"I don't know why Brother Lin was injured so badly, because in my eyes, Brother Lin has always been so invincible, so powerful, and even gave me hope of living. As a result, such people are in the data With such a serious injury in the world, I really don't know what kind of battle he had with what kind of enemy."

"I'm very scared, I'm afraid that Brother Lin's hard work will be in vain because of my own failure, obviously Brother Lin has already paved the way for us! Even Gao Wenqing, who we couldn't resist, was killed. Compared to that miracle, it is the same weight!"

"That miracle?" Bedwell was a little curious.

Matthew briefly recounted his encounter with Fujimaru Rika, and finally said the following words: "Now I can understand that the heroic spirit Galahad admitted that it was not just me, he believed in me and Senpai believes in the kindness of human beings who can do such a thing! I was not rescued, but entrusted to live for that kind of thing! ... So, even if you are afraid, you have to fight! I am for me The beautiful thing I saw, in response to that beautiful miracle, will I survive!"

Bedwell was deeply moved. Because of his own sins and his actions, such a result was finally endured by these people. I really can't imagine what kind of mentality these people are fighting with. So far, however, Bedwell knew that if it was the people in front of him, it was possible.

At the end of the exchange, Bedwell said to Matthew: "Then I will give you a little advice as a senior, Matthew, the essence of this Noble Phantasm is to protect the existence of people, do you take it as a ' Something to defend against attacks? Instead of focusing on bouncing off the enemy's attack, you should focus on the object that you should guard on the inside!"

"This is the shield, no, the essence of our round table, not the fake Camelot to build that holy place, this is the shield, no, the essence of our round table. Not to build that holy place Fake Camelot, but the real one, the road to the chalk city that will never collapse!"

Mash murmured, "The road to the chalk city?"

Bedwell showed a smile that Matthew will never forget: "Yes! You already have this qualification. The me who was saved by your heart just now is the best proof!"

Chapter [-] The end of the data world!

"However, Brother Lin, can you say it now? What did you see in the data world? What did you get?" Fujimaru Rika was a little reluctant, there was no way to make Lin Hui suffer such a serious injury. , is definitely an unmatched super monster.

"Ah, that's right, it's an extremely difficult battle!" Lin Hui made a mute gesture to Meltrilith: "As for the enemy, it's better not to tell you guys! It's just that , I can tell you, there, I saw a lot of powerful guys!"

"Does Miss Lilith also know?" Fujimaru Rika naturally noticed Lin Hui's blatant behavior.

Meltrilith raised her head: "Master won't let me say it, so of course I can't say it!"

"Well, Brother Lin is too bad!" Fujimaru Rika was a little resentful.

Lin Hui smiled slightly, but this experience was really incredible!


After waking up, Lin Hui checked his injury. It was really serious, but fortunately, at the last moment, Lin Hui turned around and was saved by something extremely unexpected. Lin Hui himself didn't know what to say. , It turns out that something that he accidentally made out has such power.

Thanks to this, Lin Hui probably knows how to deal with Tiamat and Getia. Although they have immortality, Lin Hui can let them know that even immortality makes no difference!

A huge book appeared in front of Lin Hui, which recorded the principles of lust in all the worlds that he had experienced, while Seshoin Kiara and Kama were the spirit or will of this book. Constantly struggling, not wanting to be completely swallowed by the book.

Therefore, the original sin corresponding to this book is also the original sin of lust. All the original sins are written into the book. This book will become the most terrible book that records all the sins of lust and the principle of lust in the world. The Book of Original Sin!

In this regard, all the powers of Lin Hui's body about the original sin of lust have been encapsulated in the book, and it is impossible for the original sin of lust to affect Lin Hui.

However, the solution of the original sin of lust represents the instability of the other six original sins. At least half of it, that is, the power of four or more original sins, can completely stabilize the balance of the power of original sin in oneself.

However, now Lin Hui is facing a bigger problem, which is how to get out of this world.

"Oh, forget it, rely on yourself!" Lin Hui dragged his severely injured body and walked towards the place where he sensed different fluctuations. Even if it was affected by Gamma's Noble Phantasm, nothing special happened. The change.

Moreover, since this world is an electronic data world formed by Mooncell and the deep-sea computer paradise SE.RA.PH, that is to say, there must be a core in this world.

At some point, a staircase appeared at Lin Hui's feet: "Is it coming to greet me?"

