, who just ended the battle with Vlad III, and the daughter of the opponent's true ancestor has not yet appeared, but his side is overwhelmingly disadvantaged.

If you hesitate any longer, then you and others will really fail here. Absolutely, never allow failure!

"You haven't shot yet? You, how long do you have to wait!" Black Joan shouted.

"Not good!" Fujimaru Rika is very clear, the meaning of the other party's words, in the castle, there is an unstoppable terrifying Servant, once that person shows up, even Ji Hiirazu Reina also frankly said, Not an opponent, unless you wake up the third beast, you can fight.

Now, Joan of Arc is letting that one shoot.

"Oh, what's the matter? Can't you call for help? Well, now that I'm still on your side, I'll take action!" An indifferent laughter came out.

Lan Yumengcong said bitterly, "Sure's him!"

"I provoke the gods of the sky with these words! I usurp the sky, I control the sky, I dominate the sky! I am the supreme king of the sky! I order you to rain heavily, blow violent winds, and flash thunder and lightning. I am the king of justice and the tyrant of victory. I will drop the hammer of punishment on all enemies who stand in my way, and smash all evil!"

Words that make even the gods fear slowly float out!

Chapter [-] The strongest and invincible existence, the occupation is...

At this moment, the sky began to change color, the dark clouds began to gather, and everything began to get heavy.

"Hey, hey, is this true? Just one sentence can change the weather? And what is this value? It's no longer a Servant, no, it's not the level of a Heroic Spirit!" Roman exclaimed. stand up.

"That's not words, it's the spirit of words, the power mobilized by the power of the spirit of words, this is the power of that man!" Lan Yumengcong said.

The wind howled, the rain poured, and the lightning flashed!

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