
read2();   Although the big sun in the land of the profound mystery is hidden behind the gray fog of the North Sea sky dome, it is not visible, but the strong light still shines from above, covering the whole standing on the armour. Shen Xiancheng.

  Sunlight illuminates every simple pattern on the ground of Aojia, the largest city in Beihai County, and combines them under one place. From a distance, it looks like a large array of sky.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Near noon, the monks in the Taixuan Land gathered in front of the Wuxianzong Mountain. They all felt that today’s light was particularly bright. Then these people walked out of their respective streets and looked towards the five giant peaks. The faces of the five immortal sects below all changed slightly, and they blurted out directly:

   "These Five Immortals, for this public execution, they have sacrificed their blood!"

I saw that before the empty mountain gate of the Wuxianzong, a huge high platform had been built at some time, and not far below the high platform, a special rest was arranged for some of the famous inland sects. Take a closer look at the shed, and the shed still has the names of Kaishanzong and Benleizong written on it.

   Such a flattering behavior naturally made a large number of monks watching from the outside feel dissatisfied, and then some people couldn't help but sneered:

"The strength of the five immortals is not weak. It is said that a giant peak was released yesterday to directly suppress the great supernatural powers of the master of Tianchi. You must know that the master of the Tianchi is also at the top in the palm of the life and death realm. It is reasonable to say that with such strength, it should be very hard-hearted, but the appearance of the Five Immortal Sect is so low-pitched, it really makes people sigh."

   After the person's pretentious voice fell, a monk next to him continued to speak:

"In fact, this can’t be blamed on the northern barbarians of the Five Immortals Sect. After all, they are only contented with Beihai County, which our inland sects sneered at. The first time we saw so many forces influx, it was naturally panic and wanted to please. This is also human nature."

"But there is one thing that makes me extremely puzzled. Since this Five Immortal Sect is so timid and fearful, why did he **** those Rift Light Valley tribes from the hands of those inland sects? Is it to please the Lord? ?"

   The sarcasm at the beginning, after finishing speaking, continued to smile contemptuously, and said again with disdain:

   "This barbarian is a barbarian. Just thinking about the few human ants in the execution area, they want to enter the eyes of the Lord. It's a foolish dream!"

However, the chattering monk, whose words had not yet fallen, suddenly felt a strong force coming from his shoulder, and the whole person staggered backwards uncontrollably for an instant, and then he stood in a very embarrassed form, his face Shang was suddenly angry, and shouted angrily at a figure in black robe passing by:

   "How do you walk, don't you have eyes, looking for death?"


An extremely young and stern voice came from the front, and this voice seemed to carry some unspeakable mighty power, and in the heart of this furious monk, an even more violent storm was instantly awakened, just like a North Sea hurricane. The engulfed angry waves smashed down like a head and face, directly causing the latter to fall into deep fear.

   "Hey, hello, are you okay, why are you shaking like this and sweating so much?"

The call of the monk on the side pulled the person back from the fear of the deep sea, and then he took a deep breath, sweating profusely all over his body, and hurriedly looked around for it, but found that the black-robed figure had disappeared from the crowd. .

   But at the next breath, this person has more beads of sweat on his forehead. He stretched out his hand to press on the shoulder that was just hit, gritted his teeth, and said in pain:

   "My shoulder was crushed!"

   At the same time, among the crowd not far from here, five black-robed figures squeezed through the bustling crowd, approaching the high platform outside the Wuxianzong, and then Xue Dao’s ears heard Ye Yi’s faint voice:

   "Small knife, pay attention to measure."

   "I know, it's just a clown jumping beam. It's kindness to criticize me and others. It's kindness to just smash one of his shoulders. If it's not for the overall situation, I will unscrew his head."

   Xue Dao under the big robe, his fierce face was full of killing intent, but the next breath, he put away all the sharp points, and continued to transmit the voice:

   "What are you going to do with that lady?"

"I have to say that her behavior was beyond my expectation. She actually hid from the people of Qingzhi Country and robbed people in full view, but this matter is also very relevant to Qingzhi of Shangguo, so I wait for nature. Can't let it go."

   After a faint response fell in the night, he raised his head and stared at the huge high platform in the distance ahead, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice continued:

   "I will personally take the shot by then, and Xue Dao will take care of it, but I always feel that this incident reveals a very strange weirdness, but it can't be said, so I still need to take the opportunity to act."

   "It's not just this incident, but the entire Shenxian City where we are, revealing a profound strangeness."

   Just as Ye Yi’s voice fell, a steady voice rang in the ears of the former and Xue Dao, and then Xue Dao’s expression moved, turning slightly to look at the figure on the side, and asking:

   "Li Dingshan, have you discovered something?"

   "Since the moment I stepped on top of this armor, I have heard the strangeness of this city."

   "But what is unusual among the five giant peaks in front of us?"

   After a faint inquiries fell in the night, Li Dingshan, who was also covered by a black robe, gently shook his head and responded word by word:

"It's at the foot. There are now a large number of monks in Shenxian City. Every monk will have a heartbeat, but I heard more heartbeats, not around me, but under my feet, but my original strength has not yet recovered, and I cannot Open your eyes and check carefully, but I can be sure that I did not hear it wrong!"

Li Dingshan’s voice was both calm and extremely determined, but these words shocked Ye Yi and Xue Dao, like thunder, and then the two looked at each other, and there was an incredible in their hearts. Thoughts.

   There are creatures under Ao Jia!

But just as the two of them were thinking about it, suddenly a deafening drum sounded in the Wuxian Mountain gate far ahead, and then countless monks gathered in one place directly broke out an extremely violent riot, speeding up and moving towards the gate. Everywhere rushed, and at the same time shouts of shouts sounded one after another:

   "The three beeps of this drum are at noon, and now the first one, it means that the people of the Five Immortals Sect will come out of the mountain gate with the remnants of the human race!"

   After the drums spread throughout the city, the young lady Qing Tian, ​​who led the way in front, hurriedly pulled Ye Yi and others to speed up, then raised her head to look at the huge gate of the Five Immortals Sect in the distance, and said:

   "Quickly, it's about noon, it won't be easy if you don't find a good place."

   The voice fell, and at the next breath, among the five immortal sect gates, one after another young disciples in white flew out, holding a sword and landing on the high platform, the clothes fluttering between them, so cool!


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