109 – older sister and younger brother

When people lose something, they realize its value belatedly.

Lately, Beltane had realized the weight of those words to the point of piercing his bones.

”Lady. You should eat…”

The words I uttered while barely biting down and swallowing the tears that were about to leak out.

But the only thing that came back for that admirable effort was a bitter silence.

Ever since the day the wedding commotion took place, Beltane’s thoughts had not gone smoothly for a single moment.

It was because the mental state of the saintess, who had been improving little by little but surely, deteriorated in an instant starting from that incident.

She didn’t even pay attention to the spoon Beltane handed her, and shed endless tears like a broken doll.

On the day of the incident, I had locked myself in the audience room and didn’t even try to come out.

”Lady. The priest didn’t hit the saintess because she hated her, it was just that she had no choice but to do it to spur her wrongdoing.”


Fortunately, when talking about priests, a slight reaction came back, but Beltane himself knew best that this was only a temporary measure.

The emotions that were distorting the saintess’ thoughts were clear.

An overwhelming sense of despair from being savagely dumped by the being you loved.

It was a feeling that Beltane had personally experienced in the past.

When the younger brother he loved more than anyone else in the world turned into a doll and inadvertently pushed away his hand, Beltane had to taste the heartache as if his heart had been torn to shreds.

Moreover, it was clear that the fact that the opponent was that Rageis priest had a considerable influence.

Far from getting angry, the way he raised his hand to a woman, boasting a finite character that I’ve never seen even frown.

If I had only heard about it without seeing it in person, it would have been obvious that it would have been dismissed as groundless rumors.

As if no one listened carefully to the rumor that a mild sheep killed a wolf by biting it.

”Because the saintess has fully repented of her wrongdoings and reflected herself a lot. By now, the priest must have been relieved of his anger. So stop crying and have breakfast.”


It was a reality that even Beltane, who treated her excessively, could not bear to deny that the saintess had crossed a line that she was not supposed to cross.

Trying to put up a child who hasn’t fallen out yet as a shield to stop the hero.

If things had gone wrong just a little bit, an irreversible situation might have happened.

Therefore, the judgment of the priest who sanctioned the saintess’ atrocities was extremely fair, and Beltane agreed with that point.

However, I couldn’t help but point out who was entirely responsible for the accident.

”Lady. You’re not going to do that bad thing again, are you? Yes? You promised me. If you have trouble answering, just nod your head.”


”like. Then it happened. Mistakes can be made by anyone. It’s not such a bad act if you sincerely reflect on what you did unknowingly. It’s a really bad thing to do even though you know it’s bad. So, if you sincerely apologize to the priest and say that you will never do that again, the priest will surely forgive you. Don’t worry, I will apologize on behalf of the saintess to the guests who have offended you.”


I was fully aware that the assailant who almost caused a major human accident made a so-called senseless remark that should not be easily spoken.

But this kid just didn’t know.

That you shouldn’t take other people’s lives carelessly.

If you were a child who grew up in an ordinary environment, the various knowledge you would naturally learn over time and the product of the process of leaving such experiences as memories. personality.

Wouldn’t it be too harsh to hold her responsible for all this situation now that she has been forcibly taken away by someone else that important part that is indispensable for forming an individual?

If anyone should be held accountable, it would be the person who recklessly let her go out even though he was well aware of her unstable mental state, and who neglected to teach the saintess common sense while her personality was being reshaped.

Yes. It was clear that the responsibility for this series of events was the weight he had to bear.

It was not this poor child who should suffer, suffer, and agonize over guilt.

was himself

Using the sense of duty to protect the one and only blood relative as a justification, he grabbed and shook one person’s freedom, and eventually even threatened someone else’s life.

Beltane was firmly determined to pay the punishment for this unscrupulous act in the not-too-distant future, in any form.

Sadly, this was not the end of the burden of sin she had to bear.

”So, saintess. Try some of this. You haven’t had a sip of water for two days already. It’s like this…”

”When are you coming…?”


”brother····. When are you coming…?”

”That, that’s…”

The pitiful voice, cracked, pierced Beltane’s brain like an arrow.

That desperate resonance forced Beltane to flicker in her head the two memories she had been trying so hard to ignore.

An unknown assailant who attacked him two days ago. A person who is presumed to have been a saintess candidate in the past.

She revealed that her purpose was revenge.

Shocked by that terrifying declaration, Beltane rushed to the throne room immediately after she disappeared and thoroughly checked the saintess’ safety, but it didn’t take long for her to realize that it was a futile act.

