121 – Undisputed Worst First Encounter (6)

When there is expectation, there must be disappointment.

How to forget disappointment when you have expectations.

expectations and beliefs.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that they were the words most distant from a girl’s life.

The background given since birth is shared with my sister. No, it’s practically the exclusive property of the sister.

Her appearance, which belonged to the more beautiful side than her peers, was only insignificant compared to her sister, who was rumored even in the next village.

The talent he had barely found and the hard work he gritted his teeth often turned into a weak shade in front of his sister’s glare that reminded him of a big sun.


It didn’t take long for the girl to learn the name of the thought that was constantly weighing down her heart.

Was it like that?

At some point, the girl got used to giving up.

Parents who blatantly favored their talented sister.

The people around them who put themselves and their sister on the scales.

The excessive affection of his sister, who recklessly wrapped herself in such bad news, only made her more miserable.

However, after accepting and adapting to the irrational order, the girl’s heart became surprisingly peaceful.

If I could only endure the compassionate glances toward myself from time to time and the despair slowly eating away at me from the bottom, my sister’s comfortable skirt could be called the world’s safest refuge from all sorts of threats.

A helpless and peaceful life with no responsibilities to shoulder and no decisions to make.

Saying that it might be a life that someone would be madly envious of, the girl tried to convince herself.

Because of this, the girl could not help but be embarrassed by the unusual experience she had experienced for the first time in her life.

‘Isn’t it something you don’t know? Sister Welna might be chosen as the saint this time.’

It was the first time.

What was expected of someone?

The reason I didn’t have the heart to dig into the true intentions of those suspicious words.

The exact reason was unknown.

Perhaps it was because the fact that the man had a serious eye for betting only on losing hands gave his words a lot of credibility.

It may have been because of the memory of not being able to find the slightest bit of disturbing trembling peculiar to those who tell lies in those pure white eyes facing him.

Of course, she was also aware of the fact that the fact that she felt that the man had expectations for her could have been nothing more than a clumsy illusion of herself as a child.

It was only natural for the girl to have feelings of trust for the man who perfectly solved the bullying problem, which even her sister, who she considered perfect, could not find a proper solution for, in an extraordinary way that she could not even imagine.

A grandiose expression like salvation was not suitable.

The sense of helplessness formed by the past years is not light enough to be shaken off with just such an ambiguous opportunity.

However, it was clear that the man’s polite words had caused a change in the girl’s heart.

For example, a small stepping stone.

It may seem unreliable to put your body on it, but the urge to lightly press it with the tip of your foot is a vaguely lingering support.

This was the result of such wrong feelings.

”Sister Welna… Could you please reconsider your thoughts once more…?’

A decrepit voice with a hint of dissatisfaction briefly suppressed the girl’s thoughts.

The girl was in the middle of an interview in the dark shadow of the church, where even the light that had managed to penetrate through the layers of stained glass could not reach.

The opponent is Bishop Lancel, who boasts the longest service in the monastery.

If asked to pick the most faithful priest in this system, anyone would definitely mention his name.

At one time, he was a high-ranking priest who even received an exclusive invitation from the royal family, but his anecdote of refusing the offer with a single stroke, saying that a position overflowing with resentment makes the soul thirsty, is considered a regular material for bards.

However, there was an existence that even he openly showed antipathy.

that was the girl

No, to be precise, all of the saint woman candidates, including the girl, took the attitude of not knowing what to do with this decrepit saint.

It’s not uncommon for you to openly gossip about candidates who are working hard on training, telling them to find another way because you don’t have the talent.

He did not hesitate to rant against some candidates who had become homesick in the aftermath of leaving their far away hometowns, telling them to go back to their hometowns immediately if they would drag on like that.

Such violence by the elderly tended to intensify the younger the age of the candidate, and to the youngest girl among the candidates, such pressure could be called blatant.

The appearance of a great man so different from what had been rumored so far was always a hot topic among candidates.

As expected, there were some fearless people who said that rumors in the public were not to be believed, that it was his own whipping to encourage the candidates’ pride, and that he must have gone senile.

”Didn’t I tell you before? A lumber that will become a saint for Sister Welna. The vessel itself as a so-called saint is so lacking…”

Annoyed sigh. Wrinkled eyes, stricken with resentment.

