Osmandis didn't expect that the Lion King would make a move at this time. Just when Nitocris wanted to step forward, he heard a voice.

"Since it's a farewell, then I have to take out the corresponding gift! You two should continue to attack, and break the obstacles in front of them for Lixiang and the others! This so-called light of sanctions, I will block it. That's it!" Lin Hui stood up from his seat.

"The light that can be punished, but unfortunately, your light can't punish me!" A book appeared in Lin Hui's hand. At this moment, countless pink auras were confused, and the original sin of lust broke out. At this moment, a The goddess slowly emerged from the book, and countless sheets of paper flew and merged together, turning into a human shape. The whole body like the universe was so perfect and fascinating.

The goddess bends the bow, takes the arrow, and shoots one arrow.

"The evil in this world is not as few as you think! Lion King, you still underestimate human beings! If you are like this, you will eventually be pulled down from the altar!" Lin Hui's books are still flipping, Constantly supplying the power of original sin to Gamma.

"Okay! The Lion King, you won the Noble Phantasm duel, but the outcome itself is a tie with you! This blow to Yu's head is your flaw! Yu's Noble Phantasm is still alive! The punishment of the Great God is not strong enough! Let this guy taste the taste of Yu Tomb!"

The voice of Osmandis was like the roar of a god, shaking everything: "Even the holy spear, under such a huge impact, is like a broken ship! The monument of the sun, the huge boulder, the pyramid that rules the universe. My infinite brilliance, the sun is here! Come down, Ramesseum Tentyris!!"

A huge pyramid crashed down towards the Wall of Light...

Chapter [-] The decisive battle with the Lion King!

The wall of light that was originally indestructible and no one could break through was completely shattered by the destruction of the pyramid.

"Oh... this is the majesty of the pharaoh... Ramesseum Tentyris..." Nitocris's eyes were shining like a little fan girl: "It's a perfect way to defeat the tower at the end. , O king!"

Lin Hui looked at Osmandis and nodded lightly: "Since that's the case, I can't fall behind!"

The remaining half of the pages in the book in his hand also flew out completely at this moment, and a figure emerged from the fusion of the pages. The head had two horns, and the whole body was dressed in a dignified white nun costume. At this moment , countless multicolored rays of light shot out from the woman's hand and merged with the arrow of Gamma.


The blow of the holy spear was completely neutralized by Lin Hui!

After offsetting this blow, Kama and Seshoin Kiara also turned back to the page and returned to the book in Lin Hui's hand.


Lin Hui closed the book, put it back into the body, and stood opposite Osmandis: "Next, I should go too!"

"Well, are you going to see that person?" Osmandis looked at Lin Hui.

"After all, I was entrusted with something, so I have to go too!" Lin Hui turned around and took a step forward, as if he was wearing a cloak made of darkness. After taking that step, The whole person suddenly disappeared.


"I seem to see a pyramid falling from the sky..." Bedwell didn't know what to say anymore.

Fujimaru Tachika's eyes were also dull: "The pyramid is from the sky..."

"It came down... and it was still shining with golden light... Was that also the support of King Osmandis just now...?" Matthew's mood instantly became excited. He didn't expect that when everyone was helpless, Osmandis would give them to them. support.

"It's unparalleled power! I just said that I can't do anything, forget that sentence! After all, the tower at the end has been shattered, and it is a fatal injury to the current Holy City Army! It almost seems to have broken their As for the spiritual support, now, there should be some soldiers willing to be persuaded to surrender!" Da Vinci was also excited, and victory was approaching.

And Roman will always remind everyone at critical moments: "No, soldiers may be like this, but the real goal is not! The gravity changes that want to squeeze the era have not stopped, and the holy spear of the Lion King is still alive! The one that was destroyed just now should be It's something like a holy spear scabbard, as long as the Lion King is still around, the collapse of human principles will not stop!"

"Let's go!" Fujimaru Rika immediately recovered and said to the crowd.

