110 – Winter (1)

Could it be because Sister Marianne’s urgent voice patted my back nonstop?

Apart from the condition that was still not perfect, the pace naturally sped up.

It was unexpected that Downa, dressed in a nurse’s uniform, who was going to talk about something important, came along to this place.

Due to some shocking information I had heard from Sister Marianne, I didn’t have time to pay attention to such trivial elements.

”Oh my gosh·····.”

Right after he acknowledged the scene of the problem one step ahead of him from a distance, his body, which had heated up with violent movements, instantly cooled down.

Normally, the front door of the audience room would be so neatly organized that not even a speck of dust could be found, let alone foreign objects.

It was because the sharp bristles that grew densely all over it bristled their ferocious blades like wild animals wary of intruders.

Moreover, the area of ice that started from the inside of the audience room door was gradually expanding its camp.

It must have been. It was clear that something had happened to the saintess.

”Is it really true that the nun is still in there…?”

”Huh, huh!”

Right after I said that, Sister Marianne, who sat down weakly on the floor and nodded vigorously, had a deep sense of despair running over her face.

”Ro, Low Bill·····. What the heck is this…”

Dauna’s despondent voice followed.

It was clear that the confusion that Downa, who had no prior information at all, would be feeling at the moment, even for me, who could roughly guess the situation, was shocked.

However, now was not the time to elaborate on the explanation of this series of events.

”Downa. There’s a fire there and there.”

”yes? What does that mean…? If I remember correctly, this must be the audience room…”


”·····! Oh, okay!”

Dauna, who suddenly widened her eyes at the absurd suggestion that leaked out of my mouth, expressed disapproval, but when our eyes crossed once, she quickly took out the cane from her thigh as usual.

”Everyone stay out of the way!”

”Sister Marianne. Hide behind me for a while.”

”uh? uh huh priest? By any chance, who is this?”

It was then.

Before the languid words of Sister Marianne could be finished, the bloody crimson flames pouring out from the tip of Downa’s cane engulfed the ice-eaten hallway in an instant.

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An artificial flame with a temperature that melts all the ice rooted in the throne room door, but also with delicacy to minimize damage to the surrounding environment, such as heat-sensitive glass and walls.

The flamboyant shimmering began to subside only when Sister Marianne’s shocking words escaped with difficulty from the tip of her lips.


What appeared in the place where the fierce flames died were two figures lying on the hallway floor.

From the outfits of the two, it was not difficult to guess that they were the maid in charge of cleaning the area and the guard in charge of security.



At the head of my strong command, Dauna swung her staff again.

Right after that, two strangers pulled toward us as if by an invisible thread.

I hurriedly checked their condition, who had been trapped in the cold ice a while ago.

”Oh, how… How on earth…?”

I decided to set aside Sister Marianne, who occasionally uttered white questions like a mute from honey.

Because saving lives is the priority now.

”How about it!”

”Fortunately, both of them are hidden. The coldness penetrated deep into the bones, causing necrosis in various parts of the body, but this should be enough to fix it right away.”

”Whoa… I’m glad that’s the case…”

”My Lord…”

Holding the rosary tied around her neck firmly in her hand, she quickly began to pray.

Then, Douna, who had carefully put the cane she had taken out back into her thigh, spoke to me.

”By the way, Rowville. Your powers of observation always amaze me. To find out so quickly that there are survivors buried in this messy space. I also felt the presence, but a lot later than you, and it was only one person.”

”I was just lucky. And if Downa didn’t exist in the first place, I would have found it. I’m alive thanks to you.”

Sister Marianne, her eyes wide open even more than before, took turns examining the faces of me and Doona.

Apparently, it seemed shocking that she, who was thought to be a mere caregiver, was a part of a hero that no one knew in the system.

”Big, buy, save, please… Help me·····.”

”Oh, oh oh mom… aaah, Dad…”

”it’s okay. Because I’m praying right now. You’ll get well soon. Can you hear me? It’s okay if you don’t answer. Please continue to follow my voice if you can. do you see The necrosis of the limbs has already healed. It’s almost over now.”

