"I'm sorry!" Olga Marie also understood that the cause of all this was actually her own father's relationship. It was because she cared about Renli that she wanted to save Renli, but the result was to lead her to the opposite path. , All of this was due to preparations made to save Humanity, but instead it destroyed Humanity.

"However, why would he show indifference to human life? There should be no one who thought this way among the people present at the time!" Fujimaru Rika couldn't understand.

"... Here's the problem, and that's what scares me, Miss Fujimaru, 'indifference to human beings', I'm afraid this is a real thing for the Magic King! Because he has destroyed human beings, and will destroy them The Lion King of this era is different! He has already won, and it is because of his victory that he will appear!"

Sherlock Holmes tells everything in very plain language: "It's natural to be indifferent to us, and he's already moved on to the next step! For example, here's a desk with the 'Humanity Burn' on it. A motion, he has already done the work and is sitting at the next desk!"

"It should have ended like this. Humans should not have the option of 'fighting him'! But a miracle happened at this time. Needless to say, it is you Chaldea! It's just at an unmanned desk There is a little blank left on the top." Sherlock Holmes explained: "And, along with this miracle, a bigger miracle has come, naturally it is the arrival of Lin Hui and others, people from another world, who have the ability to rival the magic king. , and even the power above and above caused a major mistake in the Magic King's plan, just like a major mistake in the proposal, such a proposal cannot be passed! However, before this , his motion has indeed been passed, and it has been dealt with."

"...For the Mage King, the Human Rigor Burn is already completed work... So why are you indifferent to us?" Mash said as if she had recovered.

"Yes, to be precise, it's 'busy with the next job', what I'm worried about is what his 'next job' is, listen up, everyone! This event can be said to be perfect Crime, no one can prevent this plan before it happens. Our start is completely behind! Detectives start their activities after the victim appears after the incident. Even if the truth of the incident can be solved, it cannot be overturned! "

Sherlock Holmes expressed his powerlessness about this, but said in a very trusting tone: "But you are different, Miss Fujimaru, only you can subvert this incident! The King of Magic doesn't believe this, and this is the only way for you to defeat this demon's crime. Breakthrough! Moreover, there is still a very strong support by your side now, although things are changing, but I believe that everything can change, isn't that the reason why he came to you?"

"Next, there's the question about Miss Kyrielet. While searching the Chaldean records, I also found the answer to Miss Kyrielet's question! I'm sorry for making it seem like a by-the-way, but can I say it? ' Sherlock Holmes looked at Matthew.

"Is the... answer to my question? Ah, is it the real name of the Heroic Spirit who transferred his power to me when he came here?" Mash was suddenly very happy.

"Exactly! Although I already guessed the answer, I was vague at the time because there was no clear evidence... Now that I can tell you the truth, are you ready to listen, Miss Kyrielet?" Holmes slightly smile.

Suddenly, Bedwell, who had been silent all the time, raised an objection: "Please wait a moment, this answer should be found by Lord Matthew himself, and we should not interrupt..."

"No, that's not right, Bedwell, Matthew has already made it clear in her heart, and she has enough awareness, then she has actually guessed the correct answer, but she is a little girl without any self-confidence. Girl!" Lin Hui seemed to have recovered some physical strength, and walked slowly to Matthew's side: "It is precisely because of this that someone needs to push her behind her back!"

"I didn't tell her before because she didn't have the awareness and confidence to accept this name at all, but now, Matthew is enough, I can feel the light radiating from Matthew's body, that light must be There will be a response!"

Chapter [-] Holy Lance Lungominiade

"Through the five singularities, Mash's spirit has grown tremendously. If Mash is still unable to develop the Noble Phantasm after knowing her real name, even so, I dare to assert that Mash will continue to move forward until she can. Until the Noble Phantasm is truly unfolded." Lin Hui saw Matthew's progress in his eyes.

"Even in the face of desperation, Matthew can keep moving forward, keep fighting, fighting to the end for the protection, for the only thing he believes in, Matthew's heart is extremely pure and flawless, in such a situation, then A pure knight will definitely lend his strength to Matthew!"

"Bedwell, don't underestimate the human mind and the strong spirit!"

Lin Hui smiled slightly.

"Well, then, it's time to reveal your real name, Sir Bedwell, you shouldn't stop it, right?" Holmes said half-jokingly.

"Ah, since you all said so, I don't seem to have any reason to stop you! But, I want to know, Matthew's first reaction after knowing his real name!" Bedwell looked forward to it.

And both Fujimaru Rika and Matthew began to get nervous.

"Don't be nervous, you should know, you will always know, it's just a matter of whether it's earlier or later!" Lin Hui patted Matthew's back: "Put your chest up, this is your moment! "

"With Big Brother Lin by my side, I don't think there is any way for us to get nervous." When Lin Hui said this, Matthew couldn't help laughing and crying: "Please, Mr. Holmes, please tell me the real name of this shield and its salvation. The real name of the heroic spirit that gave me and the Master!"

