After traveling for one month by boat, Milliendra and the other kids reached the main island of Vezar. Although they had been treated well, the fact that they had been put into several different ships put them on guard.

Milliendra cried nonstop in the first days of the trip, even though her best friends were with her. She missed Zaos and Aleni and because she was scared, scared of her powers being shown in front of others… The sailors treated the kids well, so that was one less fear for Milliendra. After a while, the kids began to see numerous islands in the distance, but they never stopped near those. They only stopped after a full month on the largest island they had seen. Still, they landed on a secret point that barely could be used as a port. Despite that, the kids and Milliendra were welcomed by a large family of very well-dressed people. 

Milliendra recognized that they were important people, so she decided to keep her head down at all times. Those people who captured her probably were her father's enemies, so she couldn't annoy them, or the other kids might be punished alongside her. Despite that, a certain redhead woman kept staring at her with a warm smile until Milliendra, and all the other kids left the boats.

"Hello, my name is Noemi," the redhead said while smiling. "I know that you must have many questions and didn't like being taken by force, but for a while, we will live together. So, let's get along well."

The kids didn't know how to react. They knew how slaves were treated and that sometimes, they were kidnapped, but they never heard of slaves being treated well. Zaos, Aleni, and the others taught them some skills that they could use to make themselves useful and to be treated well until they find a chance to escape, but escape to where? 

"Hello," Noemi said after she approached Milliendra. "You are very cute, what is your name?"

"... Milliendra." Milliendra said after a brief moment of hesitation.

"What a beautiful name," Noemi said while smiling even more. "Those gloves… aren't they hot here?"

"No, it is fine!" Milliendra said.

"Is that important to you?" Noemi asked. "Who gave that to you?" 

"... It was Daddy," Milliendra replied, imagining that a lie wouldn't take her anywhere.

"Your Daddy?" Noemi asked with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Noemi was about to start a dialogue that would end up with her asking Milliendra to take the gloves, but Orleand touched her shoulders and then shook his head. That was right.. they couldn't get too close to Milliendra so fast, even though she was Ameria's daughter. They imagined that she had been fed with hundreds of lies until now and made her think otherwise and discover the truth won't be easy. If they exaggerate, Milliendra will close her heart to them.

Noemi and her family guided the kids to their new homes that were located around the same area her family and many others fought against a group of assassins years ago. That island area had become part of her families' territory, and since it was so far away from most residences and from the port town, it was rarely visited by others.

Milliendra and the other kids looked with eyes wide open toward the volcano in the distance, they had never seen a mountain like that, so they couldn't help but be amazed. Noemi smiled when she saw Milliendra's reaction since it was pretty much the same as Ameria when she looked toward it. Milliendra seemed a bit shy compared to her mother, who was stubborn and a bit full of herself.

Noemi watched the kids walking toward their new homes while they made sure to keep Milliendra right in the middle of their… formation? It seemed like a formation to keep her away from others. The kids were smart enough to realize that they had been kidnapped because of some things that Zaos did. Still, despite that, they didn't treat Milliendra differently, and that surprised Noemi. She had heard that kids raised in the mercenaries' country grow to be as rough as the mercenaries, but those kids were well-behaved.

When the kids saw the houses where they were going to stay, they couldn't help but frown. The residences were way too big, and the design of the interior was way too luxurious. They thought that they were going to be servants there, but Noemi said that wasn't the case. Food and clothes would be provided by them. They just couldn't cause problems like moving too far away from the area without telling anyone. Speaking of that, the area had several guards around, the most trustworthy guards of the Ojala family.

At first, the kids thought that was just a trap to make them lower their guards, not like they could do much while their guard was up, but they could tell that some individuals liked to fool others like that. Still, nothing happened after the first week… they just lived there without knowing what to do since they didn't have any obligations.

Noemi visited the kids every day, and she always tried to talk with Milliendra for several hours. Still, since her answers were short, it was difficult to keep any conversation lasting longer with her. After a while, Noemi and the guards noticed that Milliendra was always with a focused expression while she made the gloves touch each other. It seemed like she was doing something mentally tiring, but they couldn't tell what it was… Noemi was getting tired of looking at something Zaos gave to Milliendra for one reason or the other. Still, she had a feeling that she shouldn't take her gloves by force or even when Milliendra was sleeping without knowing what their purpose was. Still, she had to be patient because Drannor was bound to show up with answers since the mercenaries had spies that watched Zaos and Milliendra for years...

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