The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1001: Storyteller and the heartless man


read2();  The story of a storyteller and a heartless man.

   This story is actually very simple, and it's very bloody.

   A downhearted and frustrated, handsome prince who was forced to kill his wife with his own hands, on the way to northern Xinjiang, he met a storyteller whose father had just passed away and was wandering around. Some stories will naturally happen.

Then the prince took the storyteller to Tianmenguan, the northernmost point of Daxia. It was very cold, and the night was much more than the day. Isn’t it a sinister place for ordinary people to survive, but he thought he had met a storyteller who had depended on this life , Without complaint, serving the life and daily life of the prince with all my heart.

At that time, the snowmen tribes on the northern snowfields were restless, and they often went south to do some looting tricks. Therefore, the prince who was ordered to guard northern Xinjiang had to lead troops to expedition every few days. This trip was often several months. .

In the long wait, the piercing cold wind from the north often scraped the pretty face of the storyteller standing at the gate of the palace and looking far away, and the snowflakes that danced in the sky all the year round often dyed her head. Bai, but she doesn't care.

  Because every time at the gate of the palace, looking at the prince who wears blood armor and kills the enemy, the girl will feel that this is the hero in the story when she once told the book.

"Everyone likes heroes of the world, and every girl in her boudoir will more or less fantasize about the person she wants, riding a white horse, wearing a helmet and armor, and bringing an army full of iron and blood. Myself."

In the extremely quiet lobby of the mountain restaurant, the voice from the storyteller's shopkeeper lingered in everyone's ears. Although this sentence did not have much emotional ups and downs, but for some reason, the entire lobby was rough. The Orion men were moved by heartstrings.

   It is true that the armor is added to the battle to kill the enemy, and it is also the dream of every Daxia man to make an unworldly contribution.

   Then on the storytelling desk in the lobby patio, the storytelling with a faint sigh continued to sound:

"However, in this long history, not everyone is the Queen Mother Xiuyu. Our Majesty Taizu only has one. The army that stretches for eight hundred miles to welcome relatives and the people from all over the world gather together in a grand feat. It is extremely rare, and there are always more sad people under this world."

   At this point, the voice on the storyteller suddenly stopped. After a pause of nearly ten breaths, a voice with a little sadness and a little bit of hatred came out:

  "The storyteller always thought that the prince liked her.

"Because every time I return from an expedition, the latter's scarlet, murderous eyes will gradually disappear when looking at him, because every time the storyteller cooks, the prince will be a little bit Eat all that is not left.

"It's also because one day, the prince took her to the city wall south of Tianmen Pass, pointed to a large piece of white land under the heavy snow ahead, and asked her softly, saying that the imperial court would build a prosperous city on it. Then asked her what she wanted.

   "The storyteller remotely heads back, indicating that she just wants to stay with him."

At this point in the story, the orions in the lobby of the restaurant have changed slightly and their looks are complicated. Although before this, you can often hear trivia about the old Bei'an King in the mouth of the shopkeeper, but today’s story is It is especially different.

   Everyone knows that this may be the story of the storyteller in this restaurant, but it is clearly a tragic ending.

   As expected, the words that continued to spread out from the patio below turned into a bitter and sorrowful long, like weeping:

"The turning point of the matter happened in an afternoon when the heavy snow dissipated. A figure with a vague face walked outside Tianmen Pass. The world called her the female saint of ice. The saint came under the towering city wall, Lord Then they jumped down from above the city wall. After the two confronted each other for half a day, the female saints had a soft talk, the situation in the north was completely stable, and the whole country was celebrating.

"With the stability of the situation in the north, the construction of the South City is about to begin, but the prince’s temperament has changed drastically. He has always been nostalgic for the fireworks, surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan all day long, and he is completely different from his previous appearance. But on the other side, the storyteller heard the thunderous and fearless prince howling in the quiet room at night.

   "He cried in the room, and the storyteller cried outside."

   "Because the storyteller knows that his heart is very bitter, he doesn't love her, and will not be affectionate for a long time, even if she has taken care of him for a long time, but the latter still needs pleasure and paralysis."

   After the words fell, there was another commotion in the lobby of the restaurant. The upright hunters looked angry, raised their glasses in angrily, drank them, and then whispered:

   "What a bad guy."

   "Yes, he is indeed a guilty man."

The voice of the storyteller below continued to sound, but perhaps the figure hidden behind the curtain was not found. Before she knew it, she had replaced the word Wang Ye with him, and then accompanied the light on the storytelling desk on the patio. With the flickering of the light, the woman's voice once again spread to everyone's ears:

  "Later, he said that the scholar went to find the prince and told him that he was about to leave the palace. The prince did not retain, but gave her a restaurant in Nancheng, and in accordance with the request of the storyteller, he personally raised the plaque.

  "Since then, the storyteller has changed back to the storyteller. She picked up the old profession that she used to make a living, but the prince is no longer the prince she once knew, and her life is even more extravagant.

"Perhaps there are feelings and fantasies in her heart. The storyteller did not leave Tianmenguan to go south to the Central Plains, but there is hatred in her heart, so she advertised the absurd things of the old prince in the restaurant and let her It has become an after-hours conversation for everyone in the world."

At this point in the storytelling, the figure in the patio below no longer speaks, and the story of the storyteller and the prince comes to an end, but the diners in the house are still full of sorrows, although the story told by the figure below is emotionally ups and downs Not big, but there is love and hatred beyond words.

"It's true as Jiang Yue said, this is really a debt of love that spans an extremely long time. It's no wonder that the entire Bei'an Palace has allowed this restaurant in the mountains to exist for so many years, and let the whole story of the old prince spread throughout Daxia, and Perhaps this is what the old prince himself meant."

   On the table next to the patio, Sima Annan's low voice sounded, and then Jiang Yue, who had been tight since he just got up, slowly relaxed his whole body, closed his eyes, and responded gently:

   "In fact, for the old man, he didn't care about Daxia's reputation for a long time, and I hope he will leave without regret before dying."


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