115 – Aang!

”If there’s a hole, I’d like to hide it!”

Of all the words I heard through the mouth of others in my life, they were the most like mine.

It would be very embarrassing for the warrior-nim to succumb to the temptation and walk out of the room after boasting that he would not step out of the room until he completely shakes off his lust.

As a clergyman who swore chastity to God, I was suffering from a sense of shame no less than that of repeating coquetry in order to seduce a woman about my niece’s age.

”No matter how much the priest’s proposal was to me as thick and sweet as a drop of water from heaven! To think that an author who is known as a hero puts his own self-interest first and pathetically reverses the words he once uttered! This can’t happen! This shouldn’t happen!”

Due to his solemn mind, the image of the warrior, who was already facing the floor, was striking the ground with his fist and repeating his desperate regret.

If left alone, he was ready to hit his head on the ground.

It wasn’t once or twice that a warrior who was infinitely soft towards others but was exceptionally strict towards himself would engage in such an eccentricity.

If it was me, it was clear that I would have left it alone until the warrior-nim completely calmed down.

However, since it wasn’t just me and the warrior, that was out of the question.

”Warrior. Please stop raising your head. Other people see it…”

I sneaked up to the hero who was sitting on the floor and whispered carefully in her ear.

In this spacious monastery, only those related to the warrior party are allowed to enter the VIP room exclusively for the warrior party members.

It was kind of torture for me, who is sensitive to other people’s gazes, to leave the current warrior who is making untimely high-pitched noises in this suffocating space where veteran servants who assist the warrior’s every move stand tightly against the wall of the room. .

”I’m sorry! Father! I’ll stop causing disrespect…”

The warrior who seems to have regained consciousness to some extent at my earnest voice, the moment she slowly looked at me, her expression froze in an instant.


The blue trail, reminiscent of the highest purity sapphire, passed through the eyeless glasses placed around my eyes and the ridge of my neck that had been carelessly undone, and before long it was wrapped tightly.


”Yo, hero!?”

It was right after that.

The hero, who firmly gripped his heart, crouched down again, groaning in pain.

Although it was a passionate reaction, it was clear that if someone unfamiliar saw it, they would suspect the symptoms of heart disease.

For me, who belatedly realized why the hero showed such a reaction, rather than worrying about her physical condition, I had no choice but to move forward ahead of the complicated situation.

”Up, it was dangerous. How dare you try to look at the priest’s sensual outfit without taking a deep breath! Ha, my heart almost stopped!”

If this was meant to mock my current appearance, I could have laughed it off lightly, but in her case, it was clear that she was sincere, and it felt more vicious than a normal mockery.

My face naturally turned red, and my eyes, constantly fluctuating with shame, were busily examining the surroundings looking at me, even if no one asked me to.

”Yo, hero… I’ve told you many times to be careful about such remarks in front of others…”

”Hut! I’m sorry!”

Immediately after hearing my words, the hero’s behavior, which covered his mouth with both hands, was certainly clever, but of course it was not enough to pick up the words that had already been spilled.

”Huh, heh-hum!”

Before long, the sound of someone’s cough that hit my ear was a good laugh that I couldn’t chew.

After that day when I dreamed that I and the hero were overlapping bodies, I was able to endure the fact that the hero’s gaze at me, which was already on the sticky side, became even more black.

The accident of injustice had already been tied up in a knot, and the awkwardness that followed was regarded as a problem that time would solve.

However, it was embarrassing to see so many embarrassing compliments pouring out of the warrior’s mouth like now.

The warrior who praised the level of my appearance, which I thought was not to the point of being invisible to others, by comparing it to a work of art that God combed, did not seem to have any idea how much his remarks were attracting people’s attention.

Rather, I felt more resentful of the consideration of the servants who endured laughter and kept expressionless.

If I had laughed heartily, my heart wouldn’t have been so upset.

”Keuheum, warrior. Aren’t you hungry over there? The sun is already in the middle of the day, why don’t we eat our rice first? I’m hungry.”

