Chapter [-] Five Servants, a powerful lineup!

"But there are only four of us here, why do we have to take out six chairs?" Atalanta asked while sitting on one of the chairs.

"Ah, that's because there are still two people who haven't appeared here. If you don't let them out, Dad will suffer!" Ji Hiirai Lingcai snickered.

"Really? Eh? Dad, wait a minute, this is your father?" Atalanta was a little confused.

"Yeah, oh, by the way, you were knocked down by me from the beginning, so it's normal for you not to know! This is my father Lin Hui!" Ji Hiragana proudly introduced: "I am the most Qiang is also the most handsome bastard dad!"

Lin Hui said with a wry smile, "If you don't add the word bastard at the end, I will gladly accept it!"

Afterwards, Lin Hui waved his hand, and suddenly the surrounding space was distorted, and the two walked out of the distorted space.

Nero jumped to Lin Hui's side all of a sudden, hugged Lin Hui's arm and said, "Player, it's not beautiful at all, there's nothing there, and it's very uncomfortable."

Lin Hui touched Nero's little head: "But that's the only way to bring you here, I'm sorry!"

"Forget it, there is a scene that the performer has seen before, and the performer is also very hard!" Nero looked at Lin Hui and felt a little distressed.

"Joan of Arc Alter?!" Atalanta was furious like a cat, and stood up all of a sudden.

"Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Archer who was summoned by me at that time!" Black Joan said contemptuously: "Why are you here? You witch!"

Black Joan looked at Lin Hui, and then snorted at Atalanta: "Why am I here to have nothing to do with you? Hey, Lin Hui, what is going on here? Why is this woman here?"

Black Jeandela passed a golden chair and sat down.

At this moment, Nero discovered that everyone was sitting and stepping on gold.

"It's nothing, it's just that I happened to meet it, and I saved a hand, Atalanta, don't be too hostile to Black Joan, after all, she is not the dragon witch in France now, but Avenger—— Joan of Arc Alter!"

"Then I can't just sit back and watch. What that witch has done is outrageous. She also obeyed her orders and killed an unknown number of people. This is simply our shame!" Atalanta's eyes Flashed the flames of hatred.

"Cut, come if you want to fight!" Black Joan stood up.

"Sit down!" Lin Hui suddenly shouted, and Lin Hui, who was a little annoyed by the quarrel between the two, seemed to be a different person at the moment.

Both of them were cheered up, Joan of Arc pouted, glanced at Lin Hui, and sat down, while Atalanta looked at Lin Hui in confusion.

"Atalanta, we came to this world not for you to fight against Joan of Arc, but to restore human nature and save the future of mankind!" Lin Hui looked at Atalanta: "I don't know how important your hero's honor and the so-called hero's dignity are, but, at this time, please don't bring your personal grievances here. I'll get off the spaceship later, I'll give you a little time, Let you fight enough!"

Atalanta looked at Lin Hui and sat down as well: "Understood, I will break up with Joan of Arc Alter later!"

Matthew swallowed: "What a powerful force!"

"Yeah, if Brother Lin wasn't here, I really don't know what would have happened!" Fujimaru Rika felt the tension just now made people nervous.

"Player, isn't this true? It's all made of gold, it's incredible!" Nero still can't believe it.

"It's true, if you like it, it doesn't matter if I send you some after returning to Chaldea." Lin Hui looked at Nero and said softly.

"Really?" Nero's dumb hair stood up all of a sudden, sitting on the golden chair, which made Nero extremely excited: "Although Yu also likes luxury and enjoyment, but he has never had such luxury before. Using gold as a chair is the best experience!"

"Yeah, I also really want to try some of the feeling of sitting on the golden chair!" Roman yelled.

This can no longer be described as a nouveau riche or a country rich to rivals. This is simply the feeling that all the world's treasures have been obtained by Lin Hui alone.

"Okay, the gossip is over, Atalanta, can you tell us about the current situation?" Lin Hui asked.

Atalanta sorted out her emotions, and then said, "Well, I was summoned here by others, but I was not deprived of self-consciousness like France was."

Lin Hui felt that she was still very unhappy about being maddened by Black Joan at that time, well, yes, after all, as long as it is not the kind of hero with a twisted mind, no matter who it is, it is unlikely that anyone will feel the willful slaughter of ordinary people. happy.

"Maybe it's because I hated that summoner before I was alive, or because I was summoned as an archer who can act alone, so I left there and was rescued by you when I was looking for the island. Atalanta paused, then said, "The name of the person who called me is Jason."

"Jason, is that Jason?" Roman asked.

"Yes, it's Jason who gathered a group of heroes by relying on eloquence and leadership, and went to a distant country to get the Golden Fleece!" Atalanta said in a deep voice: "However, the problem is not this, but Iraqi There are strong Servants around A Song."

"A strong Servant exists?" Lin Hui suddenly smiled: "Then I can tell you, Atalanta, our organization is definitely not weak! We have five Servants on our side. ."

Atalanta was stunned for a moment, then found out.

Atalanta is definitely a first-class Servant, and her own strength is also extremely strong. Although Matthew is a sub-Servant, she and her Master have shattered two eras, which is enough to prove her power. Black Joan of Arc Although I don't want to say it, Atalanta has to admit that the opponent's strength is very strong, and he is definitely the top of the first-class Servants, and the other, the emperor of the Roman Empire, Nero, needless to say, the opponent's strength is also strong To no doubt.

The most important thing is that there is one of the strongest Servants that no one can match.

This lineup is absolutely luxurious!

Chapter [-] Was Robbed?How courageous!

Atalanta also has to admit that such a lineup is really speechless.

"Then, let me tell you what happened!" Atalanta continued: "Jason didn't know where he got the news, I heard that if you sacrifice a god to the Holy Ark, you can get the invincible gods in the world. power, so desperately searching for the Ark."

Lin Hui sneered: "If the power of Invincible is so easy to obtain, then Invincible is too worthless!"

Lin Hui, who has slaughtered gods, has the most say: "And, as far as I know, the so-called holy ark should be the 'ark of the covenant' in Israeli mythology, the so-called 'ark of the covenant (Ark)', It is the box that the ancient Israelite prophet Moses used to seal the Ten Commandments tablets given by God, but there seems to be no legend that people can become stronger!"

"However, from a historical point of view, it is a holy relic that is comparable to the real Holy Grail." Roman added: "Is Jason looking for this thing? But what about God's words? It is impossible for a real god to appear in of this world!"

"No, if it is downgraded to become a Servant, it is not impossible!" Lin Hui denied Roman's statement: "That is to say, the other party knows that there is a god who has been degraded to become a Servant and thus appeared in the world, right?"

Atalanta said sternly: "Yes, as far as I know, the other party is Yurielle, the second daughter of the three Gorgon sisters, the real goddess!"

Lin Hui scratched his head: "Is Yuri Ellie? So, do you know the whereabouts of that goddess now?"

"It's not clear yet." Atalanta shook her head, and her two cat ears drooped down.

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