In fact, this statement is also correct, because Lin Hui defeated Seshoin Kiara and Kama, and won the final victory of the Holy Grail War, so he naturally has the ability to get all of this in the end.

Although most of Mooncell's power was swallowed up by Seshoin Kiara, making her infinitely close to demonization, the core of Mooncell still exists.

A cube with a length and width of more than [-] meters, showing a blue transparent color as a whole, exuding an extraordinary mysterious and simple atmosphere.

Lin Hui can feel that there are countless data flowing inside this cube, which can be called endless. This is data that is far more terrifying than the human history of the eleven worlds that Mooncell has in these 46 worlds. For hundreds of millions of years, I have been observing all the history, civilization, knowledge, and life recorded by the earth.

Lin Hui, on the other hand, has the history of mankind, at best it is only a stage in the evolution of the earth, and it cannot be compared with the data recorded in Mooncell at all.

"What a terrible thing!" Lin Hui sighed.

After all, if calculated by the computing power of the computer on the earth, Mooncell's computing power has reached the level of "observing fate" and "calculating the future", and even if Mooncell is willing, it can return the entire earth to the Stone Age in an instant. Fortunately, fortunately Mooncell did not have a will of its own, otherwise, the entire universe would suffer.

Lin Hui touched this cube. At this moment, Lin Hui understood why there was such a huge amount of discarded data in the abandoned yard. If this world appeared, it would be impossible to gather such a large amount of discarded data. It is impossible to pull so many Heroic Spirits from the Heroic Spirit Throne.

All this is due to the power of Seshoin Kiara. From the moment Mooncell appeared, it took away most of Mooncell's computing power and adjusted the world's time in one breath. In such a huge anomaly, In order to supplement the computing power, Mooncell merged with the Deep Sea Paradise computer. However, in it, the appearance of Kiara in the Seshoin led to the appearance of Kama. In order to protect itself, Mooncell had to seal up its own power, and at the same time It appeared in the sixth singularity, in order for people to notice this anomaly.

However, there are almost no people who can really save the world. Except for Lin Hui, everyone else will be digitized once they enter here.

After all, this data world has been controlled by Seshoin Kiara and Kama for an unknown number of years, and the Holy Grail War of the Moon has been held for an unknown number of times. In order to ensure their own survival, Seshoin Kiara and Kama Each of them relies on means to obtain the opportunity to enhance their own strength.

The abnormality of the time flow rate is also very different, but relatively speaking, a day here is equivalent to a year in the outside world, which is just an average. It is equivalent to a few days in the outside world, and when it is slow, it is possible that one day is equivalent to hundreds of years in the outside world.

Lin Hui exercised his responsibility as a winner and accelerated the flow of time. One day inside is equivalent to one minute outside!

This is also to prevent himself from missing the repair time of the sixth singularity. After all, Lin Hui doesn't know how fast Fujimaru Tachika and the others are. In case the repair of human nature is about to be completed, he has not solved it yet. Didn't he let Fujimaru Rika and the others come in to find him?If something happens to you, you will be guilty.

Naturally, Lin Hui also wanted to use this period of time to do some of his own things, for example, let the Demonic Dragon of Smashing Evils and his dark cloak be completely integrated, for example, to erase the will of Seshoin Kiara and Kama, so that there would be no backlash. own situation.

Chapter [-] Anxious, fierce battle!

After decades of hard work, Lin Hui finally completed what he wanted to do. Even at the last moment, Lin Hui directly packed Mooncell's core and took it away, and stored it in his own alien space. After all, the core of this Mooncell is still recording all the information all the time, no matter where it is placed, it is very dangerous. Therefore, after regaining the space ability, Lin Hui has opened up a "everything". The non-existent space is used to store the core of Mooncell, at least to ensure that the core of Mooncell will not mutate.

After all, this is the data world itself that only appears based on Mooncell. As long as the core of Mooncell is taken away, this data world will naturally disappear.

After the core of Mooncell was taken away, the data world began to collapse. Just like the house lost its load-bearing structure, Lin Hui also returned to the outside world at the same time as the data world collapsed. In that scene, Gawain was easily resolved. After all, Lin Hui was still seriously injured so far!


Looking back on everything in the data world, Lin Hui really had to sigh that his luck was really good!

If it weren't for the last blow of Gamma, I would really have lost most of my life, and it also solved the problem of the original sin of lust, so that Lin Hui can still use the original sin of lust to heal his wounds, although there is only one original sin , the injury recovery is very slow.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with you?" Fujimaru Rika looked at Lin Hui.

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