Three weeks after the kids landed on the island, they started to get used to the place. Most of them realized that they couldn't escape, so they might as well begin to get used to their new reality. The only ones who weren't getting used to the place were Heiti, the kid who Milliendra made faint when her glove broke, and Milliendra herself. Milliendra was certain that Zaos would come to rescue her and the other kids. Meanwhile, Heiti wanted to protect Milliendra in Zaos' place since he admired him deeply.

Whenever Noemi approached Milliendra, he would be nearby to listen to their conversation. While he knew he couldn't do much without magic or weapons, he felt like he could learn something useful by listening to the person who was running the place. Unfortunately, he learned nothing.

Around that time, some new ships landed on the island, and on that day, Noemi didn't come to visit the kids. Drannor had finally arrived, and he wanted to see his daughter as soon as possible, but Noemi said that they should talk first.

"You look too tense and eager to see her, you will scare her this way," Noemi said.

"Is that so… how is she?" Drannor asked while touching his face and feeling the tension in his muscles.

"She is fine, while she is a bit shy, she is also mentally strong since she never caused problems," Noemi said. "The other kids seem to like her a lot, specially one who is always close to her and always try to listen to us closely… he is a bit like him, so don't lash at the kid and scare the others or even your daughter."

"Is that all? There is nothing wrong with her?" Drannor asked.

"She is completely fine and healthy considering that she is a kid who was forced to stay inside a boat for a month," Noemi replied. "I thought you heard things from those three about her."

"They weren't as competent as they tried to look like… Zaos defeated them single handedly," Drannor said. "He even defeated their armies and declared himself the ruler of the mercenaries' country."

"... He did that pretty fast," Noemi said, visibly shocked.

"He did that in a single day… I even heard some nonsense about demons," Drannor said. "Nevertheless, everything is fine with Millie, that is good…"

"There is something weird… She is always wearing some gloves," Noemi said. "She said that her daddy made it…"

"That piece of shit! I will kill him! I will kill him brutally!" Zaos roared in anger. "He killed Ameria and lied to Milliendra saying that he is her father… why didn't you take that piece of Shit and threw in the ocean?"

"While I am not that good at magic, even I can tell that it is a powerful magic item," Noemi said. "There is no telling what might happen if you force her to take the gloves."

"I heard some reports that she was always wearing gloves even when she was younger… maybe it is something that Zaos used to fool her since he and her assassin don't look like her," Drannor said while rubbing his chin.

"Can magic items even do that?" Noemi frowned.

"Zaos is probably the best mage after the demon god in two thousand of years… he can do a lot if he puts his mind into it," Drannor said while biting his lips.

"... Nevertheless, rest for today and go see her tomorrow with a clear head and don't let your anger force you to do anything," Noemi said.

Drannor sighed and then nodded. He finally achieved one of his two goals, now Zaos just needed to be killed, and then Milliendra and he could recover the lost time. It will take a while, but they are family. They will overcome those hardships.

The next day, Drannor headed toward the area where the kids were and he frowned when the kids looked as well as the reports told him. Elkim, Perkis, and Helen told him that Zaos probably had freed hundreds of kids from the hands of numerous mercenary groups that he defeated. Still, he thought he used them as servants like the others, but it didn't look like the kids had done much heavy labor on their lives. Some were swinging sticks like they were training as mercenaries, while others were reading books that Noemi gave them. Still among them, two stand out a little girl that had blond hair and blue eyes and a slightly older boy who had light-brown hair and eyes.

"Don't worry so much, your father will come for us," Heiti said.

Drannor clenched his teeth when he saw a boy that looked like Zaos consoling his daughter, even as far as telling that Zaos was her father. Still, he managed to calm down and approach them. Drannor left his weapons and armor behind, so he looked like an ordinary citizen… despite the fact that he wasn't built like one. Nevertheless, Heiti and Milliendra looked at him approaching, and despite their wariness, they didn't do anything.

"Hello, my name is Drannor," Drannor said as he approached with the largest smile on his face.

"...Hello," Milliendra said.

While Drannor looked truly happy, that only made Milliendra wary of him. Heiti looked even more suspicious of him compared to Noemi. That annoyed Drannor since the kid looked so much like Zaos when he was younger, always ever so serious, in a mood that only got worse by the minute.

Drannor tried to strike numerous conversations with Milliendra. Still, as someone who spent the last ten years fighting and chasing Zaos, he forgot how to interact with kids. In the end, Noemi was forced to approach and help him. Still, Milliendra didn't use more than one-word sentences with her as well. Milliendra was smart enough to think that the enemies of Zaos would use her to get to him. While those two didn't want to use that tactic, it was the only explanation in Milliendra's head.

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