The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1000: storytelling


read2();   When Zhao Yu and others gently opened the door of the restaurant in the mountain, and then stepped into the lobby of the restaurant through five animal skin curtains for warmth and wind protection, I discovered that the interior space of the most prosperous restaurant in Tianmenguan South City is actually not as huge as what everyone sees outside.

   "It's quiet, and it's not as noisy as I imagined."

After a steady voice came from Zhao Yu, who was looking around, the young emperor's eyes narrowed slightly and saw that in the lobby of the restaurant, it was not a candlelight, just like daylight, but only a few lighted up and spread out. The faintly shining oil candles made the atmosphere of the lobby as quiet as the night sky of stars.

   "This place feels very unusual."

Sima Annan swayed his folding fan, and also looked at the non-noisy restaurant lobby in front of him, and muttered. Under the faint orange light in the lobby, almost every table was sitting at one or a group of people drinking wine in silence. Orion or merchants at Tianmenguan, each looked solemn, as if waiting for something.

Then a middle-aged man walking in the lobby of the restaurant saw Zhao Yu and others standing at the door. He hurriedly walked over. Just about to say hello, he saw the commander Guo Ling respectfully standing next to Zhao Yu. It suddenly lit, and immediately speeded up, stepping forward and saying:

   "Commander Guo, you are a rare visitor. Please come here. It just so happens that there is still a box upstairs. I will let you and your friends vacate it."

   "You don't have to be so polite."

   Guo Ling responded with an unchanging expression, then glanced at Zhao Yu, who was not angry and pretentious, and then continued to speak:

   "You don't need to go to the box, we can just find a seat in the lobby, but remember to stay close to the storyboard."

   "Okay, I'll make arrangements, everyone, please follow me."

The middle-aged guy is also a very active person. Without further ado, he immediately led the way. Then a group of people shuttled through most of the lobby and came to the center, stopping beside an empty seat, and then Sima Annan went to At first glance, his face was surprised, and then a clear voice came out:

   "No wonder I said that the lobby is smaller than I imagined. It turns out that there is a floor below it. Is this a patio?"

"This young man has good eyesight. Below is the desk our shopkeeper uses to talk about books on weekdays. Because you are all distinguished guests of my mountain restaurant, naturally you can't let the diners look up and listen to books, so the shopkeeper took a bite from the lobby On the patio, a storyteller is set up, so that diners can eat and listen to books."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he raised his hand to greet Zhao Yu and the others to sit down, but what he didn't notice was that Xuebancheng, silently behind everyone, stared at the dark patio below, among the blue eyes. , Is full of deep shock.

Because Xuebancheng clearly remembers that Jiangyue explained to him the complex structure of the Tianmenguan ground and the firmness of the frozen ground far beyond the far north, so he knew he had to dig a bit on the ground of such a solid Xiongguan. Such a deep patio is so unusual.

   Then while thinking about the spirit of Xuebancheng, the middle-aged man nodded and said after making a gesture with Guo Ling:

"Xiaowei Guo, according to your instructions, we will serve some special dishes of our Tianmenguan pass. Please wait a while. By the way, we said before the shopkeeper. Today's storytelling will begin soon. If you have any Interested, might as well listen to it."

   After the middle-aged boy finished speaking, his face was quite proud. He raised his hand and pointed to the distance, and the voice continued:

   "Our shopkeeper's storytelling is very popular in Tianmenguan. Most of these diners who are sitting here are here to listen to the shopkeeper's storytelling."

The middle-aged young man’s voice had not yet fallen, and there was a commotion in the entire lobby, and then a light was lit in the courtyard below. This slowly lit light was in the slightly dim lobby. In the middle, it is like a Kongming lantern slowly rising into the air, attracting everyone's eyes.

   After the light came out, the surroundings were slightly bright, and then a table was reflected, a curtain raised up, and behind the curtain, a vague figure with no real face.

"Everyone is lucky. The shopkeeper starts telling the story immediately. There is no need to wait. The little one will retire first and arrange food. By the way, Xiaowei Guo, the shopkeeper has previously ordered that if you come to our mountain restaurant for dinner, it will be half price ."

   After the middle-aged young man left with a smile and a salute, the commander-in-chief of Tianmenguan, Sitianjian, made Guo Ling step forward to Zhao Yu, who was looking down, and explained in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, the treasurer of this restaurant in the mountain seems to be so faceless every time he tells the story. No one in Tianmen Pass knows his face, and even the last name and name are not even revealed. It looks mysterious, but it is so mysterious. However, he was strangely aware of the deeds of the old prince, and the Bei'an Palace was also indifferent to him, very strange."

   "Looking at the figure with the lights shining on the curtain, she is petite and exquisite, and she is a woman as I thought before."

As soon as Zhao Yu's steady response sounded, there was a very crisp sound of shooting in the courtyard below. This sound was like a thunder on the ground, and all the other sounds in the restaurant lobby disappeared suddenly. Without a trace, it was extremely silent.

After a few breaths, a female voice with a little vicissitudes of life slowly spread from below:

"Time has passed, and it has been a while since the last storytelling. Recently, the heavy snow has stretched and it has been inconvenient to act. Under this circumstance, the slaves are very grateful for the fact that I am the shopkeeper. Once, all expenses incurred at the Shanzhong Restaurant tonight will not be charged."

  As soon as this statement came out, the entire restaurant lobby paused for three full breaths, and then burst out a very enthusiastic applause:

   "Okay, the shopkeeper atmosphere!"

And some Orion who was more grumpy, waved a big hand, took out a handful of silver from his arms, and patted it on the table in front of him, meaning that this little money, the uncle did not pay attention to it. In this way, the whole The lobby suddenly became noisy.

   Then the blurred figure behind the curtain in the light gently raised his hand and made a downward pressure gesture. The surrounding noise suddenly stopped, waiting for the shopkeeper below to continue to speak.

   But the strange thing is that the shopkeeper behind the curtain remained silent, as if it gave people a feeling of hesitation and cessation. After a long time, the charming female voice below continued to spread out:

   "So today the storyteller, the Nujia will tell you a story about a storyteller and a heartless man."

   This female voice with a unique charm fell, Zhao Yu raised his head slightly, his thoughts flowed in his ebony black eyes, while Jiang Yue on the side stretched out his hand and held the table in front of him, his whole person suddenly tightened.


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