The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1124: The sisters have grown up (there is 1 more at night

The day after the heavy snow stopped, Xia Zekai and Luo Xiyun took the girl and Tongtong to Jincheng Garden to see the family of their brother-in-law Luo Xincheng, who had just been discharged from the hospital yesterday.

The girl and Tongtong were very happy, and they shouted in the car: "Dad, can you see the baby again?"

"Yes, it's the little brother." Xia Zekai said.

The girl said: "Is it the same as my brother?"

"Well, the same." Luo Xiyun said.

Tongtong shook her small fist, she said, "little brother is not fun, but younger sister is fun."

Luo Xiyun seemed to see through her thoughts and said to her, "Tongtong, you can't bully your brother."

"I won't!" Tong Tong pouted, and she said, "I'm an older child, so I won't bully the little one."

Luo Xiyun was very satisfied with her daughter's consciousness, but she didn't expect Tong Tong to say again: "When he grows up, I will beat him again."

Xia Zekai didn't hear it.

In the past three days, the snow on the ground had already been compacted by the passing cars, and the ordinary cars still slipped as they drove past, as if they were walking snake-like steps on the ice.

But Xia Zekai's Brabus drove past, as stable as Mount Tai, giving people a sense of security.

Besides, even if it hits, he is not afraid. The bulletproof shell is absolutely resistant to construction.

Wang Yi had been here once yesterday, and this time he was familiar with the way.

After parking the car in the green square brick public parking space in front of Building 6, the family of four got out of the car.

Unlike Xia Zekai's previous car, this car was a bit high from the ground, and even Tong Tong, a skinny kid, didn't dare to jump.

The girl asked immediately, "Dad, what floor is my uncle on?"

Xia Zekai thought for a moment and said, "I remember it was in Unit 2."

Since his brother-in-law bought a house here in 2010, Xia Zekai came here once when he got married, and now I can't really remember which floor it was on.

Xia Zekai would have forgotten the specific building number if Wang Yi hadn't just driven the car directly over.

Luo Xiyun rolled his eyes at him: "In 301."

"I'll just say, my daughter-in-law will definitely remember it." Xia Zekai went upstairs with something in one hand and Tongtong's hand in the other.

Luo Xiyun looked at the back of the two men from behind, smiled, and said, "Girl, let's hurry up and go upstairs."

Liu Chunhua opened the door and looked at the family of four standing outside the door. She also said, "It's so cold and the road is not easy to walk. What do you think you have to do again."

"Mom, it's okay, just come and have a look." Xia Zekai took the call and said.

Luo Xiyun said from behind, "Mom, how is Xiaojing's recovery now?"

"The reply is very fast, but the incision still hurts a bit." Liu Chunhua said.

Luo Xiyun smiled: "It's not enough for ten days to complete the calculation. How can you recover so quickly if you move the knife."

"Mom, are the eldest sister and brother-in-law here?" Hao Jing heard the movement outside in the bedroom, and she asked.

Liu Chunhua said to her, "Yes, they just arrived and came to see you."

"Big sister, come in quickly, I happen to have something to ask you!" Hao Jing seemed very anxious.

Luo Xiyun was puzzled, what do you want to ask me?

Hao Jingyi said that Luo Xiyun knew that Hao Jing wanted to ask her what happened to her child's spitting up after feeding.

"Xiao Jing, did you burp him?" Luo Xiyun asked her.

One sentence made Hao Jing bewildered, she didn't know!

Her mother and father divorced earlier, and no one taught her this.

During the few days her mother-in-law Liu Chunhua and her stepmother took care of her in the hospital, some things are still unclear.

It was difficult to meet the eldest aunt. In addition, the eldest aunt was very experienced in nursing children. She asked a lot of questions, and after she figured it out, she let Luo Xiyun go.

"Xiao Jing, has the child been named yet?" Luo Xiyun asked.

Hao Jing shook her head: "Not yet, we don't know what name to choose."

"No, let his grandfather name the child." Luo Xiyun said.

But Hao Jing shook her head again. She said, "That's not good. My dad won't go to school before he finishes elementary school. He doesn't look good at writing. What else can he name?"

Luo Xiyun pondered, this is not necessarily true.

In the era of their parents, there may be various reasons for them to fall down after primary school, but this does not mean that they have no culture.

There are many people who even mix well in the cultural circle.

Hao Jing had already made up her mind. She said, "Sister, I want to find a fortune teller to give him a name that matches his eight characters, which will be better for his future fortune."

She said so, and Luo Xiyun said nothing else.

Brother-in-law Luo Xincheng was not at home. According to his mother-in-law Liu Chunhua, he went to the store to work.

Now that the child is born, he is still a leader. Luo Xincheng's pressure comes directly, and he is all about making more money.

Xia Zekai was very relieved, but also said: "Don't be too tired, you don't care about making money these days."

Liu Chunhua said: "I told him the same thing. I said that his father also earns money and saves it for him, but he doesn't listen. If we can help him for a few years, he still has to fight for himself. Just come up with a sample.”

Having said that, Liu Chunhua looked at her son-in-law and smiled: "Ze Kai, he still uses you as an example!"

