"What's the matter, Romani?" Olga Marie accidentally saw Roman's abnormality.

"No, it's nothing!" Roman huffed and covered it up.

"Holy Grail War!? Could it be about Singularity X!?" Matthew suddenly shouted: "No, no, although the director did say that a ceremony called the Holy Grail War was held at Singularity X... But isn't that the truth behind the Burning of Human Principles is the cause!?"

"How is that possible?" Olga Marie retorted: "It's definitely not the cause!"

"Yes, what Olga Marie said is not wrong. It should not be the cause, but it is an important factor!" Sherlock Holmes explained: "The Holy Grail War! It is to summon heroic spirits and let them fight, and the last remaining magicians and servants The grand ceremony of obtaining the Holy Grail, you should know this knowledge, Miss Fujimaru?"

"Well, I do know this, but does it have anything to do with this matter?" Fujimaru Tachika still didn't figure it out.

"Very good! And the ritual was indeed carried out, the last time was in the local city of the island country in 2004. I checked the records of this battle, but in any case I can't figure out the process and the end! Only the Holy Grail can be traced back. The information at the beginning of the war, and the list of the seven magicians who gathered in pursuit of the Holy Grail!” Sherlock Holmes suddenly glanced at Olga Marie: “At the same time, among the seven people who participated in this Holy Grail War, you are also The person you know, to be precise, the person you know is that person's daughter."

Olga Marie was stunned for a moment, then asked incredulously, "Could it be..."

"That's right, the father of Olga Marie Animusfia, the late former chief of Chaldea. As the monarch of the Clock Tower, who secretly traveled to Japan's local cities and participated in bloody ceremonies, his name is Yes," Sherlock Holmes nodded: "... um. I have already replied to the answer, but there is no start-up sound, it is a little lonely!"

"Happily, the content is exactly what I had guessed, and in this way, a problem is solved! The Holy Grail War in Japan in 2004, the victor's name was Maris Billy Animusfia According to Hermes' records, he killed six magicians and obtained the Holy Grail of the almighty wishing machine." Sherlock Holmes loosened his brows.

"Have... the Holy Grail?" Matthew was a little surprised: "Before the karoshi burn happened... in the state before the spiritual transfer?"

"Yes, there is another record and follow-up content. During the Holy Grail War, Maris Billy brought an assistant! That person was welcomed into Chaldea as a special case in the following year of the Holy Grail War and became a staff member." Sherlock Holmes said. He looked at Dr. Roman.

Roman's whole body began to sweat from his forehead, and he kept wiping it with his hands.

"Becoming the head of the medical department at the age of 22 is an extraordinary promotion, and it's hard to even say openly that this will be a normal personnel transfer!" Holmes looked at Roman with a playful smile.

"Romani, explain it to me!" Olga Marie suddenly looked at Romani fiercely.

Roman's mouth twitched: "..."

Chapter [-] No, this is not my style!

"Doctor, did you know the former director before you came to Chaldea?" Matthew asked.

"This...that...I..." Roman didn't know what to say anymore, but his secret was revealed just like that, which made Roman feel a headache.

"Romani, aren't you going to tell the truth?" Olga Marie looked at Romani.

"Okay, let's not talk about this question now. After all, I looked at the records. All the experiences of the character Romani Aqiman are unknown. No matter how you investigate, you can't find the records before the Holy Grail War. If you can Taking Hermes a step further, you should be able to understand... but there is simply not enough time to find a person's profile from the billions of people's profiles that are updated every year!"

"This is the reason why I don't trust Romani Achiman! He is undoubtedly a human being, although he is not a magician..." Sherlock Holmes's words were very straightforward: "It's just that you trust Romani, so I will reluctantly trust it. However, I think he is hiding something, and it's something huge, quite close to the truth."

Lin Hui smiled lightly: "Well, I probably knew the so-called truth when I first met King Solomon, but this is my own conclusion! Sometimes, this kind of thing called a secret is still It is a valuable experience to overcome difficulties and obstacles that needs to be explored by yourself as the last Master of mankind, otherwise, there is no growing up!"

"Brother Lin..." Fujimaru Rika was a little speechless, she could not understand the deep meaning of the conversation between the two, but she understood that Lin Hui was for her good.

"So, Mary, don't push Roman too hard!" Lin Hui said to save Roman.

"Okay!" Olga Marie suddenly felt that she didn't know anything about Roman.

"Huh..." Roman heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that it was really nice to meet Lin Hui.

"That, I'm sorry, excuse me!" Sanzang came back after turning around and saw a few people still discussing, and said: "What wish did the person who finally got the Holy Grail make?"

