144 – Conversion Blow

As the tension that had reached its peak was released, the only thing that could be found in the rags of the mind and body was the feeling of exhaustion that kept consciousness alive.

”Whoa, whoops! Ugh! Whoops!”

The saintess, who was hugged in my arms with her whole body, gasped for breath and let go of her unanswered tears.

In my heart, I wanted to pat her on the back to soothe her, but since I didn’t have the energy left to even lift a finger, that was unfortunately impossible.

”sorry. Holy Maiden… I’ve been very bad until now…”


With whining, whether positive or negative, the saintess burrowed into my arms again.

As her hot skin touched her ice-cold body from too much blood loss, the pain gradually subsided and a pleasant drowsiness came over me.

The sweet smell that wafted through was a bonus.

Even in the middle of a busy street, it wasn’t like a warrior who could identify people only with his sense of smell.

I had the confidence to easily distinguish it at any time, at any time, if it was a body scent like this morning sunlight that I had inadvertently sniffed countless times.



Could it be the aftermath of the whole body’s senses being messed up due to the use of prayer that exceeded the upper limit?

I realized a little belatedly that the stronger the saintess’ power that gripped my body became, the stronger the concentration of divine power permeating my soul was gradually increasing.

However, for some reason, I couldn’t find the slightest bit of good temperament on the same day as before from the wave of mysterious power that entered my body recklessly.

It was just cozy and comfortable.

Suddenly, the memory of the moment when I was kindly comforted by the saintess and had an unexpected bed with her popped into my mind.

Yes, that’s right. This.

”Are you treating me…?”


In fact, I didn’t even have to ask.

By the time I came to fully recognize the existence of the holy power handed down from the saintess, all the wounds on my body had already been healed.

The torn head, the exposed fists, the cracked neck, and even the life force that had been shattered by repeated prayers had been restored flawlessly.

To be able to exert this level of healing power without prayer or catalyst.

After all, a piece of God’s power. Miracle of the Saint.

To the extent that I feel that all the things I have been reciting in hopes of performing miracles have been mere sleepovers, I have always admired its phenomenal stature.

Now that I see it, the blanks of the stigmata engraved on my arm have already been filled.


The wounds on my body are still open, but if my body is safe, is that enough?

The saintess let out a deep sigh of relief through her lips that had yet to shake off her tears.

”Holy Maid…”

I sat down for a while to make eye contact with such a saintess.

”Hee, hee!”

Then the saintess, her eyes tightly closed, struggled vigorously and grabbed my collar.

”Now, wrong! wrong! wrong! Try it! Black! Well, good luck!”

Words of apology pouring out one after another like spilled water.

It seemed that the saintess had firmly misunderstood that I intended to separate her from my body.

There must have been plenty of means to entangle me, but from that shabby appearance of endlessly repeating pitiful pleas, I could easily guess the difficult times the saintess had been going through.

”It’s okay, it’s okay. Welna… Brother, where are you going? Oppa just wants to talk to Wellna for a while…”

In order to alleviate the saintess’s anxiety, I uttered my words in the most calm tone I could.

He held his hand and stroked his hair from time to time.

However, despite such efforts, the anxiety that gnawed at the saintess’ heart showed no signs of going away.

”Don’t listen! Black! I’ll listen! Not even green! I won’t! clean! Everything, never again! never to my brother again! what do you want me to do! Oh no! I’m sorry!”


Thick droplets of water, rising out of control, rode and flowed along the traces engraved on her cheeks.

I had implicitly guessed that there must have been a huge crack in the saintess’ heart.

However, once I saw the horrific reality with my own two eyes, it was very difficult to calm down the violently agitated thoughts of guilt.

However, he did not have the slightest intention to overturn the decision he had made once.

”Welna. Look at my brother…”

”Huh! Whoops! Ugh!”

Since I was holding my coat with both hands, I called the name of the saintess who was unable to wipe away the flowing tears.


My lips lightly bumped into the saintess’s cheek, and immediately after that, the malevolent echo echoed, stopping time in the surrounding area for a moment.


The saintess, who noticed that she couldn’t even guess what had happened to herself, carefully opened her closed eyes and looked at me gently.


I didn’t miss that time and kissed one more time, this time on the other cheek.


Only then did the saintess cry completely stop, and the stopped time began to move properly.

” Huh? uh?? uhhh??? aaa???? uhhhhh!?

The saintess, who showed a rare frightened reaction, released her hands from my jacket and hurriedly grabbed my cheeks.

”brother? uh? why? me? why? dream? Oh, isn’t it? isn’t it a dream? what? huh? Yes? Hegge? Eh?”

It was beautifully ripe, as if her white face had been sprinkled with bright red coloring.

I had expected to some degree that something dramatic would happen.

However, I never imagined that such a remarkable reaction would come back from the saintess, who has always adhered to her emotionless appearance.

The original plan was to heal the wounds of the saintess with the received protection while the saintess was startled by my kiss, and to admonish the saintess for her careless attitude of neglecting her own safety.

The plan took a turn in an unexpected direction.

Come to think of it, I’ve only been receiving skinship from the saintess.

There has never been a record of me doing anything that left a lasting impression on Seongnyeoning.

At most, it was like stroking her hair or hugging her.

Even that was only once or twice a day.

”Ah, ah!! aaa!!!’

It was okay to have skinship with you, but it seemed like receiving it wasn’t the same.

The saintess, who hesitated for a long time with her face dyed red like a carrot, pulled her jacket up to her head and hid her expression under it.

”uh·····. Weh, wellna…?”

When I talked to her while scratching her neck, feeling somewhat embarrassed, the saintess responded by moving her upper body nodded.

”Pu, puhahahaha.”

The series of gestures were dainty and cute to the point where a fresh smile leaked out unintentionally.

I felt like I had repaid the humiliation I had received so far, and I even felt a little relieved.

But now wasn’t the time to be immersed in such nonsensical sentiments. I quickly made up my mind.

A serious injury caused by the saintess biting my finger. Now, it was urgent to treat it first.

I slightly lowered the saintess’ coat that was up to her face, and examined the wound for a moment.


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Just then, a big question mark popped into my head.

The index finger of the saintess, which had been dyed in dark red color just a moment ago.

It was because the wound, which at first glance looked horrific, had completely healed without a scratch.

Even before I kissed, the level of wounds would have been extreme.

Could it be that the saintess was self-healing in that moment?

No, as far as I know, a saintess who is overly insensitive to her wounds must have a bad habit of neglecting any serious wounds except when she receives my prayers.

As I hesitated for a moment at the question of biting my tail, the saintess, crouching like a chrysalis, spoke to me cautiously.


”Why, why…”


At that moment, before I could even finish the words I had taken out of my mouth, there was an explosion of noise that seemed to have ripped out the air, and strong dust fluttered.

Immediately after spotting the menacing presence that came unexpectedly from outside the door, he reflexively embraced and protected the saintess.

Recently, I’ve had a bit of an encounter with an extraordinary stranger, so my mind and body, which had been sluggish from fatigue just a moment ago, quickly got ready for battle without a command from my head.

But such an act is absurd.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that I had been so-called foolish judgement.

”Not getting tired… How dare you try to take the priest from me again…”

A familiar voice that leaked out of the fine dust raised a thick dark cloud in my thoughts.

The main character with a voice who appeared in a place where all the acting was rough had his body covered with a vicious murder that would stop my smooth breathing for an instant.

”This time it’s porridge… No, I will behead you…”


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