145 – superprecipitation

The strongest existence faced in the worst situation.

Is there any other phrase that expresses this dizzying situation more succinctly than this?

Until this morning, the surrealism of the world’s most reliable ally appearing in front of me in the form of the world’s most feared enemy had carved a deep sense of despair into my thoughts.

”Yo, hero…”

”You were very scared. Father. Please wait. I’ll finish it soon.”

Although he was smiling brightly, the thoughts that came from that dry smile were indescribably dark and dingy.

The question of what the hell he was going to end with passed through his mind for a moment, but such a meaningless thought was quickly dispelled by the vicious killing spewed out by the hero.

The warrior’s murderous gaze, shining like a beast in the night, twisted toward the saintess who was tightly embraced in my arms.

Immediately after that, ominous cracks began to spread in the walls and floors around here, as if an earthquake had occurred.

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Kwajik! Kwajijik!

”Wait! Warrior! wait a minute! Please wait! Here’s the situation!”

Using his outstretched hand as a substitute for a shield, he hurriedly stopped the warrior who was about to reach for the sword at his waist.

A reflexive action stemming from the desire to somehow stop the worst situation that has been prevented with effort.

Until the middle of the morning when the blessing ceremony is over, the relationship between the saintess and the warrior must be prevented from completely breaking down.

Thrown into the mire of confusion, in my head now, there was only one thing that could be properly called an accident.


It was because I lost my mind for a while in such a panic accident.

What I forgot for a while that my hands were now stained red with blood that I hadn’t been able to wipe off.


When I realized that the hero had kicked the ground, her fierce swordsmanship had already reached right in front of my nose.

Quaang! Padduk! Pad deuk!

”Yo, dragons—!”

The sword, which aimed precisely at the saintess’ neck, was bound by a group of chains protruding from the saintess’s surroundings, and was twirling non-stop.

The warrior’s thunderous charge, which evaded the sound, was astonishing, but the saintess’ reflexes that blocked it in time were also formidable.

It felt like I was the only one moving at 0.5x speed in a space where moving at 2x speed was taken for granted.



Red and blue eyes staring at each other silently.

Those who want to steal and those who want to keep.

The two conflicting wills must have been in conflict, but at first glance, the color of emotions contained in them seemed the same.

”I knew it.”

It was the warrior’s side who first broke the solemn silence that seemed to last forever.

”As expected, this power. It’s very similar to that of the assailant who attacked the priest and me the other day. I thought it was doubtful before, but today I am convinced.”


”Are you also one of them? Yes? It doesn’t matter that you aimed for my life, but you dared to harm the priest’s holy body, and in recent years, you’ve been cheating with those wicked men who even committed the mortal sin of trying to take the priest from me, right?”


”Until now, I have endured with great effort because of the priest’s request that I need your help to overthrow the demon king, but my patience is at its limit any longer. dare·····. I dare not even know my subject… Those dirty hands to the priest… How many times… How many times…”


It was around the time I was in the middle of choosing what to say in my head, having witnessed a wave of murderous intent that was not strange no matter how or when it erupted.


The saintess, who rarely shrank from fear or anxiety, inadvertently hugged me.

The bit of self-restraint that remained in the hero’s eyes burned from that moment onwards.


”Yo, hero!”

He hurriedly rang his neck. Fortunately, there was still room for negotiations.

The hero’s weapon was now severely restrained by the saintess’ chain.

No matter how brave he was, he would not be able to break through the saintess’ impenetrable defense without his main armament.

It was an extremely fleeting time, but in order to stop the terrible tragedy that was about to happen, a plausible plan had to be sought within that fleeting time.

”Hold on to your worries! Father! I’ll have it sorted out in 10 seconds!”


The thing that shattered my comforting way of thinking was the warrior-sama’s bright smile, which didn’t even feel the slightest worry.


Leaving only the slight sound of stepping up, the hero suddenly disappeared like the wind.

And the eyes that were busy looking around to find the missing warrior soon caught a shocking fact.

