"It's nothing, take a good rest. Tomorrow is the time to attack the Holy Capital, and it's time to solve this singularity, right?" Lin Hui stroked Fujimaru Rika's head.

"Yes!" Fujimaru Rika nodded.


The sky just turned white, and Fujimaru Rika and others were already ready to go. After all, this time, it was necessary to completely destroy the holy spear of the Lion King and save the world.

Lin Hui did not participate in this battle. Both Fujimaru Rika and Matthew felt that Lin Hui should go to self-cultivation. With such a serious injury, even Da Vinci felt that Lin Hui was really speechless. can be said.

Although Ji Hiiragi Lingcai said that Lin Hui had almost suffered such an injury in another world, this time is a little better than the previous one, at least his body did not collapse, but it was still too serious.

Seeing the moment Fujimaru Rika and Matthew rushed to the Holy City, Lin Hui smiled: "Just let me help you at the last moment! Let's get started!"

Lin Hui mobilized the magic power that he had finally recovered: "I use this word to challenge the gods in the sky! I usurp the sky, I control the sky, I dominate the sky! I am the supreme king of the sky! I I order you, let the rain fall, the wind blows, and the thunder and lightning flash! I am the king of justice and the tyrant of victory. I will drop the hammer of punishment on all those who stand in my way, and smash all evil!"

The golden whirlwind bombarded the city walls of the Holy Land, swept away all the arrows shot by the soldiers of the Holy City, and pushed the arrows shot by the Union Army, all of which hit the Holy City Army.

The heavy rain that fell slammed on the city wall and slammed into the holy city, like a cannonball, constantly bombarding the holy city. The mighty world of thunder continued to destroy the interior of the holy city. The holy spear could not be retracted at this moment, delaying the attack of Fujimaru Rika and others.

"Brother Lin..." Fujimaru Rika was amazed when she saw this scene. Even though she was injured, she still had such strength, which was really amazing.

"Even if it is a god, it is incredible to have such destructive power?" Even Sanzang sighed.

When the coalition army was about to approach the holy capital, the dark clouds dissipated, the gust of wind disappeared, the heavy rain stopped, and the thunder disappeared, as if nothing had happened before.

"Go on!" Success or failure is all in one fell swoop!

The main entrance of the Holy City was also smashed by Lin Hui's lightning, and Fujimaru Rika rushed directly into the Holy City. In the Holy City, an army of solemn knights was waiting for Fujimaru Rika and others. Lin Hui's power has wiped out [-]% of the troops, however, the remaining troops are not one-on-one that ordinary people in the coalition can fight against!

"Senior, please hold me tight, I'm ready to attack!" Mashu held a shield in one hand and rode a horse in the other, and rushed out of a road, while Cursed Arm Hassan, Baimei Hassan, Quiet Hassan, Biaototai and Sanzang all shot , blasted a path directly for Fujimaru Rika!

"Go, Rika, go and defeat the Lion King and save the world completely!" Sanzo shouted at Fujimaru Rika.

"No, this can't be done! You can't go to see the king! It's all my fault, it's really sad!" A sound wave came.

"Master, be careful!" Mash jumped up holding Fujimaru Rika, fell to the side, and blocked the sound wave with a shield.

"Master Tristan!?" Matthew looked at Tristan.

"I said, even if you let me go, I will still stand in front of you and block your way, ah, it's all so sad, my failure makes me sad but still forgive me Then, of course, I have to stand here to block your progress!" Tristan held a bow and looked at Mash and Fujimaru Tachika.

"Go ahead!" Cursewrist Hassan said suddenly: "This person, let us solve it!"

Hundred Majestic Hassan and Quiet Hassan also stood behind Fujimaru Tachika and others.

"We still have an account to settle with him!"

"Then, I'll leave it to you!" Mash and Fujimaru Rika immediately moved forward.

"Please allow us to stay and help!" Sanzang suddenly said to Hassan the Cursing Wrist, "After all, I'm not happy if I don't give a good lecture in the face of such a person!!"

"Okay, okay, I understand, then, please allow us to stay and help!" Omoto Tai looked at Tristan and said; "I'm sorry, we won't obey your chivalry here, after all, this is not Duel, but fight!"

Chapter [-] I have to come to see my friends off!

Just as Tristan was fighting with the five followers, Fujimaru Tachika and others also began to rush towards the royal city. Along the way, Bedwell and Matthew opened the way and directly knocked all the solemn knights into the air.