"Who knows? It's a pity that Hermes did not record personal wishes, and only the results were left." In this regard, Holmes could only express regret: "According to Hermes' records, the horses after that Risbilly was a great success as a magician! At the Clock Tower, the theory of Chaldea and the Animusphia was dismissed as 'nothing more than a piece of paper'! But after successive successes, this evaluation was overturned Now, the Heroic Spirit Summoning System has been established! Not only can we observe the future, but also a hypothetical experiment where the method of interfering with the era of spiritual transfer is possible! Starting from 2004, Chaldea, who was just an observatory, got a research facility comparable to that All kinds of equipment."

Having said this, Holmes put forward his own guesses: "From common sense, Marys Billy's wish should be wealth! He has no reason to hope that people will be burned. According to the information, his nature is 'wise' '! He has ordinary people's desires, ordinary people's jealousy, and loves ordinary people's happiness. In this case, he should be used by a third party, or he stepped on the destruction without his own discovery. Mines!"

"The third person, is that Professor Leif?" Matthew felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that Professor Leif, who seemed to be very gentle to him on weekdays, was actually one of the murderers who destroyed humanity.

"Ralph Reynor came to Chaldea in 1999. It is the same time as the observation lens and Sheba technology was provided! There is no doubt that Rafe Reynor is the subordinate of the King of Magic! ... In fact, this is the biggest headache for me. In this place, Leif must have been eyeing Chaldea and sneaking into it. That is to say, before the Holy Grail War in 2004, there was some kind of problem in Chaldea! There is a possibility. 2004 The Holy Grail War for Maris Billy is just a channel for obtaining funds, and has nothing to do with the human body burning. In this way... Although it is difficult to explain... But Romani Achiman is... 'Although it is unclear why , but a mysterious person who has nothing to do with the incident and will only cause trouble!'...It is possible to draw such a conclusion."

"It really has the style of a doctor! The whole body is full of fans!" After a long silence, Fujimaru Rika could only say such a sentence.

Roman is suffering and can't say it. Although he really wants to confess now, he can't say it because of one point. After all, this matter is very important, and in response to what Fujimaru Tachika said, he just wanted to say:

No, that's not my style!

"Well, Sherlock Holmes, I think I have some guesses about Leif's matter!" Lin Hui suddenly said something that shocked everyone in the audience.

"What?" This time, even Holmes was surprised.

"You also know that I am from a different world, but this is not the first time I have come to this world. You should also know that this world actually has parallel worlds, and the parallel world is the old man's. Only magic can be confirmed." Lin Hui said a topic that made people very concerned.

"That means..." Sherlock Holmes looked at Lin Hui: "There is no such thing as arrogance in other parallel worlds, which means .

"Yes, if there is any difference between the two, I think the reason may lie in the former director. Regarding what Leif said is the sin of the Animusfia family, I don't think so. I will refute it, because, in an experiment, the Animusfia family has indeed made an irreparable mistake, and perhaps this is the reason why Leif is determined to carry out the human burn!"

"It won't be..." Olga Marie suddenly covered her mouth and fell silent.

Although Lin Hui didn't say it clearly, everyone present understood it.

"So...it's probably because of Leif...but this reason doesn't make sense!" Sherlock Holmes felt that things were still a bit strange.

Chapter [-] Saved Matthew's Heroic Spirit Identity

"No, the answer is very simple, just change the angle to understand it! The Demon God Pillar Flaulos is Leif Nocher, but Leif Nocher is not the Demon God Pillar Flaulos!" Lin Hui spoke softly. road.

"Dual personality? No, it should be the same as the others, that is to say, Flaulos is possessed by Leif Nocher! In this case, it does make sense, for Chaldea Contributing strength and making Sheba can also make sense!" Sherlock Holmes understood Lin Hui's meaning at once, he had not considered this aspect before.

"Then, because of the appearance of a certain experiment, he decided to carry out a plan to burn the human body! It turns out that, in this case, everything can be rationalized!" Holmes tutted in amazement: "As expected of Lin Hui! However, such a Come on, I can also explain why I was like that when I saw the Magic King in the first place."

"That's what it looks like?" Sanzang was a little curious: "What's it like? Speaking of which, I haven't seen the magic king who wants to burn the human principle!"

"The Mage King is probably like a 'mirror', reflecting the mirror of the person standing in front of him, showing the same mirror as the person who speaks to him! When a rude person speaks to him, he will answer rudely, wise When someone speaks to him, he will respond sincerely. The cruel person will think that he is cruel, and the gentle person will think that he is very gentle. It should not have no ego. It is also different from multiple personalities. The magic king may have multiple attributes, no, He has too much, that's what he is!" Sherlock Holmes deduced the characteristics of the Magic King from Lin Hui's guess about Leif Nocher: "And Leif Nocher should be similar. , for that experiment that led to Leif Nochel's decision to implement this plan, it should be the result of a change in one of his properties!"

"In terms of responsibility..." Sherlock Holmes also realized how much of a blow to Olga Marie.

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