The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1005: Yukihara is fortunate to bury the loyal bones


read2();   The Royal Palace in the snow, accompanied by the lighted lights, and the plains dangling in the snow, I don’t know when, tens of thousands of people are already wearing white snow armor, The soldiers of the Northern Army who had almost merged with the surrounding silver-white ground lined up, standing silently like a statue.

   The iron-blooded men of the Northern Army all looked sad, bit their lips, and looked sad.

For a long time, King Jiangyu of Bei’an, who established the Northern Army with one hand, is the soul of this hero of the north. However, just like the beauty will become white, the legend will also inevitably end. The old king of Bei’an released in the depths of the northern snowfields. On Lundari, all the soldiers of the Northern Army who fought in the snowfields saw it with their own eyes and will never forget them.

   This is the glory of the old prince and the glory of the Northern Army!

When the heavy snow roared, his body was tall and straight, the same white armored Tianmen Hou Jiangqing, slowly walked towards the northern army, he and Bei'an Wang Jiangyu had seven imaginary faces when they were young, with solemn faces and eyes. There was a faint color of sorrow in the depths, and behind him, two equally tall figures followed.

   The faces of the three of them are extremely imaginative, but they have a long age span. Then Jiang Qing turned his head slightly, and asked a young man behind him, speaking with some hoarse voices:

"Jiang Tu, Benhou has been guarding the Arctic City during this period. Although he does not know much about the Tianmen Pass, he also knows that his Majesty has long let Jiang Yue, the fourth son of the old man, come to Tianmen from Shenjing City. Shouling, now the grandfather of the old man is before him, what about others?"

In the voice of Tianmen Hou Jiangqing’s inquiries, there was a trace of sternness. In fact, for the four heirs of King Bei’an except Shanzi, they also met very few times on weekdays. They were not familiar with each other, and they had been living since childhood. It can be said that Jiang Yue of Shenjing City was led by Jiang Youtu. Then Jiang Tu who was behind Tianmenhou heard the words, thought a little, and responded:

   "There was news from the White Emperor's Palace that his Majesty had come to Tianmenguan first. Therefore, Jiang Yue, as the Tianhui Army of His Majesty's personal guard, should accompany His Majesty in Nancheng at this time."

"A few years ago, Benhou heard news from Shenjing City. He always said that this kid Jiang Yue was rebellious and caused trouble. Now he has become one of the taboos of the Tianhui Army, but he didn't give me Jiang Clan. Shame, let him come with your Majesty without waiting for him."

   The still calm and stern voice came from Tianmen Hou Jiangqing's mouth, but what the two of them didn't see behind him was that there was a hint of relief in the eyes of this Jagged Hou Ye.

  After a few dozen breaths, the three of them stepped onto the Dianjiang platform in front of the Northern Army. Then Jiang Qing looked around, slowly raised his right fist, and let out a roar that resounded from heaven and earth:

"My father, King Bei'an, one of the three kings of Daxia, said before his death that he would be buried in the ice and snow in the northern border when his soul returned to heaven and earth. After his death, he could also guard the northern territory of Daxia. His father fulfilled his promise. , In the depths of the northern snowy field, it turned into a big day. Today, I am waiting for the northern army boy to send this last ride to the coach."

After    Jiang Qing's roar fell, he paused for a while, and continued to raise his head to the sky and let out a louder roar:

   "Please my father's dress!"

After the roar, all the northern sergeants underneath raised their hands and beat their chests at the same time, staring at a robe and a crown held by Jiang's children from the palace not far away. The robe was embroidered with the **** bird, and the big crown was placed on the robe. A group of Jiang's disciples with solemn expressions were escorted.

   Then Jiang Qing, who was the eldest son, stepped forward, took the crown and robe with both hands, his body was as straight as loose, then turned around under the heavy snow and walked out of the Bei'an Palace step by step.

   "The whole army listened to the order, lined up to see off!"

   Roars sounded from the northern army formation, and then these lieutenants and the sergeants behind them lined up in a neat line, followed Jiang Qing and Jiang's children, and went silently outside the northern city of Tianmen Pass.

   Between the whole world, except for the sound of armor collision from the soldiers walking, and the howling of the cold wind blowing snow on the sky, there was no other half of the sound. Everyone held their breath and saw off in silence.

And when Jiang Qing and others approached the huge gate of Tianmenguan Beicheng with the clothes of Lao Bei’an, the Daxia officials, headed by Wei Guogong, Zhenhai King and Ximan King, turned into a plain white river, equally silently Into the sea of ​​people seeing off.

   "Open the gate!"

Accompanied by a full-fledged roar, the wall of Tianmenguan between the heavens and the earth, the thick and heavy city gate suddenly opened, and at the same time, one after another deafening drums came from the city wall, tearing the whole Sky.

   "咚! 咚! 咚!"

Under the sound of big drums, in the southern city of Tianmenguan, both men and women, young and old, walked out of the houses and came to the streets full of snowflakes. Then they knelt down in silence and bowed deeply toward the dim northern sky, which was originally bustling and lively. The southern city of Tianmen Pass became quiet in an instant, and a deep feeling of sadness was enveloped in the snow.

At the same time, on the tall city wall of Tianmenguan, a carriage stopped silently. Next to the carriage, Zhao Yu and his party stood in the snow. At this time, the young emperor had put on a solemn black robe and looked down. The city gate slowly opened below, with a face that was not angry with prestige, solemn and calm.

The sound of drums caused everyone to tremble slightly on the city wall. Then, on the city wall, a petite figure wrapped in a black robe watched the crown robes held by Jiang Qing from below and gradually walked out of the Tianmenguan wall. He raised his hand, covered his heart, and slowly squatted down, unable to restrain it anymore, and let out a scream that pierced the sky.

This sorrow was so insignificant among the deafening drums, but it was the love and hatred of this storyteller in her life. Then Jiang Yue, who stood beside the figure, sighed softly, and the tears also blurred her. Eyes.

   "Your Majesty, it's time for Guoshang."

Liang Po took out a pure black cloak from the carriage and draped it on Zhao Yu. After his voice fell, Zhao Yu nodded and looked at the line of seeing off like a long dragon in Tianmen Gorge ahead. His figure gradually disappeared in place. .

   When Zhao Yu's emperor's shadow appeared again, it had already come to the forefront of everyone, standing proudly on the plain white snowfield, instantly becoming the center of heaven and earth.

   In the next moment, all the officials and soldiers of the Northern Army all knelt down on one knee, and the whole line of seeing off suddenly turned over like a long dragon, silently startled countless snow foam, and rolled around.

   Then Zhao Yu raised his hand to make a fist, thumped his chest and marched in salute, the emperor's voice rose into the sky, resounding across the sky:

   "Xueyuan is fortunate enough to bury his bones, his glory will last forever, and his will will be immortal. Send Bei'an Wang Jiangyu to the earth!"

   After the voice of the young emperor fell, everyone in Tianmen Gorge also clenched their fists and thumped their chests, rising to the sky and roaring, and the sound of the mountains roaring and tsunami-like rising into the sky, lingering in the entire northern border of Great Xia:

   "The glory is forever, the will is immortal, send His Royal Highness Bei'an to the earth!"


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