”Knife… House…?”

What had been severely entangled in the saintess’ chains was not the hero’s sword, but her scabbard.

That means…


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A strong shock and explosion hit the rear without warning.

After my consciousness was wrapped in a whitish feeling of floating, my vision reversed in an instant.

”I’m not going to fall for the same trick again and again.”

Following the majestic echo reminiscent of Mencius in a reversal, the image of the warrior staring down at the saintess kneeling on the floor came into view.

It was the moment when I desperately realized how complacently I had been looking at the situation.

No matter how transcendent the saintess’ power was, it is unlikely that the same method would be used again and again by the warrior who has struggled at the forefront of a dungeon teeming with all sorts of dangers.

The saintess, who was lying face down on the floor and was catching her breath, must have been embarrassed as well.

The movement of the chain he pulled out to protect himself also seemed much slower than usual.




The saintess’ chain, which tried to protect herself, was shattered like a cookie by the hero’s magnificent sword strike.

Something was strange.

No, it was obviously weird.

Even if the hero had seen through the saintess’ attack pattern to some extent, the current saintess’ attack was too passive compared to what I remembered.

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Just a little while ago, it wasn’t the hero himself, but the hero’s sword.

For example, an unnatural movement as if the act of hurting someone was considered taboo.


A clear realization flickered violently in my mind, which was troubled by this and that accident.

I have to stop.

That very single thought, which originated in the brain and soon spread throughout the body, made my frozen body move clearly.

”The sin of taking the priest away from me and hurting him. I deserve to die ten thousand times…”


An unfamiliar chain was wrapped around the warrior’s sword that had risen high into the sky.

The warrior stuttered and looked back.

It was clear that there was an unusual sense of astonishment in that unnatural behavior, reminiscent of a robot with rusty joints.

I had no choice but to do that.

That chain is the only place where the hero’s vigilance has failed.

Because it was right out of my arm.

”Poetry, Father…?”

”Warrior. Put down that knife. Right Now·····.”

I want to stop the warrior.

As soon as I thought of that, I was horrified that the chain came out of my body out of nowhere, but there was something far more important than that.

It was difficult to suppress such agitation.

”Father, what is that chain… No, more than that, why… why me…? Bad thing… The bad villain is this guy…!”

Even though I was agonizing over the feeling of betrayal and hesitation, in front of the warrior’s arms, which still far exceeded my physical strength, a shabby chain extending from my body was ready to break at any moment.


”Poem, Father!?”

I felt a slight pain from the chain.

Apparently, this chain seemed to share the pain with me.

Rather than a chain, it felt like a long arm had sprouted from the body.

Although it was somewhat reluctant, it seemed that that was the reason I was able to use the power I had never wielded in my life as if I had it from the moment I was born.

No complaining words came out.

”Warrior. The saintess did not kidnap me, but came to her from my side. And these bloodstains were not created because the saintess tried to harm me, but only because of my mistakes.”

”What is that…”

After many twists and turns, a place for conversation was finally prepared.

However, the warrior, who had not been able to get rid of the rising anger, noticed that he had not the slightest intention to accept my words.

”Mi, incredible! I can’t believe it! I know! Even a priest who is always upright can tell a lie to protect someone without changing his face color! Moreover, this author told the priest in front of me! They hugged each other affectionately like lovers! That alone is enough reason to wield this sword!”

”If you don’t put down that knife right now, I won’t talk to you again, the hero.”


”This is the last warning. warrior. Put down that knife.”


In order to stop the hero, who was on the verge of slitting the saintess’ head right now, the super-strong water was recklessly released without thinking about post-processing.

Eventually, the warrior who lost the light in his eyes dropped the knife in his hand and collapsed on the spot like a doll whose thread was cut.

”Ro, Rowville! Warrior! All right!”

Downa, who came in belatedly, rang her throat worriedly, but the warrior seemed to have no capacity to acquire such information from the warrior who soon began complaining of symptoms of hyperventilation.

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