When Xia Zekai heard it, he shook his head and said, "Mom, isn't his goal too high and unrealistic!"

This just happened to be heard by Luo Xiyun, who just came out, and she muttered: "Zekai, I just found out that you are really thick-skinned."

"It's alright, back then, if you wanted to be embarrassed, you wouldn't be able to catch up with you." Xia Zekai had this shameless energy at a critical moment.

"Haha!" Liu Chunhua couldn't help laughing after hearing what her son-in-law said.

The mother-in-law was very busy, and Hao Jing couldn't take it easy while lying on the bed. Xia Zekai and his family of four stayed here for less than half an hour and left.

Mother-in-law Liu Chunhua also asked them to stay for dinner, but Xia Zekai didn't agree, and they were not busy.

After coming out of Jincheng Garden, Xia Zekai's car immediately became the focus of passersby's attention.

Not to mention, it looks tall and majestic, and the car next to it is more than half shorter than it, not even a younger brother.

But Xia Zekai was already used to this kind of gaze, and he didn't care anymore. Wang Yi drove the big guy into the traffic, and the cars next to him subconsciously gave way, for fear of scratching and rubbing against him, and then he would not be able to pay.

In the car, the girl and Tongtong each occupy one side, and they look out in front of the window, and they can see a bare roof at a glance.

Tongtong is also eager to try to open the door and jump down.

She pointed to one of the cars and said, "Dad, I can jump on the roof of that car."

Xia Zekai was terrified, grabbed her clothes with one hand, and dared not let go: "Tongtong, you can't stop for a while."

At Jingtong Development Co., Ltd., Yan Jinghua, Lu Gao, Li Mumu, and Huang Ying got together and discussed the public welfare work after the heavy snowfall.

At this time, Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. will definitely rush ahead, without saying anything.

Lu Gao suggested to buy some affordable rice, noodles, oil, vegetables, eggs and other food, and send them to the poor people in the nearby villages.

"Let's go to the nursing home and those poor schools again. With such a heavy snow, it should be more difficult for them. I'm not afraid of anything else, I'm afraid that the children will not eat." Huang Ying mentioned.

She can't see the children suffering now.

She herself donated a lot of clothes and money to some poor children.

"Well, let's write down all the goals and how much the budget is. I'll call the boss and report to the boss. Let's do special things." Yan Jinghua said.

All four agreed to do so.

They didn't talk too much. After making a plan, Yan Jinghua started to summarize the results. After finishing the event, he turned on his mobile phone and called Xia Zekai in front of the three of them, explaining the situation. Xia Zekai was very happy. agreed.

The company has expenditures in this area every year. Wang Hongsheng has always said that Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. has a strong sense of social responsibility. This is not a joke.

The money that Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. spends on public welfare every year can make many companies feel pain.

After hanging up the phone, they started busy on their side.

At the other end, Xia Zekai was also busy.

After returning from Jincheng Garden, whether it was Xia Zekai or Luo Xiyun, they both had three little guys in their hearts.

The girl and Tongtong kept arguing about going to the mall, but Xia Zekai and his wife did not agree.

As soon as he got home, before he changed his clothes, Chenchen quickly crawled to Xia Zekai's side, pointing at his younger brother and shouting 'ahhh'.

Xia Zekai understood at a glance, he asked with a straight face, "Jing Ling, are you bullying my brother again?"

This is weird.

Luo Xiyun hugged Chenchen and coaxed him. After the youngest saw it, he raised his finger and pointed at his brother. He also made a sound of 'ah...ah' in his small mouth. He didn't know what he said.

The nanny Jiang Ningning said, "Chenchen was playing with a ball just now, but Jingling came over and grabbed it."

After Xia Zekai and Luo Xiyun listened, their eyes fell strangely on the youngest. This kid was really uneasy, just thinking about making trouble.

"Chenchen, be good, mom will make pork floss for you later, not my brother." Luo Xiyun began to promise benefits.

Chenchen didn't know if he understood, but after a while, he nodded with a smile, put his arms around his mother's neck, and read www. swayed back and forth, looking very happy.

Luo Xiyun was so frightened that she protected his back with one hand and hugged him tightly with the other, for fear that she would fall over accidentally and she would regret it later.

"Daughter-in-law, come and hold me." Xia Zekai went to help.

The third and the youngest, who were still sitting on the mat, saw that the fourth was being held by their father. They both quit and climbed to the feet of Xia Zekai and Luo Xiyun. They had to be held by their parents.

After Tongtong saw it, she ran over excitedly and opened her hands: "Brother, let me hold you."

The girl also followed suit: "Yuyu, come, my sister will hold you."

Luo Xiyun directly complained about their boss: "Girl, the rain is really ugly."

"What's that called? Is it called my sister?" The girl was a little confused.

"I don't think it sounds good," she said.

"And oh, mother can't call me 'girl' in the future. I have a name, called Xia Jingya, girl is really ugly!" The girl said like this.

Tongtong also shouted: "Mom, my name is Xia Tong, and Tong Tong doesn't sound good."

"Okay, okay, I won't call you girls, Tongtong anymore, okay!" Xia Zekai was helpless.

The two girls also knew they were going to be fine.


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