There is no need to fear, no need to be afraid, because only the most fundamental sin of mankind can kill human beings!


It's been a while since she came back, and Olgi Marie doesn't know what to say to Lin Hui anymore. She tampered with history at will. Fortunately, it was generally in line with the original historical trend. A singularity.

However, it is a good thing to summon El-Melloi II, at least under the guidance of El-Melloi II, with the operation of sisters Ju Yajuna, plus the electronic goddess and electronic goddess of another world. Under the operation of the queen, the observation of singularities became easier and easier.

Da Vinci is now more and more curious about Lin Hui. After all, there is no way. Lin Hui is too special. The corrective power that should have affected history was so easily avoided by Lin Hui. What kind of incredible power can you do?

This also shows one thing, that is, Lin Hui still hides a huge secret, but unfortunately, Lin Hui did not let go, so that Da Vinci's curiosity could not be satisfied.

However, because Lin Hui spends most of his time training Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, and now there are two more servants, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew have more training opponents.

Joan of Arc, Nero, and El-Melloi II, these three often play against the two as opponents of Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew, sometimes one person, sometimes two people, and sometimes three people together superior.

Of course, there are times when Lin Hui joins the battlefield as the master and gives Fujimaru Rika a lot of advice on giving orders. After all, Fujimaru Rika's main responsibility is still the master, so he cannot forget to give orders just because he has participated in the battle. Very deadly!

However, in the recent battle, not only Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, but also Nero and Joan of Arc have discovered that Lin Hui has changed more and more since Rome and his entourage.

From the perspective of the whole person's behavior, although he does whatever he wants, he is very organized. He follows his own heart and does not do anything too presumptuous. Sometimes he is lazy, but after completing his task.

Although the teaching is strict, it has a touch of humanity more than before. This change is something that few people could not have predicted. Instead, El-Melloi II showed a smile.

"There is already a prototype at that time, but now there is a problem, I wonder if you have noticed it yourself?"

Chapter [-] Are there beaches and bikinis?

"What's the matter with you?" El-Melloi II asked, looking at the person who called him out.

"It's impossible to say that there is nothing wrong. I just feel that I have other problems besides the king's problem, but I don't know how to say it. After thinking about what you said, you once said , I'm not even a person now, and I do feel a sense of disobedience, but I can't tell, where is this sense of disobedience?" Lin Hui stretched out his hand and looked at the blizzard outside the glass in the corridor. .

"This is not something I can know. The words you once asked me to convey have been conveyed, but there is only one last sentence left, wise man, will not depend on others!" El-Melloi II said lightly. .

"A wise man?" Lin Hui looked at his hand and killed Prometheus, or in other words, he who had the appearance of Prometheus, won the throne of the wise man, and gained the wisdom of a world, but now he is But can't find their own problems, is such a person considered a wise man?

No, no, it should be said that the authorities are obsessed with bystanders?

What does the future me want to convey to me?

Man, what is man?If I am not even a human now, then how can I possibly become a human king?

Lin Hui felt a little big head: "Really, people don't know what to say."


"Good morning, Rika!" Lin Hui sat in Fujimaru Rika's room and drank black tea while looking at the girl who was woken up by Fufu's teeth, and then looked bewildered.

Matthew apologized to Fujimaru Rika with a face of shame: "I'm very sorry, senior, I have stopped him, but unfortunately Brother Lin is too powerful, I can't stop him!"

Fujimaru Rika subconsciously tightened the quilt: "Brother Lin, what's the matter with you coming so early?"

"Don't worry, anyway, I've seen what you should and shouldn't see on you, and you're in pretty good shape!" Lin Hui said with a yawn.

"Brother Lin, you are sexual harassment!" Matthew looked at Lin Hui speechlessly.

"Mash, you should wear some women's clothes occasionally. Always wearing such researcher clothes will not reflect your figure. After all, when you become a subservient, you fully show your figure. Oh!" Lin Hui gave Matthew a thumbs up.

Both Fujimaru Rika and Matthew were defeated by Lin Hui's shamelessness.

"By the way, Lixiang, quickly change your clothes, get ready, we're going!" Lin Hui put down the black tea cup and walked outside the door.

Matthew also remembered: "Yes, senior, just last night, with the help of Mr. Kong Ming, the third singularity has been observed."

Fujimaru Rika nodded immediately: "I understand."


When Lin Hui took the two to the control room, Nero suddenly jumped out: "No, no, Yu wants to go to the singularity with the performer!"

Lin Hui scratched his face: "What's wrong?"

Lan Yu sighed lightly: "I want Nero to stay in Chaldea. I have some ideas. After all, Nero is hedonistic. I'm afraid something will happen. You don't want human repair to fail, right?"

"No, Yu will be obedient, the player, let's go with Yu!" Nero looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui reached out and touched the dull hair on Nero's head: "Well, I'll come and see Nero, so there's no problem, right?"

Lan Yu Shallow spread her hands: "I knew that you really doted on Nero, and you even changed history for her!"

"Nero, too, if it wasn't for Lin Hui's legacy to wipe out the traces of drastically changing history, something big would have happened!" Lan Yu Shallow felt helpless.

"What's wrong?" Lin Hui looked at Nero.

"That, the performer, Qing also knows that Yu is a great artist comparable to Apollo, so Yu Jiangqing has carved countless statues of his face, but unfortunately, I don't know why, after each carving, the next day, all those are all carved. It has been restored to its original state, which makes Yu very regretful, and even invited some ministers to watch it, but the next day those people all forgot!" Nero felt very sad.

Lin Hui tapped Nero's little head, feeling a little dizzy: "I knew you would do such a thing! Fortunately, that power was left behind, otherwise you would really make a singularity!"

Nero stuck out his tongue: "Player, Yu doesn't dare, so let's go with Yu."

Lin Hui thought for a while: "Promise me, don't make some messes!"

"I promise!" Nero said confidently.

"It's so fast, but I'm a little scared. Forget it, come in with Black Joan!" Lin Hui received Nero and Black Joan into his inherent enchantment together, but it was incredible that , Little Mo, Little Jack and Master Craftsman who originally existed in his own inherent barrier disappeared after entering this world.

"By the way, where is the location of this transfer?"

Roman explained: "Well, the time point this time is 1573, and the location is the endless sea!"

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