120 – Undisputed Worst First Meeting (5)

In fact, the girl already knew the answer to that question.

The fact that the man wanted to make friends with his sister, the most powerful candidate for sainthood, using himself as an excuse, was a fact that was fairly revealed through his attitude at the time we first met.

It was because the girl felt attracted to the man in the name of kinship with the filthy appearance of the man who did not even think to hide such selfishness.

Even so, the girl wanted to reconfirm.

Even if it was to establish a relationship with a sister who had the highest chance of becoming a saint in the future.

To think that she could commit blasphemy without hesitation towards other saintly candidates who had potential second only to that of her sister, who would not be relieved even if their necks were blown off if they were discovered.

The man’s bizarre behavior was far beyond the common sense that could be understood with the girl’s rational way of thinking.


Suddenly, the man scratched his cheek, as if he had been asked a question that was difficult to answer.

His pupils, which seldom averted his gaze and constantly swayed as if an earthquake had occurred, showed signs of tension.

how long has it been like that

After clearing his throat several times, the man cautiously opened his mouth.

”Because I also have younger siblings of the same age as you. hahahaha.”

From that stiff gesture, reminiscent of a bard with poor acting skills, the girl was able to guess the man’s intentions.

”Of course not my younger siblings, but I’m sponsoring an orphanage not too far from here every month. So, when I see children my sister’s age, it’s as if I’m looking at them, so I just couldn’t pass them by. Do you have a caring sister? It’s the same reason as that. It’s natural for an older brother to take care of a younger brother.”

this man. That’s going to be embarrassing.

The fact that the man was regularly sponsoring a brother and sister in an orphanage was something that he talked about whenever he had a chance, a so-called boast of himself and a habit of talking.

It was a dubious rumor that everyone who had talked to him knew about it, and some people doubted its authenticity.

Only the girl, who was implicitly aware that this man was not a person who would spread out false lies, even if he would exaggerate, believed in the truth of the anecdote.

”So please tell your sister about my righteous disposition…”

”That, that story! If you listen to it one more time, it’s the 100th time!”

”Kuh, kuhm! Is that so…?”

Moreover, the girl already knew that the man, whose pockets had been running low lately, was seriously contemplating whether or not to end the support.

”Just kidding, uh, don’t be fooled! Seriously everything, answer, answer please! Four, why is the priest being so kind to me, me!”


Rarely, the girl whose eyes widened rang as hard as she could.

just one moment. It was the result of her intuition that if she handed over the initiative of the conversation to this man, even for just one moment, this questioning field she had so much courage and painstakingly prepared would come to nothing.

Unwavering blue eyes. A high-pitched voice that seems to have risen from the danjeon.

Did he intuit something from the girl who was wearing layers of spirit that was quite different from usual?

The man, who had been stroking his forehead for a long time and reconciled his thoughts, uttered soft words with heavy breathing.

”To put it bluntly, let’s call it an investment…”

”Investment····· Yo·····?”

The man habitually put a cigarette in his mouth.

However, right after he spat out the words, because of the girl who shot down the distance right in front of his nose, he just held the cigarette in his mouth and did not try to light it.

”In my hometown, there is a time-honored proverb that says ‘reverse defeat wins’.”


The girl tilted her head and expressed her doubts at the unfamiliar sound she had never heard before, and the man with a light smile at the girl’s modest behavior continued.

”No matter how insignificant hope is, as long as it is hope, it is a word that has the meaning that it should never be neglected. When I look at Sister Welna, for some reason, that proverb keeps flashing in my mind.”

Immediately after that, the girl’s eyes widened in an instant.

It was because the pure white eyes of the man looking straight into her eyes seemed to prove to her that there was not an inch of lies in what he had just said, even though he was slightly playful.

”That, what is that…”

”Of course, I agree that Sister Beltane is a leading candidate for sainthood in this generation, but no one can guarantee what the future holds. Just as there is a difference of opinion among the clergy who can be seen as the closest to the Lord God as to what the true meaning of the Lord God is.”

”Yes, priest… What the hell are you talking about…”

”So, maybe it’s something you don’t know? Sister Welna might be chosen as the saint this generation.”


The shock, as if a small bolt of lightning had pierced her heart, paralyzed the girl’s thinking for a moment.

Neither the rebuke to beat the words spoken in the mouth, nor the disagreement to stop saying absurd things, were not completely chewed up.