"I'm very happy! Let me do what a detective should do and uncover the whole truth!" Sherlock Holmes finally looked like a detective: "In the end, how did Chaldea settle the summoning of Heroic Spirits? That is Because of the presence of 'heroes gathering' here, a large number of heroes were once gathered, which was called the Round Table (Round) Oath Ceremony!"

"Chaldea processed that holy relic and used it as a catalyst for summoning, and embedded it in the flesh of the fusion body. Understand, Miss Fujimaru, the weapon she is holding looks like a shield, but it is not a shield. You made the contract at first. Servants are the basis for summoning many Heroic Spirits!" Sherlock Holmes had already made it clear.

"It can be called a Round Shield!" Fujimaru Rika couldn't help feeling.

"Well, things went very well. Only this time, I should send applause to the technicians in Chaldea! The one she is holding is a sacred round shield made with the round table as the core!" Holmes' face showed A slight smile: "Listen, Miss Kyrielet, the summoning of Heroic Spirit No. 2011 in [-], the only successful case of the Heroic Spirit fusion experiment carried out by Chaldea, I despised Chaldea's inhumane experiment, but still The one who stayed in this world to maintain your life, who entrusted everything to you in the Chaldean bombing incident, that heroic spirit's name is Galahad! One of the Knights of the Round Table, who succeeded in finding the Holy Grail with only personal power Holy Knight!"

"Knight of the Round Table Galahad?!" Matthew couldn't help being frightened.

Galahad, one of the Knights of the Round Table in King Arthur's legend, son of Lancelot.

A perfect knight, he was praised as the boy who carried the next round table.Although he received the Holy Grail, he also returned the Holy Grail to the sky because he had no desire or desire, and he himself returned it to the sky.

Among the Knights of the Round Table, Galahad is a knight who sits on the seat of Calamity, an existence known as the Holy Grail Knight.

The King of Magic said that his spirituality was the same as that of Solomon, and that he was the one who got the opportunity to make a wish to God. Solomon chose wisdom, but Galahad did not ask for it, so Solomon derived a sense of inferiority for his own practice.

Matthew's body shook for a while, and Lin Hui hugged Matthew when he was about to fall: "Are you okay? Too surprised?"

"Well, I feel very happy, I finally know the name of the person who saved us at the time and is willing to believe us... Now, this makes me extremely happy! Can I not be ashamed of that name in my battles so far... ...?" Matthew felt very nervous.

After resting slightly against Lin Hui's body, Matthew stood up again with a firm look in his eyes.

Lin Hui showed a very confident look to Bedwell: "How? Am I right? Matthew is such a person, no matter what, how could she have a pessimistic attitude towards the person who saved her? What? If it really becomes like this, then I have to see if Matthew has been brainwashed!"

"...Yeah! Indeed, that's true! Galahad's choice is correct! Even if the era is different, the race is different. He has indeed entrusted the future to those who are close to him!" Bedwell I am very proud of Matthew, and at the same time have infinite admiration for Galahad.

"Okay, how about the awakening of the Noble Phantasm after telling the real name, leave it to Miss Fujimaru! And Hermes doesn't seem to be in good condition. It is estimated that the power will be cut off after checking the information again!" Sherlock Holmes laughed. : "...I also have to reflect on it!"

"I guess you searched for other information secretly, right?" Lin Hui scratched his head: "I probably guessed it!"

"Mr. Sherlock Holmes!" Matthew suddenly got a little annoyed.

"Fufu!" Fufu also stood up and protested.

"Don't worry! It can still function normally once, and I will not let a real man go." Sherlock Holmes said sternly: "The holy spear Lengomiad held by the Lion King, it is necessary for you to know what this is, of course, I've only heard of his name, and this is the first time I've seen him in person."

"Hermes, show us its true value... So it is!" Sherlock Holmes was slightly surprised: "The holy spear wielded by the Lion King. What exactly is it... Sir Bedwell, you know this How many?"

Bedwell thought for a while and said, "I don't know the details either. Besides the holy sword, the king also holds many treasures, and the holy spear Lungomiard is also one of them, and the Knights of the Round Table have not been informed of their details! It's just that Merlin called it the 'tower at the end'! A pillar of light standing on the far sea on the west side of Britain Island, beyond the horizon, the tower at the end of the world!"

Chapter 2017 What happened after [-]?

"Wait a minute, isn't the holy spear Lungominiad on the Hill of Sword Bar, the spear that King Arthur used to kill Mordred?" Lin Hui said suddenly.

"Exactly, but this holy spear is different from the holy spear I mentioned. There are two holy spears!" Holmes explained this fact.

"One is a huge tower that runs through the world. This is how the existence of the holy spear has been given shape. To show us that 'the spear is still alive', although the tower actually exists, people cannot reach it! After all, it is in the 'world' The end' Well, the end can never be reached!" Holmes relayed the answer given by Hermes.

"The tower stands at the end of the world, overlooking everything in the human world, watching everything, that is to say, it is a tower with effective and wide vision."

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