‘Oh no! Father! Don’t close your eyes! please! Please open your eyes! Father! Bride–!!!’

The mournful scream that tore through the stillness of the night still lingered in Beltane’s head with dizzy tinnitus.

When he first saw the priest, who had been cursed by an assassin who had been told that he had a similar appearance to the man who attacked Beltane, to the point where it wouldn’t be strange if he died at any moment, Beltane felt despair as if his whole body had cooled down. caught up

It was because her cold-headed mind read someone’s will in an instant.

this is revenge

Beltane judged that there must have been someone’s will to avenge them in the same way they suffered from those who culled out only the chosen one and slaughtered the rest of the unchosen beings like beasts suffering from a plague.

It was clear from the circumstances that the person who was dropped as the first scapegoat was the warrior who would soon receive the saintess’ protection and the exclusive guardian priest who was the saintess’s shield.

The condition of the priest who had been violated by the beast was so terrible that he couldn’t bear to speak.

It was clear that if he had been even a little too late, even just a little too late, in inviting the random high priests who were off duty, he would have lost his life.

It was a warrior’s ball.

Thanks to her busily wandering around the monasteries, intimidating the highest priests with her power and status.

Moreover, the curse reached all over his heart, but thanks to the fact that it did not invade the inside of his heart. He was fortunate enough to survive.

In other words, without the hero, without luck, he could not exist in this world.

”If the saintess waits kindly… Soon… will come soon…”


”That, that’s…”

”How nice should you be, oppa? How much longer do you have to wait, oppa?”


Originally, after the saintess had calmed down to some extent, she tried to tell him to appease the saintess as soon as possible.

However, now that she had learned that the former candidates for the saintess were aiming for the lives of those related to the saintess, her lips could not budge.

Ask him, who was struggling in the mire of death just a moment ago, to take the risk of dying once again, and ask him not to leave even one second from the side of the saintess, who is lurking in fear of death at any moment.

With which mouth can you speak?

It was fine if it was just you.

To Beltane, the saintess is a precious existence that she wants to protect even at the cost of her life. one and only brother Because it was a family.

However, there was no reason why he had to risk his life for the saintess to him, a bright stranger.

Are you going to threaten me again?

Or would you lay flat on the floor and beg for his sympathy?

If you don’t like that, wouldn’t it be a good way to take off your clothes and seduce him like a prostitute? is not it?

The demon inside Beltane was constantly putting her to the test, but all of those methods were just things that didn’t work for him now.

With the brilliance of a hero on his back, there was no way he could intimidate him now.

Feelings of pity for the poor and lust for the opposite sex were too insignificant objects to put on the scales where life rested.

Suddenly, nausea rose from the stomach.

Even this moment was due to his own wicked thinking circuit, which somehow tried to tie him to the saintess.

”Wellna… I won’t say I want to go out again… I won’t even spit out bell peppers… I never do anything bad… So brother… You can’t just tell your brother to come…?”

How loud was that earnest plea?

Seeing the saintess pathetically pulling the width of her skirt, barely holding back the tears that were about to break out at any moment, and muttering words, Beltane finally collapsed.


Beltane, who carefully embraced the saintess in front of his eyes, slowly poured out sorrowful words from his trembling lips.

”Wellna… Wouldn’t that be a sister…?’


”Sister only needs Welna… As long as I have Wellna, my sister doesn’t need anything… If something happens, this older sister will… be proud! Because this older sister will definitely protect our Welna at any cost… therefore····.”

”Uh, what… you…?”

I could fully understand the feelings of the former candidates for sainthood women burning with vengeance and trying to harm them.

If it had been in the opposite position, it was clear that Beltane would have had feelings not much different from them.

Her birth family, friends, and everyone she knew completely forgot about her existence after the day her sister became a saint.

As if someone never existed in the first place.

When he returned home after many twists and turns and met his parents who didn’t recognize him at all, he couldn’t even dare to put into words the devastating feeling Beltane felt.

That’s why only my brother was the only one.

She was the only driving force that made it possible to live in this hellish world.

Even if he couldn’t remember himself, every time Beltane saw his sister’s face, he could recall the memories he had with her.

Because he was able to affirm with confidence that he had definitely existed in this world.

A cruel world that threw itself out. a terrible fate. myself for making foolish judgments.

Even in a terrible life where everything that can be cursed was cursed, she was the only guide to life that could be blessed.

To Beltane, the saintess was a light in the darkness.

However, really sadly.

”brother····. Aren’t you coming…?”

For the saintess, she was not the light in the darkness.

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