"I'll just stay first. After all, there are people who need to help you block the soldiers coming over!" Da Vinci smiled: "Don't worry about me!"

"Well, senior, let's go! As long as you rush through this area, you can reach the royal city!" Matthew took Fujimaru Rika and rushed out following Bedwell's footsteps.

"Okay, since I said it, I want to help them stop, then I can't let you pass!" Da Vinci shot, and the powerful magic was released.


After a period of trekking, everyone came to a giant portal.

"...It's finally here, there's a very powerful magical reaction! The highest position in the Holy City is ahead, it must be the throne!" Roman's mood also became tense: "...What exactly is the Lion King? Why does the sixth singularity point? It's like this? All the answers are behind this door... Are you ready, Tachika?"

"...Let's go! Go to the throne of the Lion King!" Fujimaru Rika's voice was always so firm, which was why people wanted to follow her.

"...Yes! The sixth crown is designated, and the final project begins!" Matthew pushed open the door.

The top floor of the royal city, the place where the knights of the round table once gathered for the oath, is also the place where everything started, and sitting on the throne is the Lion King Arturia Pan, who changed the sixth singularity. Dragon!

"Answer me! Answer me! Who are you? Why did you come to my castle? Why did you appear in front of me? I am the Lion King, the Lord of the Storm, and the Lord of the End! Lord of the Spear Lungomniad, Heroic Spirit Residue." The Lion King's voice was indifferent, without a trace of emotion, just like a complete god, a god that exists only for correctness!

"...The sound alone can make people shrink... It's like Geass...!" Matthew's shield-holding hand couldn't help but tremble a little: "And that Miss Arturia from Chaldea totally different!"

This is The Lion King, this is Arturia Pendragon.

Bedwell gritted his teeth. Although he already knew everything and understood everything, when he really needed to face it, people would eventually have a trace of timidity.

"Answer me! Are you the ones who called me? Are you the ones who disobeyed me? Fujimaru Rika, the last master from far away Chaldea! Why do you want to visit the end of this world?" His eyes were fixed on Fujimaru Rika.

"I'm here for the sake of justice! I'm here to overthrow you!" Although Fujimaru Tachika's voice was not loud, it had an extraordinary weight.

"Both are the same, being human is the same as ending my life! You are here to kill me, unfortunately! You will not be chosen by the holy spear! Your soul knows what good is, but still For evil, although good, but allow evil!" The Lion King said with regret, but did not express any regret: "This is synonymous with evil, although I have something to do with the newest human beings who have reached my feet. Look forward to death! In the ideal city I created, you don't need your soul!"

"Then, liberate the round table! Watch it! This is the wave at the end! After peeling off the surface of the world, what this planet really looks like!" The Lion King waved his hand, and the entire space seemed to be opened.

"The raging waves that appeared behind the Jade Throne are...! The Lion King has been waiting at the end of the world since the beginning...!" Olga Marie's face became ugly.

"The Lion King, got up from the throne...! Entering the battle...!" Mash's face was embarrassed: "Master...! What should we do...!?"

"I was considered unnecessary by you, and I was not chosen by you, but I feel very fortunate, because if there is no evil, how can I manifest goodness! I swear by this sword, I will definitely defeat you!" Fujimaru Tachikaba The winning golden sword that has been hanging around the waist came out!

Chapter [-] Goddess Lungomiad!

"Choose the sword of the king...? The king?" The Lion King looked at Fujimaru Rika: "What a pity! But, do you think you are a king?"

"No, I never feel like I'm a king, because I've seen too many kings, and I know I can't be like them at all, but I'll try my best to do it. Do my best! I'm not a king, but I want to catch up! Those people, those things, together with this sword, become the driving force that supports my progress!" At this moment, the golden sword of victory in Fujimaru Rika's hand Made a light cry: "I don't know why you want to build an ideal city, and I don't understand your intention to close the world, but, I know! I can understand that everything you do is evil! Because, you want to Leave everyone else behind! What you are doing is not saving, but killing!"

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