The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1123: Daddy, don't fall and get hurt again

The snowflakes on Xia Zekai's body were not clean. As soon as he entered the door, his wife saw it, pointed to the snowflakes on his back and asked, "What's the matter, fell down?"

"Who said it's okay, why is he young and strong, not an old man in his seventies and eighties with neat legs and feet!" Luo Xiyun groaned.

A short while after entering the house, the snowflakes on Xia Zekai's body turned into water. Looking at it this way, there were more spots on his body. Luo Xiyun tried his best to hold back his laughter, and asked him, "Zekai, you just fell in pain. It doesn't hurt!"

"Okay, you **** aren't finished yet, aren't you!" Xia Zekai raised his hand angrily and gestured to give her a slap, but Luo Xiyun ran away.

He also shouted: "Girl, Tongtong, come and have a look, your father fell in the snow just now."

When the two little girls who had nowhere to vent their energy heard it, they became interested, and hurried over to watch their father.

The girl asked, "Dad, where did you fall? Does it still hurt?"

"Dad, why don't we go to the hospital to have a look. In case of another internal injury, I'd better get an injection earlier." Tongtong didn't look forward to it.

She said: "Uncle Wang said that sometimes it is enough to rub the medicine on the trauma, but the internal injury is difficult to treat.

Xia Zekai heard what Tong Tong said, and now he wants to spit out a mouthful of old blood, and he is still injured.

This Wang Yi really teaches everything, has he read too many martial arts novels?

Wang Yi heard it from behind, and then looking at the boss's particularly funny face, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Luo Xiyun didn't hide it this time, she hugged her stomach and bent over, laughing loudly, and said while laughing, "Ze Kai, you should go and see it soon, and do a color Doppler ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, in case it's true. It's terrible to have an internal injury from a fall."

"Hey, hello, I'm dying of laughter... Haha... Tongtong, you are still caring!" Luo Xiyun couldn't help it.

Who knew that Tongtong turned her head and glared at her: "Mom, what's so funny, if you laugh again and lose your breath, you will suffer from internal injuries."

Does this mean that I can't get over the internal injury today?

Luo Xiyun didn't laugh this time, she stood up and started chasing Tongtong, beating her hard.

In the blink of an eye, the house became a mess.

The girls were making a fuss for a while, before Luo Xiyun remembered one thing: "Zekai, hurry up and change your clothes, there is so much water on your body, it's hot and cold, don't get cold again."

"..." Xia Zekai didn't speak, and went upstairs silently.

He thought to himself, do you still remember, if you delay this time, if you catch a cold, it will be over by now.

Before going to bed at night, Xia Zekai stood in front of the window and glanced outside. He was covered in silver everywhere. Looking around, he couldn't find any other color as far as he could see.

Snowflakes are still falling in the sky.

Xia Zekai called Yan Jinghua, Lu Gao, Li Mumu, and Huang Ying, respectively, and told them that they must tell their employees to pay attention to safety when commuting to and from get off work, and always guard against other safety matters.

"Boss, there might be a snow disaster this time." Yan Jinghua said.

Who knows this?

Luo Xiyun called him: "Zekai, when you're done, hurry up and sleep."

The night was peaceful, and when he woke up the next morning, Xia Zekai deliberately opened the curtains and glanced outside, the snow was still falling.

"Zekai, has the snow stopped?" Luo Xiyun asked.

Xia Zekai took a deep breath and shook his head: "It's still down!"

"It's broken, why doesn't it stop." Luo Xiyun also got out of the bed and walked to the window in her pajamas to look out. She looked carefully for a while before saying uncertainly, "Is the snow smaller than yesterday? "

"I didn't see it." Xia Zekai said.

The snow is indeed not small. The Qicheng news in the morning began to report the heavy snow. The host introduced the snow clearing of various streets and main roads in Qicheng in the news.

There are several shots where the car can be seen colliding with one another.

The braking effect is not good in heavy snow, the brakes can't stop.

There are also reports that heavy snow accumulated on the billboards in a certain place, and the billboards were crushed. Fortunately, there was no one below, so there was no major problem.

Xia Zekai switched to Jidong Satellite TV, which reported the situation in the whole province.

Seventeen cities in the province have snowfall to varying degrees, and this coverage is large.

"Hey young, look at Zekai, the ones outside are bigger than ours, and your company's delivery has also been affected." Luo Xiyun asked him.

Xia Zekai nodded calmly: "It must have been a delay. Look at those places where it snows heavily, traffic is paralyzed, and you won't be allowed to leave on the expressway. Let's delay it for a few days. I believe customers will understand."

"I still have to do a good job of explaining." Luo Xiyun said.

Xia Zekai didn't worry about it. He said: "There are after-sales and customer service staff. If everything bothers me, they just don't do it."

