114 – Come out

Is it a reaction to pouring out emotions and actions that don’t fit my body?

My body and mind felt heavy, as if wet cotton was stuffed all over my bones.

In my heart, I wanted to crawl into my comfortable room right now and throw myself into a cozy bed.

Considering the aftermath he had to deal with after that, that was a no-brainer.

”I’m here. Big team.”


Immediately after the languid greeting leaked out of my mouth, Vic Tim, who had suddenly leaned in the hallway and was lost in thought, hurriedly approached me.

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Just by looking at his desperate expression, reminiscent of a shipwrecked man greeted by a rescue helicopter, I could clearly see how desperately he had been waiting for me.

”Warrior! Because please! Please come out!”

Right after that, both of our gazes went somewhere at the same time.

The identity of the guests huddled together in front of the tightly closed door and protesting with the momentum to burst into tears even now was the servants who were in charge of the hero’s care.

”sorry! Everyone! but! Just a little please! Please wait a little longer! Enlightenment soon! I feel like I might get some enlightenment!”

”You said the same thing just a few minutes ago! We can’t wait any longer! Today, there will be a meeting with the sons of the prestigious nobles of the system. We told you yesterday that you should never do this again!”

It was such a tiring sight that he inadvertently put his hand between his eyebrows, and by the time he reached the big team, he had already put his hand on his eyelid.

”Since when have you been doing that…”


After hearing my absurd question, Victim covered his face with one hand and spread the three fingers of his other hand out to me.

I felt discouraged respect for the warrior who must have been doing that for 3 hours from the morning wind, but also felt sad sympathy for the servants who must have been anxiously burning their hearts for 3 hours.

”Me, everyone over there…”


It was then.

As I tried to say something to them, their attention, which was firmly fixed on the tightly closed doorknob, instantly focused on me.

”Le, it’s Rage’s priest!”

”welcome! Rage’s priest! I’ve been waiting!”

”Ah, savior…!”

A person who sheds tears of emotion.

A person who smiles brightly as if he has the whole world.

Among them, there were those who knelt reverently and tried to offer prayers to me.


It was an embarrassing situation that made the corners of their mouths tremble, but their feelings were understandable enough.

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Just yesterday and the day before yesterday, I was the only person in the monastery who succeeded in conciliating the hero who caused a commotion similar to this one.

Even now, the stunned expressions of the servants are still vivid when the warrior, who said he would not take a single step out of the room until he had completely shaken off the lust inside him, walked out brightly at the few words I spoke to him. did.

”Poem, Father!? By any chance, is the priest here right now!?’

It was clear that everyone present here could know that the hero’s trembling voice, which suddenly leaked out from beyond the door, was tinged with deep agitation.

”Yeah! you’re right! Warrior! Right now, right in front of this door, the priest Rageis is here! That’s what I mean! The brave resistance of the hero is this far!”


It was a typical conversation that could be said to be a scene in which a villain and a hero in a special effects drama are holding hostages, if you look only at the context.

In fact, the sly smiles that all the servants seemed to show were overflowing with vibrancy enough to remind us of an evil executive who was sure of victory.

It seems to be the result of the resentment that the warrior has suffered so far, reflected in their facial expressions without even knowing it.

Could it be that the figures in pious monasticism could have such cunning faces?

I couldn’t easily get rid of the doubts that crept into my chest.

”Warrior. Users are in trouble. Please stop joking around and come out quickly.”

”Poetry, Father…!”

As soon as I uttered those words, I glanced at the servants who were silently cheering, and then proceeded to speak in a stutter.

Then, the hero spoke to me in an urgent voice.

”Oh no! Even if it’s the bride’s request! As a chosen warrior! It can never be broken this time!”


The hero assassination commotion that had happened just a few days ago.

It turned out that the fact that the hero and I dreamed of overlapping each other that day was a mysterious tactic prepared by an unknown assassin to neutralize the hero, who was not able to use even a lot of Dokdo magic.

It is still unknown where and how far the dream came from, but judging from the fact that the light of the crystal ball came on brightly at the moment when the Hero and I touched the crown of innocence, it was proved that at least there was no ‘home’.

It bothered me a little that the light on the crystal ball briefly went off and on when I touched it, but it must have been a minor glitch.

Therefore, I didn’t know that it would be a very wonderful thing to see from a different perspective that the hero, who felt responsible for such a situation, tried to make up for a vulnerability that he did not even know about.


”Until I completely control this burning lust for the priest, I will never move from here!”

this is not a bit

I didn’t know anything else, but I could say with certainty that the warrior was going in the wrong direction.


It was then.

The big team insinuated something to me, who was only letting out a melancholy sigh with blurry eyes.

eyeglasses without eggs.

Something that I would not have even guessed of its use just a few days ago.

But now I was in a state of knowing very well that this was a necessary item for the ‘operation’.

There was no way I could do anything about the color of my thoughts, which had already been dingy, becoming even darker.

The heart that I didn’t want to do it gushed out like lava from the depths of my heart, but I wasn’t a strong person enough to betray the expectant eyes that pierced my back.

”ha·····. I see·····. if·····. You can do it…”

With a resigned sigh, he accepted the glasses from the big team.

After that, I undid about three buttons on the neck that were tightly locked.

Before long, Victim scribbled something on a small piece of paper and gently inserted it between the cracks in the door of the room where the hero was locked up.

It was right after that.


The sound of something hard being crushed by a mighty force came from beyond the door.

”Me, over there. Father. If you’re not rude, can I ask you a question?”

”Yeah. Anything.”

”According to the telegram I received from the big team a while ago. I heard that now the priest is wearing fashion glasses. Is that really true?”

”Yeah. Yes.”

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The servants, who closed their eyes tightly at the sudden noise that came out of nowhere, hurriedly covered their ears.

There was no doubt that the noise, as if a huge beast had scraped the iron door with its claws, was resonating in the room where the hero was secluded.

”I’m also undoing three neck buttons.”


The source of the horrifying rupture that followed was clear.

The iron door of the room where the hero is locked up.

Because the center of it was protruding as if it had been hit by some kind of battering ram.


If you listen carefully, you can hear the occasional grunting.


”Hyo, it works!”

”Priest! Let’s keep pushing!”

Do they really know that their voices cheering me on make my heart agonize even more?

No matter how much it was because I had no other choice, who could understand my miserable feelings of having to seduce a woman who has just become an adult like a male prostitute as a clergyman?

”damn! Is this still not enough! hey! Somebody bring some more outfits! Butler clothes or harnesses! Something like a headband with animal ears!”

”I’m in my room!”

”Bring it! Quickly! Priest! If you’re not rude, what kind of pose can’t you do?”

At least these people who are busily plotting a strategy to seduce the hero will never know.

”I am… I am a warrior…! Without being swayed by personal thoughts…! Not for your own desires! The soul of justice wielding a sword to protect the love and peace of this system…!”

Chunk. Chunk.

Unlike the firm voice that showed even the will to fight to the death, the door that opened and closed little by little like a clam on a fire plate clearly showed that the warrior’s reason was reaching its limit.


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Just then, Victim, whose face was hardened with firm thoughts, sent me a small hand signal.

‘The wedge has to be driven right now.’

Those movements in perfect order were so solemn and extraordinary that this moment felt like the moment of raiding a dungeon.

”Warrior. If you come out right now, when you eat breakfast today, ah~ I’ll do it for you…”


Right after that, the expression of the warrior who came out of the door was as bright as a sunflower looking at the sun.

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