"I see, the king's domain is ahead, and the Lion King is at the top of that city!" Bedwell shouted, and the moment he was about to rush forward, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Stop! The magic counter has broken through the limit! This is already the response of the time and space breaking level!? Now some kind of huge existence is about to appear in your place!" Roman shouted immediately.

In front of Fujimaru Rika and the three, a huge wall of light enveloped the entire royal city, as if to keep everyone else out.

"...! This light is the same as the holy sword... it is the coat of the holy spear Lungominiad!" Bedwell knows better than anyone the light of this wall of light, and there is nothing that can replace it , the supreme divine light!

On the other side, Da Vinci also broke through: "Have the preparations been completed? Romani, how is the heat around the Holy City now!?"

"Rising at an acceleration! And the collapse of gravity is felt all around this era! The world is beginning to close! The end of the world that Master Sanzang sees, there is no space for anything, is advancing to the Holy City!" Roman's voice was very is anxious.

"It's starting... Are you building the tower at the end, so fast...!" Bedwell was very nervous, obviously he had already reached this step, should he stop there?This arm of my own is not meant to be used here, but, if I don't use it...


"Pharaoh, your prophecy has come true! There is a tower at the end in the holy capital!" Nitocris said in a very respectful tone.

Osmandis laughed: "Hahaha, sure enough! It seems that the Lion King has also been forced into a corner! But, after all, Fujimaru Rika has participated in the war, so it is only natural to have such results! It's impossible not to do it like this! After all, that guy is a brave man who can make Yu laugh out loud! Hahahahahaha! Also, don't hide there all the time, it's time to come out, right?"

A dark figure slowly walked out of the shadow: "Really, I just came to see you off quietly, after all, you are leaving when this era is over!"

"Yeah, but I think we still have a chance to meet again! Now that you're here, sit down. Seeing your appearance, you've already tried your best, right?" Osmandis' voice was still as arrogant.

"Ah, yes, facing the third beast, I have really tried my best!" Lin Hui sat aside: "Let me watch my friend's glory in this special seat!"

"Hahaha! Then you have to keep your eyes open! After all, Yu has to give the corresponding reward! The person you choose is really not bad at all!" Osmandis pointed at the divine scepter : "Open the eyes of the Great Temple! The light of Dendera, activate! The magic power allocated for the defense against the zhengzheng will be passed into the large bulb! Next, I will use all the savings of the Great Temple to give the Holy City a super long distance. God's punishment!"

"Yes...! Pyramid composite armor, release!" Nitocris is outputting magic power with all her strength: "Large light bulb, magic compression acceleration ceremony, start! Let the output from the hot sand level to the dark night level remain stable!"

Osmandis sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Hmph, the Lion King, forget about Yu? Indeed, the reason why the super long-distance punishment was not executed before was to warn the light of your punishment, but you have already done it now. No more, when you are building the tower at the end, you can't release the light of justice! Yu saw this opportunity! Your holy spear, let Yu's divine thunder break it!"

Nitocris's expression was very serious: "No, I can defend against the light of punishment! Pharaoh, please concentrate on manipulating the big light bulb!"

"You don't need to say, Yu will do the same, so just fan the fan there!" Osmandis' arrogance was as always: "All sanctions should be handed down by the pharaoh! The king of people who are not gods... No, although you have already I have become an existence equivalent to a goddess, but! The pharaoh is Yu, and Yu is the pharaoh! Let me show you the difference in qualifications for being a god-king! Big lightbulb Yamon Ra, open your eyes! Let’s have a good look, Ya Merry Ammon!!"

"God's punishment, hit the bullet! But it didn't work!" Nitocris was a little anxious: "There is a magical barrier on the outer wall of the Holy City! The king's lightning strike can't hit the tower!"

"You don't need to report, Yu already knows it by your hand! It's really annoying, you're starting to use tactics too, The Lion King!" Ten rounds! Convert half of Yu Lingji's magic power to speed up the Great Temple! The barrier of the mere sanctuary is as crisp as thin paper! Hahaha, what a pity, the tower at the end!"

"The magic barrier of the Holy City has been eliminated! King, one more blow will determine the outcome." Nitocris's face reappeared with joy, and suddenly her expression changed: "Ah, there is movement in the Holy City! At the end The tower fired the light of justice here!"

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