"Yes, Director!" Fujimaru Tachika and Mash immediately began to move, while Lin Hui and others followed closely behind.

I saw not far away, a group of very poorly dressed, seemingly indigenous teams and a team of humans and mechanized infantry fighting together.

"Is that... is it Mr. Babbage?" Matthew was a little surprised.

"No, Matthew, calm down, it's just a mechanical Chaos Soldier!" Fujimaru Tachika reassured Matthew with a wry smile.

"No, it's the women of the women's country, everyone should be careful, it's hard to come back if they are caught!" At this time, a man who seemed to be an officer noticed Matthew's group.

"Yes, let's deal with these women first!" Suddenly, some of the Chaos Mechanical Soldiers turned their guns and aimed directly at Matthew and the others.

"Pfft, Dad, you are also considered a woman, can you bear this?" At this moment, Ji Hiirai Lingcai suddenly burst out laughing.

"Yeah, I can't bear it!" The corners of Lin Hui's mouth twitched, this is really a shame!

"Da da da--!"



There is a hail of bullets, and the sky is full of artillery fire. These words that can be used on the battlefield are perfect here.

Lin Hui walked out directly, and all the bullets hit Lin Hui's body were all bounced off, and the shells fell on Lin Hui's side, causing a violent explosion.



"Kill one, wait a minute, that one seems to be... a man?" At this time, the soldier commander seemed to feel that something was wrong.

A gust of wind came, and all the smoke and dust were blasted away immediately, Lin Hui withdrew his fist: "Why not?"

One foot stepped on the ground, and suddenly, a huge pit appeared on the ground. With a wave of his hand, he directly sent two Mechanical Chaos Soldiers flying, and with one kick, he directly knocked one Mechanical Chaos Soldier into pieces.

"Okay... It's amazing, do you mean that this is the Servant in the report? Everyone retreats!" The soldier commander immediately ordered everyone to flee.

"Do you think I'll give you a chance to leave?" Lin Hui fell from the sky and directly grabbed the leader: "Everyone must not move, or your chief's head will be gone!"

Suddenly, the soldiers present did not dare to move, and even the mechanical chaos soldiers were stopped by them.

At this time, a native-like person came over: "You guys, didn't you come from the daughter country?"

Lin Hui raised his eyebrows: "Daughter Country? This is quite interesting, can you tell us in detail?"

The aboriginal thought for a moment, and then said, "Well, but can we press these captives back together?"

"Please excuse me, we don't have that many people here anyway, but in exchange, you must share the information you know!" Lin Hui stepped on the soldier officer under his feet: "By the way, this guy I still have some use value, so I won't give it to you first!"

"Well, I understand, I'll make arrangements now!" The indigenous people left directly.

"Hey, I wonder if you've ever played with human cannons?" Lin Hui showed a wicked smile at the person under his feet.

"Human body... cannon?" The soldier commander panicked, but still pretended to be calm; "We have surrendered, you should treat the prisoners preferentially!"

"I'm sorry, I'm a tyrant! I've never heard of preferential treatment for prisoners. If you plan to talk to me, I will remove the parts from your body bit by bit!" Lin Hui said, grabbed the left arm of the soldier commander, and began to exert force little by little.

"Wait...wait a minute, what are you talking about first?" The soldier commander felt his left hand start to hurt little by little, and immediately stopped.

"Speak out what you know first!" Lin Hui suddenly turned serious.

Chapter [-] The Three Kingdoms Stand!Attack from both sides!

The faces of the people sitting in the aboriginal camp were a little unsightly.

No one thought that the United States of America was approaching a critical juncture of demise. Coupled with the three-front battle of the United States of America, it can be said that the military strength is very tight. If it is not possible to mass-produce mechanical chaos soldiers, I am afraid that it will not last long.

In this era, at the beginning, the Celts suddenly appeared and began to invade, directly occupying half of the North American continent, and founded the Celtic kingdom. The dreadful king of the kingdom of Ult, the United States of America was almost at the point of being irresistible.

At this time, a king of presidents appeared and fought two battles against the Chaos Mechanical Soldier with extremely smart wisdom, stabilizing the defeat, and following two servants by his side, it is the existence of these three people that is worth it. Can stabilize the situation.

But although there are three Servants here, the Celtic Kingdom on the other side also has more than six Servants, each of which is extremely powerful and has a huge disadvantage in terms of numbers. .

Originally, the United States of America should also have more than six servants, but unfortunately, some of them are unwilling to follow the king of the president. Rather, they are rebels, so the United States of America is fighting on two fronts, but Although the United States of America was suppressed by the Celtic kingdom of God, it was not something the natives could resist, so the natives retreated steadily.

It also depends on the moment when the indigenous people are about to be subdued. At this time, the sky and the earth changed, and the lightning and thunder continued. Although it only lasted for a few minutes, a city of gold rose from the ground. At this time, a young girl called herself the city that never sleeps. Queen, turn that area into the city that never sleeps, treat all men as slaves, and women are supreme in that country.

Therefore, that country is called the country of daughters.

However, even in such a country, there are also a large number of servants, and the daughter country has also participated in the war between the United States of America and the Celtic Kingdom. Helped the daughter country to repel many powerful enemies, and took a quarter of the land from the Celtic kingdom.

At the stage of stalemate between the two sides, the daughter country suddenly reconciled with the Celtic kingdom of God, and those lands were naturally not returned. On the contrary, the Celtic kingdom of God also sent thousands of Celtic men to the daughter country as slaves. , in exchange for the support of the daughter country.

The two great powers joined forces to directly defeat the United States of America. Even the United States of America has followers. Although one of the followers is very powerful, the soldiers of the other two countries are not without strong followers. Just relying on that Servant is simply powerless.

Now this era can be said to be the Three Kingdoms confrontation, which is similar to the Three Kingdoms confrontation in ancient China, but there is a difference, that is, two weak countries were originally united to deal with a powerful country, but now two powerful countries are indeed united to deal with A weak country has caused this era to continue to collapse.

"This is the situation. If you have anything to say, just say it. The situation in the United States of America is very difficult now! If you want to survive from both sides and successfully build a country, it means that we must solve Kyle. The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Daughters." Lin Hui said, "Now there is a problem, that is, there are many famous heroes in Celtic mythology, but we don't know who the king is now, and the Kingdom of Daughters. The only one who knows who the master is is the King of Presidents of the United States of America."

"Thomas Avar Edison, I didn't expect that the great inventor would become the king of presidents. Is this something unexpected?" Matthew lamented that the world is impermanent.

"And the situation of the indigenous people here is not very good, because the location of the daughter country happens to be the headquarters of the rebel army, but I didn't expect that the followers of the rebel army were wiped out, the leader of the servants were all wiped out, and the remaining men also became It's a slave." Lin Hui added: "Also, our current plan."

Olga Marie made a suggestion: "Why don't you talk to the king of the president, cooperate with him, and jointly break down one country first, and then take down the remaining countries, how about it?"

"No, there is not enough time." Lan Yu Shallow said: "The war on both sides is very tight, and the indigenous people are also disobedient to the leadership of the United States of America. If this continues, there must be no way to repair this singularity."

"I'm going to convince the natives." Lin Hui looked at the crowd indifferently: "The natives are now headless. After all, the natives' servants, the so-called 'Apache elf ambassador (shaman)' ——Geronimo died at the hands of the daughter country, so it is not very difficult to convince them. Besides, there are many people who have been captured by the daughter country and used as slaves. Their clan was rescued."

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