
Black Joan threw it hard and threw Lin Hui directly onto the bed in his room.

"Hey, Xiao Hei, what do you want?" Lin Hui was so frightened that he folded his arms around his shoulders, looking like he was being bullied by a bully.

"Take off my clothes for me!" Black Joan said fiercely: "Anyway, I don't want to fall behind to that woman in red, hurry up!"

Lin Hui suddenly sweated profusely, and it was estimated that Nero said something that stimulated Black Joan to become like this, but, in this way, it seemed that it was him who took advantage?

Well, thinking about it like this, it seems that I am not at a disadvantage. Anyway, it is a woman who has been appointed by myself, and Black Jeanne is the kind that is already familiar. Can you bear it?Just kidding!

Lin Hui grabbed Black Joan and pressed it directly under him: "That's what you said!"

"No, I want to be on it!" Black Joan began to struggle.

"Just kidding, how could I give you the dominance? Just lie down!"

The clothes are flying, and everything is no longer in words.

Chapter [-] is different from the singularity of the past!

In the few days when he had nothing to do, Lin Hui finally lived a life like a vacation. His usual job was to watch the training of Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew, and point out some of their mistakes. After all, the two of them are considered to be Having gone through four singularities and possessing their own fighting skills, all they can do is to point out some of their small mistakes in battle.

Occasionally made a guest appearance as a teacher, explaining some complex magic problems to Fujimaru Rika. Speaking of which, Lin Hui himself did not have any talent in magic, and all his skills were obtained by force. Speaking of other things, even if his time and space abilities come from his two beasts, the power of original sin was obtained by directly devouring all the evils in this world, and the power was grabbed after directly killing the god of disobedience. There is really no technique that I have actually practiced myself.

As for the ability to teach Fujimaru Rika magic, it is because he has seized the throne of the wise man, combined the fool and the wise into one, and obtained the knowledge of a world, at least teaching Fujimaru Rika these magic is still no problem.

The daytime life has passed so leisurely, and the night life Lin Hui can be considered to be very nourishing. Nero and Black Joan were captured by himself one after another, which caused Lin Hui to run around frequently at night. go.

No way, who made these two people do not know what went wrong and refused to be together, Lin Hui had to move one of them to another room at night, and then start a battle.

Occasionally go to Lan Yu Shallow and Lan Yu Meng Cong's room, or drag Ju Ya and Jun Nai to Ji Hiirai's room, and the nightlife is very comfortable.

But with the passage of time, the special wavelengths resolved by Holmes promoted the speed of observation, which can be described as a thousand miles a day.

It's finally time to transfer the spirit child.

On this day, Roman informed everyone that the observation was over. Olga Marie held a regular combat meeting as the director. Logically speaking, it should have been held before, but due to the few days after returning, everyone was emotionally Bad, there is no way, and then the mood picks up, Olga Marie herself fell into the point of never reincarnating from the dead, so she dragged it down.

"First of all, in the battle of London, we determined that the mastermind was King Solomon. There should be no objection to this, right?" Olga Marie looked at the crowd, and finally looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui shrugged, as if to say that it doesn't matter who it is.

"Although we are fortunate to have obtained a lot of information. ... But most of the other party let us know on purpose. But the most important information is..." Olga Marie looked at Fujimaru Tachika.

"It will take a little time until King Solomon is completed. He said the news himself, after he used that Noble Phantasm in the battle with Big Brother Lin." Fujimaru Rika continued.

"That's right, since the battle with Lin Hui, it seems that the time for him to complete the purpose of burning the human body has been extended again, so this time we have to hurry up, but there is no guarantee that he will not be left in the rest. The three singularities are shot, so you must be careful when performing the task!" Olga Marie reminded.

"Yes, we understand!" Matthew responded.

"It's just, how to deal with the King of Magic, right? The other party is Grand Caster, that is, the magician among magicians." Da Vinci also said with a gloomy expression: "Although there is a Caster who is higher than me, this makes me I'm very upset, but since it's that person, there's nothing I can do. It's not an idea that a normal person can come up with to use the demon god who has obtained the body as an anchor to enter the era. , there is simply no means to find and defeat the opponent."