A girl with an old man stained with clear hostility in front of her. A drop of sticky cold sweat ran down his white skin.

As usual with other saint woman candidates, the girl was also one of the things that this old man was uncomfortable with.

His sister, who was watching him from afar, felt very reliable, but after realizing that she was staring at Bishop Lancel with a murderous expressionless expression, the tension only increased.

”Furthermore, sister-in-law always said that she wanted to go back to her hometown and that she had no desire to become a saint. To think that she could become a saint with such a shallow mentality. Aren’t you ashamed of God? Even now, it’s not too late. I will revise at my discretion the remarks about re-participating in the baptismal ceremony that I just made, so put aside your strict heart and empty hopes and return to your hometown as soon as possible.”


The old man nervously closed the bible he was holding and stabbed the girl with arrows of sharp words one after another.

It was a series of harsh remarks that would not have been strange if she had just burst into tears.

That logic was enough to shake the determination of the girl who came to this place after finishing her strong determination for a while.

It is clear that she will never become a saint. It’s a baptism ceremony, it’s a nabal, and I just ask to be sent home in advance, whenever I have a chance, whenever I cry and shout.

‘Cause I’m sending you home Even the girl herself felt somewhat shameless about the appearance of myself, who quickly changed her words by saying that she wanted to participate in the christening.

However, even if the balance of the body was destroyed, the girl’s firm determination did not dull at all.

”I’m sorry. Ra, Lancel, Bishop Lancel… And I’m going to kneel down with rudeness and ask you again… Boo, please allow me to participate in this baptism ceremony…”

Even the bishop of the world could not help but hesitate for a while in front of the image of a small girl whose height did not even reach my waist, grabbing my collar and earnestly shaking her neck.

It was more like petty stubbornness than determination.

An unaffected mind that wants to do its best to live up to someone’s expectations, which it has received for the first time in its life.

However, for priests with compassion in their bodies, this emotional appeal was far more effective than any trick.


The old man, who frowned between his brows and expressed clear embarrassment, tried to chew on something, but soon stopped.

girl and herself. And in the silence, where only her sister watched their conversation from afar, the busy eyes that were busy looking around the church slowly opened and closed on his slowly closed eyelids.

”All right·····. follow your heart·····.”

” Go, thank you! Bishop Lancel!”

Immediately after receiving permission from the bishop, the girl hurriedly left the place like a rabbit facing its natural enemy.

To the old man who had spoken harsh words to his younger brother, Beltane shot a hostile gaze at him for a while.

Immediately after the girl had left, the old man, who had suddenly fallen into despair with both hands covering his face, could not contain the sight.

”Oh God·····.”

He rubbed his eyelids roughly for a while, ready to dig out his eyeballs with his hands, then let out words close to sobs through his dry lips.

”Those pitiful children… why on earth do you give them such an ordeal…”

The sound of lively footsteps gradually brightens as you move away from yourself.

The faint melody was heard in the old man’s ears like a requiem for someone’s death.

A few days after that, a saintess who would save this world was born from the baptism ceremony under the leadership of the Holy See.

Everyone living and breathing in the system fervently blessed the peaceful future of this world, and saints from all over the system who responded to the call of the Vatican also gathered in the holy sanctuary to praise the birth of the saint.

However, Bishop Lancel, who was expected to attend due to his honorable position, somehow did not appear at the event.

The Vatican officially announced that it was because of his deteriorating health condition due to his advanced age, but the reality was different.

How many lives must be sacrificed to give birth to one saint.

How much an innocent girl must be dedicated to the god in order to accomplish the great cause of peace in this world.

There was no way he, as the highest-ranking priest, did not know.

However, he actively cooperated with the bloody process. Because there was a reason why it had to be.

lancel. He had a granddaughter whom he valued more than his own life.

That’s right, a cute child who doesn’t hurt even if you put it in his eyes, who is exactly the same age as the girl he was talking to a moment ago.

The child was now in a situation where it would not be strange if his life ended at any time, with agents under the Holy See closely monitoring his every move.

His stubborn attitude that he would rather end his own life than sacrifice the lives of innocent children faded like a lie after his granddaughter was placed on the scale.

He is also a human being before being a saint.

Because he was just a human being who had no choice but to choose the family of one person with whom he was connected by blood rather than the countless strangers.

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