Lin Hui's eyes suddenly lit up: "Zancai, bring a swimsuit, um, it's better to be a bikini, bring a few more sets, by the way, bring some for Matthew and Lixiang, by the way, and Black Joan and Ni Lu's should also be prepared!"

Ji Hirao Lingcai was a little stunned: "Huh? Dad, are you kidding me? We're not going on vacation! We're here to repair human affairs, don't think about playing!"

"Oh, why? It's obviously the sea!" Lin Hui felt a little depressed.

"Why a bikini?" Roman was a little puzzled.

"Beach, beauties, bikinis! This is a must-have for going to the beach! It's a man's romance!" Lin Hui said handsomely as he stroked his bangs.

"Don't use such a handsome statement at a time like this! Damn handsome guy!" Roman roared.

"Okay, prepare to transfer the spiritual child, by the way, Lixiang, are you seasick?" Roman asked.

Fujimaru Rika was a little overwhelmed: "This is not clear, but it should not be."

"That's good, just in case I have prepared special seasickness medicine!" Roman said responsibly to Fujimaru Tachika: "However, human beings are creatures that can adapt to the environment. The boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge, there must be no question."

"What you said made people even more disturbed, doctor!" Matthew groaned.

Chapter [-] Damn Gao Fu Shuai!


"So, if Roman's words can be trusted, sows can climb trees!" Lin Hui came to a conclusion from this.

"Sorry, sorry, there seems to be a little problem with the transfer this time, but it should be fine!" Roman's voice came from the communicator.

"Doctor, just try it yourself!" This time even the usually gentle Matthew was angry.

"So, are we playing free fall now?" Lin Hui followed the two girls down with their legs crossed.

"Stop talking, Brother Lin, come up with something!" Fujimaru Rika really wanted to cry.

Lin Hui stretched out his hand, grabbed the arms of the two women, one in each hand, pulled the two women, and stopped in mid-air, and behind him was Ji Hiirai Lingcai: "Dad, you are too mean-spirited. right?"

"It's better than if you didn't save anyone!" Lin Hui glanced at Ji Hiragana Lingcai.

"Yes, yes, so what? That's because I haven't had time to make a move!" Ji Hiragana said arrogantly, hugging her chest.

"However, what should we do next?" Matthew looked at the boundless sea: "We definitely need a boat here, otherwise, we can only rely on the flying ability of Brother Lin and Lingcai!"

"Not necessarily, if I manipulate the wind, I can hold you in the air." Lin Hui said, "But this requires very precise manipulation. After all, you have seen it before, when you were in France!"

Fujimaru Rika and Matthew suddenly thought of the devastating storm that appeared in France. It was a terrible storm in which even the two-footed dragon was ground into minced meat in an instant. It was used to support the two of them. I'm afraid I'm not dying fast enough!

"No, no, I think we should find a boat, otherwise, it will be very troublesome!" Matthew said helplessly.

"Hey, Dad, look at there, there seems to be someone!" Ji Hiragana pointed to the sea below.

Lin Hui raised his eyebrows: "Go and have a look, maybe you can get some useful information."

"Grab firmly!" Lin Hui said to the two women.

Both Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew grabbed Lin Hui's arms, and Lin Hui began to fly. Considering the endurance of the two women, he increased the speed little by little, but Ji Hiirai Lingcai did not have this aspect. He immediately rushed to the side of the person who fell into the sea and rescued him.

"Hey, you are not..." Ji Hiragana Lingcai still remembers this person, this is an Archer who was defeated by him.

"It's you, I really took care of you when I was in France. If you didn't stop me, I don't know how many mistakes I've made. Thank you very much!" The female Archer smiled at Ji Hiiragi Lingcai. .

"Do you have any memories of that time?" Ji Qi Lingcai was a little surprised.

"Well, although it's not complete, I still remember you, you, you were at that time..." The female Archer was taken aback when she saw Lin Hui, because the man in front of her was standing in Black Joan of Arc back then. On the other side, and without the appearance of being mad at all, the strength is extremely terrifying.

"Well, don't worry, Atalanta, I'm not what I was back then! At least, my purpose is to stand on this side like you!" Lin Hui smiled slightly.

Atalanta looked at Lin Hui and then at the two women who grabbed his arms: "Is it the Master and her Servant who spanned two worlds?"

Fujimaru Rika nodded: "Yes, my name is Fujimaru Rika, Miss Atalanta, we have just come to this world, so I hope you can help us, can you? This is Lin Hui, you can Totally assured!"

Matthew also nodded: "I'm Matthew Kyrielet. Brother Lin has returned to normal after France and often helps us train in Chaldea, so don't worry at all!"

Atalanta nodded after listening to the two of them: "Is that so? It's fine, but I think we need to find a boat, otherwise, we will be at a disadvantage now!"

After Lin Hui thought about it for a while, "If the boat..."

Ji Hiirao Lingcai blinked: "Wow, do you have it, Dad?"

At this time, several other people also looked over, and even Roman said aloud: "Lin Hui, do you have a boat? That would be great. In this case, at least we don't have to worry about the transportation!"

"No, I didn't!" Lin Hui shook his head.

"What, it made me happy for nothing!" Ji Qi Lingcai pouted.

Suddenly, a huge shadow appeared on everyone's heads, Ji Hiragana Lingcai suddenly looked up, and all the people present fell into a state of sluggishness.

"I really don't have a boat, but that doesn't mean I don't have other means of transportation!" Lin Hui called softly, "Vimana!"

Suddenly, a glorious "boat" (Huizhou) formed of gold and emeralds that can fly in the sky slowly fell in front of everyone. It is an absolute supreme enjoyment, it is too dazzling.

Of course, Vimana is more than a manned vehicle. It generates solar energy to drive it through a mercury-fueled solar crystal, and it can fly at high speed in defiance of the laws of physics.With powerful attack power, equipped with various Noble Phantasm systems and even equipped with excellent weapons such as ancient nuclear warheads, it is a battleship with powerful destruction.

Lin Hui put Fujimaru Rika and Matthew on the Vimana, and Ji Hiiragi also put Atalanta on it, and then Lin Hui walked to the only throne on Vimana and sat down, and at the same time stretched out his hand. , and suddenly six chairs made of gold fell from the crimson space.

"Come on, sit down, you don't need to be polite!" Lin Hui stretched out his hand to greet him.

Everyone's eyes are straight, even the chairs are made of gold, this is a person who is so rich that he doesn't know where to spend it, coupled with his appearance and height, Roman said at this time the people present (Except for Ji Hiirao Lingcai, after all, I have seen it a long time ago) I completely agree with the words.

"Where did you come from, the goddamn rich and handsome!"

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