Right now, she was too tired to read the mind of this helpless man who was tapping her forehead and making a series of outrageous remarks.

‘Although I’m not good at seeing gold veins, I still have a bit of an eye for people. From the moment I met Sister Welna for the first time, I felt that way for some reason. Ah, the idea that this person could become a saint.”

”Mah, maa…”

”So, if you don’t mind, sisters, you can always rely on me like a real older brother-”

”Don’t say something you don’t even mean—!”

It was right after that.

The girl with a deafening scream put a headbutt into the man’s chin.


The man’s chin, lifted high into the sky like a boxer who had been hit by an uppercut, clearly showed how powerful the unexpected attack was.

”Don’t think of going overboard with flattery that can be seen in plain sight! Please tell me the real reason the priest thought!”

”Oh, that’s why I wasn’t going to say anything! Because it’s real! After seeing Sister Welna and talking to her a few times. For some reason, the thought that this person might become a saint in the distant future pierced my head like an arrow! It’s not that I didn’t mean anything else to do well, but I thought that there would be no loss by getting points from someone who might become a saint in the distant future…”

”lie! lie! lie! lie! lie! lie!”

”Oh, okay! stop that! Because I was wrong! Stop hitting me!”

The quarrel between the two continued for some time.

The girl, with an expression that made it impossible to tell whether he was crying or laughing, pounded the man’s body nonstop with his two clenched fists.

There was a clear sense of bewilderment on the man’s face, who groaned heavily every time.

”Hey! Rage’s! You madman! The sun is already in the middle of the day, so what are you doing here without packing your bags!”

”Ha, Haren senior! Please save me!”

The girl’s indignant blow didn’t stop until it was time for the roll call, and her immediate senior, who had come to visit the man who hadn’t shown up, announced that it was time for the carriage.


”Ssik·····. Fuck…”

Even when the sun had completely set and the moon had narrowed its eyes, the girl could not completely get rid of the anger rising from her chest.

”Eh, from the end to the end, only those kind of mouthful words were lined up from time to time… I really am the worst…”

She was only good at becoming a saint.

If you didn’t want to tell me the real reason, I’ll just say so.

The girl felt resentful and resentful beyond words to the man who ran away after making her heart flutter by only telling lies until the end.

”All right, next time we meet, ah, very! I’m going to give you a lot of goosebumps!”

The tightly clenched white fist pounded the innocent bed sheets for a while.

Even so, the girl’s fluctuating thoughts showed no signs of calming down.

In my heart, I wanted to run to him right now and hold him accountable.

Because it was that man who left after leaving such a huge bruise in his heart.

Because he had the duty and duty to heal this intense bitterness.

”Welcome~ unnie, come on~!”

”Oh, sister…”

It was then.

Immediately after bumping into her sister, who had burst into the room and greeted her brightly, the girl hurriedly straightened her expression.

It was clear that his face was now distorted with intense feelings of contempt and anger.

”Kyaaah! Our Wellna is so pretty today too! no way! Well, did you miss Unnie too? so what? I’m just laughing out loud! Uh! today! cute!”

”Uh, uh?”

The girl, who felt her mouth with her hand and realized belatedly what kind of expression she was making, let out a syllable of bewildered breath, and at that moment, Beltane, who had hugged her tightly, spoke to her brightly.

”Good news for such a wellna! Well Na! I want to go home every day! I want to see mom and dad! Did you sing to your sister? My sister talked with Bishop Lancel today! Wellna is still too young! My sister told me countless times that Wellna wanted to go home! oh my gosh! Specially for our wellna! They say you don’t have to attend each baptism! Well!”

”Eh, really?”

It was good enough to be sure he would jump in place if his sister hadn’t opened her arms to hug him.

In this thin ice-like space where everything around me except for my sister feels unfamiliar, every terrible day I had to suffer from unreasonable bullying while being stigmatized as a failing saint.

I despaired countless times at myself, who had neither the hope nor the will to become a saint.

Loser runaway. I couldn’t even count the days when I shed tears begging to be sent home.

”Sister, it’s so very sad that I won’t be able to see Welna for a while! Because unnie, it’s much better for Wellna to be happy than for Wellna to be sick! If Wellna wants it, Knock it! I’ll be patient!”


Because of this, even she herself did not know what kind of emotion the words that came out of her mouth the next moment came from.

”Oh, sister… I know…”

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