Gathering the divine power in both hands, he told them as carefully as possible about the agony they evoked with their frozen lips.

how long has it been like that

At the moment when the wounds of the two were completely healed, the string of tension that had been tied tightly was released in an instant.

”Whoa… That’s enough…”

”It’s still true that you attach useless sagittarius in between prayers… Wouldn’t it be much more efficient to just concentrate on prayer…?”

”I always say, but think about the perspective of the person receiving treatment. When you’re in a daze because you think you’re going to die right now, a stranger who suddenly appears and touches you without hesitation. If it were me, I’d go crazy with anxiety.”

Prayer is to chant with sincerity, filled with love and kindness.

At least that’s how I learned.

The prayers weaved only with compassion looking down on the poor are just words containing divine power.

I want to help someone in need.

Such a trivial motive that an inexperienced child might come up with is the duty a priest should truly possess.

I forgot who I learned it from, but the devilishness contained in those words was still deeply rooted in my body.

”Holy Maid…”

A dejected grunt leaked out of his mouth, which had been trying to swallow his gloomy breath.

”Sir, saintess? Genga, who said that you are now a saint. you·····?”

These were the words Dauna said after saying the name of the saintess and seeing me immersed in gloomy thoughts while rubbing my forehead for a while.

”Could it be that all of this is the work of the saintess…?”

It was around the time that Dauna’s expression drastically contorted as she got answers to her questions from Marianne, who slowly nodded instead of the day she lost her words.

”Downa. I’m begging you here.”

”What? Now wait!”

Carefully placing my hand on the tightly closed door of the audience room, I firmly opened the heavy door.


I wanted to deny it as much as possible.

My experience so far. her personality. The commotion that happened the other day. to eyewitness testimony.

All the circumstantial evidence pointed to her as the culprit, but until the last moment I reached the audience room, I earnestly hoped that this was all a misunderstanding stemming from my hasty judgment.

”Holy Maid…”


A real exhaust winter raging violently inside the audience room, which seemed to be piled high with not-cold snow.

Although the wind was so fierce that I wondered if my flesh was falling off, blocking my vision.

Even in the blizzard that raged to the point of throbbing bones, the horrific scene unfolding in front of my eyes was brutally clear.

A saintess sitting on the cold floor and staring at me.

And something that lay helpless at her feet, gradually being buried by the merciless fluttering snow.

no, someone

”Five. brother!”

I couldn’t bear to look at that bright smile that greeted me.

Right now, my attention was focused on the sky-blue haired woman who was slowly stiffening like a mannequin even as I struggled to move toward her.

”brother! sister! sister! now! uh, uh?”

I passed by the saintess who ran to me and tried to hug me like always.

Was it that I couldn’t believe my actions?

”Oh, brother…?”

Suddenly, the saintess cautiously called me, but my gaze, which had grown as cold as the temperature of the throne room, did not pay attention to the saintess, but resolutely focused only on the dying sister on the floor.

”Le, Ray, Raygit, Su, Sa, priest…”

”it’s okay. Sister. I’ll make you better soon.”

Carefully placing her hands on the nun’s cold body, she reverently began to recite a prayer.

Fortunately, I still had one blessing that the saintess had given me the other day. He had enough energy to heal the nun.

”brother! Hey, you know! Wow, well I have it!”

”I’ll take you outside right away. Be patient. Sister.”

” Huh? Oh, brother…?”

”Because I don’t have a blanket. As soon as it is urgent, I will lend you my clothes. Please cover this.”

”Oh, brother! Whew, Wellna here! Can’t you see well?”

Didn’t hear.

After embracing the unconscious nun, while I hurriedly moved out of the audience room, I could never hear the sad voice that passed by my ears and tried to grab my back.

”Oh, brother! Hey, you know! Wow, well I am!”

”Don’t come any closer. Holy Maiden.”


decided not to listen

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