Luo Xiyun didn't seem to hear what he said, and continued: "Won't you go out for a walk when the snow stops?"

Xia Zekai shook his head: "What are you going to do? I can't help you much. It's better to cooperate with government affairs at home honestly."

"Okay, I have this realization." Luo Xiyun smiled with joy.

Xia Zekai ignored her.

He understood what his wife had just said, and he said that he should go out to help, but he was actually afraid that he would go out to help. Snow and rain were different. Many cars on the road were out of control, and the guarantees were not in order. What a moth.

But at this time, the girl and Tongtong had enough to stay at home. Today is the third day. Because of the heavy snow in the school, considering the safety factor, they are all on vacation. They can't go out to play, and they feel so bored.

The two sisters slumped on the sofa as if they had lost their bones, not wanting to move.

After a while, they looked outside and kept saying, "Dad, why doesn't the snow stop?"

"That's right, God doesn't have eyes, he's been under so much, isn't he dehydrated?" Tong Tong said.

When the girl heard her say this, she immediately differentiated: "No way, it's because he drained too much water, and it's all in the picture book."

"I see, he's peeing, but it's really dirty!" Tong Tong's expression of disgust appeared on his face.

Xia Zekai was stunned. He didn't think about these things himself. The girl and Tongtong were just in the first grade, how did they think of these things?

The thinking of this little head is different from what they thought at that time!

"Girl, Tongtong, which book did you read this from?" Xia Zekai asked the two of them.

The girl said, "That's right, it's the picture book that my mother bought for us before. That book is so thick that it has everything, including dinosaurs!"

Tongtong also nodded: "Yes, yes, Dad, I like to watch it too."

"That book also says that God urinates?" Xia Zekai asked them seriously.

He felt that whenever his daughter said a word of 'yes', he would let the company's legal department and the other party's theoretical theory go, this matter is endless!

But who knew that the girl gave him a disdainful look: "Dad, you are so stupid, the water turns into air and floats to the sky, and then it turns into water and snow when it is cold in the sky, isn't it just God peeing? , I don't even want to tell you."


Xia Zekai never imagined that one day his daughter would despise his IQ, this is really bad!

Tong Tong also said "um", she shouted loudly: "Sister, Dad is stupid, let's not play with him, let's practice the piano."

"Okay, hurry up." The girl turned over and sat up, took her sister's hand and ran to the piano room.

This is one of the few things that Tongtong can calm down and learn. It is more exciting than her studying in school. It can be seen that she really likes to play the piano from the heart.

Xia Zekai was very pleased that he developed such a good habit for his daughter during his time in the capital.

He sometimes also thinks that although the kindergarten tuition of Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Institute is a bit expensive, it is not useless. It is indeed cultivating some interests in children.

Luo Xiyun received a call from her mother Liu Chunhua, telling her that "Hao Jing's mother and son have both been discharged from the hospital".

"Zekai, my brother and the others have been discharged from the hospital and are preparing to return to the community." Luo Xiyun said to Xia Zekai after putting down the phone.

When Xia Zekai heard what she said, he said at the time, "It's snowing so much outside, what's the trouble? It's not too late to stay in the hospital for two more days. It's not too late to go back when the snow stops."

"I told her the same, but my mother said Xincheng and the two of them couldn't stay there anymore and had to go home." Luo Xiyun said.

She also wanted to rant.

Xia Zekai thought for a while and said, "Forget it, you let them wait in the hospital. I'll let Wang Yi drive my Brabus over there to be safe."

"Alright, then I'll tell my mother and let them wait." Luo Xiyun called again.

Xia Zekai called Wang Yi over: "Xiao Wang, you drive my Brabus to the hospital, and UU Reading send my mother-in-law and the others to Jincheng Garden."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety on the road." Xia Zekai urged.

Wang Yi nodded frequently, reassuring Xia Zekai.

The engine sound of 'boom' came, and the big guy rolled the ground in the snow, walking very steadily.

Xia Zekai looked at its back and said, "Daughter-in-law, you see, it was the right thing to buy it in the first place, it is useful at critical moments."

Luo Xiyun had to admit that this big guy is expensive.

The snow didn't stop until noon, and the sun came out. The girl and Tongtong couldn't hold back any longer. They didn't even eat lunch, so they ran out to play in the snow, built a snowman, and shouted for Dad. A snowball fight.

"Dad, I'll throw you a snowball." The girl was wearing a pair of leather gloves, grabbed a snowball and threw it directly at Xia Zekai.

Tong Tong was not far behind, she picked up a piece of snow and threw it at her father with both hands, but before the snow was thrown, she scattered.

The cold snow fell all over her, and the little guy jumped and shouted, "It's so cold, Dad is so cold!"

This is called self-inflicted sin!

"You deserve it!" Xia Zekai said, but he hurriedly took her into the room to change clothes.


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