"No, didn't Brother Lin defeat him?" Fujimaru Rika was a little puzzled.

"No, that's useless, his body doesn't appear, no matter how many times I beat him, it's useless, he will be reborn, within the eighth singularity!" Lin Hui said slowly: "You Don't you hear? After we have repaired the seven singularities, Solomon will see us as enemies that need to be eliminated, and will really appear in front of us, and he also personally invited me to go to the eighth Find him with a singularity!"

"The eighth... singularity?" Matthew couldn't imagine it, because only seven singularities could be found on Sheba.

"Okay, let's think about these things after you come back this time. After all, the place you're going to this time should be surprising to you!" Olga Marie said, "It's the North American continent."

"Huh? That is, the United States of America?" Matthew looked at Olga Marie.

"Well, although the magic value there is not high, its importance is comparable to that of Rome." Olga Marie's words caused Nero's discomfort.

"What country, haven't you heard of it at all? It's impossible to rival Rome!" Nero said angrily.

"No, it's not the same, Rome is a very important country for the whole history, and the United States is the same, originally inhabited by Indians, but with the immigration of many countries it became a country composed of many The superpower formed by the people of the country, and finally, the War of Independence broke out, and the United States became an independent country by relying on British colonization, which is a very important turning point in history.”

"Even in modern times, the status of the United States is very important. Once the United States no longer exists, then history will collapse!" Lin Hui directly explained the importance of the United States of America.

"Yes, Lin Hui is right. This time you are going to such a place. However, because of the chaos of the fourth singularity, the fifth singularity has undergone great changes, at least more than we have in the past. The fluctuation values ​​of the singularity points that have been observed are abnormally large, so be careful, there must be something unusual happening in this singularity point." Olga Marie said to the crowd, "Prepare for the transfer of the spirits. !"

This time, the characters who set out are Fujimaru Rika, Matthew, Lin Hui, Nero, and Ji Hiirao Reina.

Chapter [-] Have you ever played human cannons?

"...Huh. The spiritual transfer has been successfully completed, senior, Brother Lin." Matthew looked around: "Well, there should be no problem."

"This should be somewhere in the forest of the United States of America in 1783. To be precise, the United States of America has not yet been born. Through the War of Independence with the United Kingdom that ended in this year, the United States was established as a country. World hegemony, a monster-like country that is constantly advancing rationally, regardless of its merits and demerits, this is undoubtedly an indispensable country in world history." Matthew said slowly.

"So, what about the enemy? Could it be Britain?" Fujimaru Rika asked.

"No matter who it is, Yu will beat them back fiercely!" The nun said happily, holding up her original fire.

"Miss Nero, please don't do this. After all, we haven't figured out how this place has changed, and we don't know who the enemy is." Matthew hurriedly stopped Nero.

"But if it's what the United Kingdom said, it's true. After all, as long as the War of Independence is lost, the United States of America cannot be established, so this singularity is broken, right?" Let’s see what anomalies will happen on this side, and hopefully it won’t collide with the Knights of the Round Table in history.”

"Mash, how is your health? If you feel unwell, you can bring it up. After all, the occurrence of the accident at the singularity has something to do with me." Lin Hui did not shirk his responsibility. It was too late for the big magic, and after that, Saber Atler was sent directly to support Mordred and the others, and he directly killed Archimedes and stopped the magic.

"No, it's not Brother Lin's fault, it's because our strength is not enough. After all, we are the main force to save Humanity!" Fujimaru Rika said very firmly.

"Well, what senior said is right, and my physical condition should be very good, thank you Brother Lin for your concern." Matthew smiled slightly.

"Well, then let's go, it's not a good idea to stay here." Lin Hui led the crowd forward.

"Huh? What happened just now, Matthew, Rika, you guys go have a look!" Olga Marie noticed the large-scale battle found on the probe: "Other people don't follow too closely, just in case. ."

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