”Hut! Come to think of it!”

The topic change that I had to throw at the bottom line was successfully accepted, and I let out a small sigh of relief in my heart.

It was undeniable that my perspective on the hero had changed to some extent from that day onwards.

No matter how hard I try to ignore it, even if I know in my head that all these things are just illusions.

Since I was also born as a man, it was impossible to completely erase the vision of the moment I encountered a woman and skin in my head.

I even thought for a moment that I would rather take responsibility.

But for me, who has always turned a blind eye to all the problems I’ve faced, it was daunting to make such a crucial decision in such a short amount of time.

It took time.

At least the time to relieve at least this sultry worry on my throat.


It was then.

An unfamiliar noise coming from right in front of me disturbed my consciousness for a moment, and the subject of the sense of incongruity that I perceived belatedly shocked me.

”Hey hero…?”

”Why do you do that! Father!”

”Excuse me, what are you doing?”

”I was preparing dinner!”


The warrior who brought the chair to the point where our knees would touch each other smiled brightly at me while holding a plate in his hand.

For a moment, doubts about why I had to eat in such an uncomfortable way, leaving my desk in good shape, flashed through my mind.

Such doubts were immediately cleared up right after the warrior who carefully brought me the tray admitted that he was looking at me with his eyes full of anticipation.



Rarely, the closed-mouthed warrior-nim quietly looked at me while holding both hands together on his lap.

He couldn’t stand still for a moment, and his fingertips and toes were squirming, as if he were looking at a child who was looking forward to a birthday present.

”Keuk, kuhm!”

A cough that leaked out soon after.

Such striking circumstances were not enough to transform a gray doubt in my head into a fierce conviction.

I forgot about it for a while because I didn’t have time, but I’m sure the hero and I shared a small promise.

If you come out of the room, he will give you an ‘Aang~’ when you eat breakfast.

I couldn’t say anything at the thoroughness of the warrior who meticulously memorized the story he tried to make it as fuzzy as possible and even reminded me of it again.

How nice it would have been if he showed his smart side even half as much as usual.

For a moment, a feeling that could not be easily defined, both affectionate and nasty, engulfed my thoughts.


He shifted his gaze and looked at the servants.

Whenever we were watching this as a group like mannequins, we suddenly felt something from us, who were close to each other, so I felt very grateful for their consideration as they looked at the wall as a group and turned around.

But why don’t you just walk out?

That was my resentful heart that I couldn’t bring myself to speak out.

”I know·····. Because a promise is a promise…”

”thank you!”

As soon as I finished my words, I took a piece of food on the plate with a fork and handed it to the warrior who opened his mouth like a round pink ball-shaped creature.

”Only once…”

”Yeah! That’s enough for me! rather! If I had even been handed over three or four meals by the priest! If so! I’m sure my heart won’t be left!”

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Just looking at the figure of the hero, who vigorously waved her fists up and down and rolled from place to feet, I could clearly see how excited she was right now.

‘Because I will never feed you in the future. You know that.’

Is it because I encountered a situation that was all too familiar to me, of feeding someone else, in a form completely different from what I remembered?

An indescribable feeling of anxiety came over me.


”Oh, nothing.”

The warrior-sama, who seemed to find it strange to see me suddenly frozen with a fork in his hand, suddenly opened his mouth and called out to me, but he shook his head softly and responded calmly.

”Hut! Father! If you’re not excused! When you do Aang! Can you shout slogans too!”



”Oh okay! I get it! Please don’t grab my shoulder suddenly! Food spills!”

”Hut! yes! All right! And! thank you!”

Option added out of nowhere.

Where the hell did she go, who had been agonizing over her wrongdoings just a moment ago?

Seeing her transforming from a warrior who would save the world to a charming girl in an instant, seeing her from the front, a hearty smile burst out.

”Kuhm! sleep! Ah, ah~”


It was only fortunate that no one was looking at us now, which only looked like a chicken couple’s manly affection.

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