
read2();  The small world of floating islands, floating clouds carrying Daxia craftsmen, holding a long white track, shuttles back and forth from the central floating island to the sub-islands .

The craftsmen above the clouds, either holding a piece of extremely rare and precious material, or looking down at the drawing that outlines the densely packed symbols, seemed extremely busy, and once the floating clouds reached the main island, these people immediately jumped out and stepped out. He hurriedly headed towards the huge monster at the corner of the island.

Because of the great funeral of the King of Bei’an in the northern border today, the officials of the Ministry of Industry rushed to Tianmenguan to see off. Therefore, on the indomitable silver mountain puppet, the number of craftsmen who climbed up and down like ants was originally dense. There is a lot less, only the disciples wearing the robes of the organ sect, stepping on the sky bridge, entering the core of the puppet to continue to explore.

Compared with half a month ago, at this time, the Yinshan Great Sovereign, who sits on the ground like a giant of the sky and the earth, has been built with countless horizontal and vertical intersections, which are convenient for the craftsmen to stand on top of the scaffolding to rub the outline of the Great Lord. The huge rune used for research.

   "Sister Xi, today Lao Shangshu took the Ministry of Engineering officials to the north and gave everyone a day off. Don't you take a break?"

At the entrance to the core of the Yinshan Great Lord’s chest, a young voice of inquiry faintly sounded. After this voice fell, a handsome young man in an organ sect robe looked at the red girl who walked out from the core in front of him, with a look of love in his eyes. After a flash, he continued to speak:

   "Since the Great Lord Silver Mountain came to this small world of floating islands, you have not rested for almost a quarter of an hour, Senior Sister, if you continue like this, your body will be overwhelmed by Senior Sister."

   "I have my own measures."

After the icy response came from the mouth of a red-robed washing red, the girl glanced at the young man in front of her, and walked directly across, but at the moment when she passed by, the young man Suddenly turned around and said loudly:

   "Senior Sister, I heard that you are going to participate in the upcoming Imperial Examination of the Ministry of Industry. I am also eligible to participate. If I get lucky in the Imperial Examination, can you give me a chance, Sister?"

   But as soon as the young man's voice with a little Qiyi fell, his complexion instantly became extremely bleak, because the red woman's still cold response sounded:


After    the voice was finished, washing Hongchen opened his hand and grabbed forward, a huge mechanism bird flew directly from a short distance, carrying the leaping girl in red, and it flew up and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The flying speed of the mechanism bird is not slow, and the overall area of ​​the floating island small world is not large, so in a short while, the stone statue tower that rises directly into the sky in the center of the floating island small world and the quaint and blank next to it The temple was greeted by the red eyes.

Then the girl in red saw a small figure playing on the lawn not far from the Radiant Army station. That was the goal of her trip, so the puppet bird flying in the sky immediately swooped down. After the breath, the dancing figure in the red dust robe fell from the sky, and at the same time, a soft questioning sound came out:

   "Pingping, your sister is going to Tianmenguan today, so I entrust you to take care of me, but I forgot the time when I got busy and missed the meal. Did you eat?"

  The sound of washing the red dust fell, and the little girl Man Pingping, who was playing on the lawn with the little pig and beast ball, showed a smile, raised her finger to a short distance, and responded in a crisp voice:

   "Sister Xiu, I have already eaten it, Sister Hongdou and the others gave me some to eat."

After washing Hongchen heard the words, he turned slightly, followed Man Pingping’s fingers, and saw three petite figures sitting side by side outside the house not far away. After that, a strange color appeared on the extremely beautiful face of the former, and he faced the small world. She, who is no stranger to everything inside, knew that these three people came from the legendary Taixuan land, named Hongdou, Gu He Guo.

Not far from the Small World’s Radiant Station, there are three individually built houses. Although nothing special is visible on the surface, at least one practitioner of the Great Summer Fury Beast Army covers the divine consciousness at every moment. Here, to be on guard.

   On the threshold of one of the rooms, she changed into a clean and tidy dress. She was no longer yellowish and thin because of hunger. She held her delicate face in her hands and said softly:

"Gu, you obviously know how to talk. The sister you lied to was so bitter, why don't you speak anymore? Hurry up and talk to my sister. Sister, I am worried about grandpa and the people. I know that you are very smart. What should I do next?"

After the girl Hongdou finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Xiaowagu, who was sitting quietly on the side. However, the latter still looked ahead without saying a word. Then Hongdou reached out and touched Gu's head in love. I wanted to continue speaking, but suddenly the whole person shook subconsciously, because an extremely abrupt squeak sounded from behind.

   Hongdou hurriedly turned and looked back, but found that the door of the room behind him had been open all the time, but the door of another room not far behind opened strangely.

   Then the girl's expression changed slightly, because she clearly remembered that Man Yuanyuan, who had brought her here before, told her that the people living in these houses were those who could not come out or did not want to come out.

  Thinking about this, Hongdou hurriedly stood up, stretched out her hands to protect her younger brother and sister behind her, and stared at the dark door in front of her with breath-holding and could not see the real interior.

   "Da, da, da!"

  The sound of soft footsteps came from the house, and the people walked slowly, as if they were burdened with thousands of burdens. Then a tall shadow appeared from the house, Hongdou swallowed subconsciously, and took his younger brother and sister to take a step back.

   After a few breaths, the figure stepped out of the room completely, Red Bean's eyes widened directly, his red lips slightly opened, and he stammered and said:

   "Dragon, dragon, there is dragon!"

   As the figure walked out, a corner of the entire small world suddenly had a strong golden light radiating outward, and under the not bright sunlight, it reflected a circle of dazzling halo.

These golden lights came from the densely dense dragon scales, and then the whole body was covered with dragon scales, and even the face was covered with dragon scales. The mountain with two dragon horns on top of the head soared up into the sky. The entire body swelling outwards stood blankly in place. There was a deep sorrow in his eyes.

   He did not look at the horrified Hongdou and others in front of him, nor did he look at the washing Hongchen who was rushing to the side after seeing the situation. Instead, he turned and looked at the north, knelt down slowly, bowed his head, and let out a whimper:

   "My father, go to the end."

In the ninety years of the Great Xia calendar, on April 23, Bingzhou, Ganzhou, and Tianmenguan in the northern part of Great Xia, on the sky dome of Shiwan Dashan, where goose feathers are flying and heavy snow is flying, Bei'an Wangjiangyu's clothing crown is standing at Tianmenguan Outside the northern city wall.

   Daxia Fuyao, along with hundreds of officials of the court, civil and military officials, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Northern Army, saw the King of Bei’an off.

After   , a storyteller commented on Bei’an Wang Guoshang, saying:

   "The brothels all over the city are closed, and the young women cry for it."


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