
read2();  Before the Wuxianzong Mountain Gate high platform, in a large sect monks to observe and rest, the priests from Qingzhi Kingdom gathered here, and then the shed belonged to young people Qinglin's solemn questioning sounded:

   "You haven't found the trace of Missy yet?"

  The question came down, and the slightly anxious Master Young Miao beside Qinglin shook his head helplessly, and responded:

   "His Royal Highness, in such a crowded situation, unless the eldest lady uses the life magical powers of the Shumei clan, I will find it difficult for me to find the ability to isolate the breath with the Wizard of Oz robe."

   "The bell has rang, and noon is approaching, so that all the rituals scattered around will be concentrated near me, and be ready for battle."

After    Qinglin's voice fell, he raised his head, and his emerald green eyes stared at the Five Immortal Sect monk who was standing on the high platform in front of him and holding a sword in charge of guarding. The muttering voice continued:

   "Now I only ask the eldest lady not to mess around, otherwise I will inevitably wait for Qingzhi Country to show my face before the many monks in Shenxian City!"

   In the voice of Qinglin, the young man of Qingzhi Country, there are solemn and sighs, but there is no fear!

A moment later, on the wide platform in front of the Wuxianzong Mountain, when the fifty Wuxianzong disciples in white robes and embroidered five giant peaks on their robes lined up, the second drum sounded loudly. And then, resounded through the sky.

Then, under the rumbling of the big drum, the originally noisy cultivators kept silent, and the entire Five Immortal Sect Mountain Gate became extremely quiet in an instant. Then, under the interweaving of countless lights, a man dressed in white and an extremely tall figure The young man, turned into a fleeting phantom, pierced through the void with a shocking momentum, and gently fell to the forefront of the high platform, while a clear voice came out:

   "Everyone, in Xia Aobai, the chief disciple of the Five Immortals Sect!"

   The figure of Ao Bai on the high platform appeared for the first time, and the entire bottom of the five immortal sect disciple was first seen, and countless cultivators immediately exploded and blurted out:

   "Dark green eyes, Frost Dragon Horns, they are descendants of the Golden Race Beihai Molong. There is such a character in this Five Immortal Sect. Maybe he is still the owner of the golden bloodline, it's incredible!"

   There are four characters of golden blood, and Ye Yi and Xue Dao, who are hidden in the crowd below, have a slightly condensed face. Then Ye Yi leaned close to the young lady Qing Tian next to him, and asked in a low voice:

   "Miss, I heard what everyone around here is talking about golden bloodline, dare to ask what is golden bloodline?"

   "This golden bloodline is what I am waiting for in the land of the profound mystery for a particularly powerful inheritance."

  The young girl Qing Tian turned her head and looked around for a week, and saw that the surrounding cultivators were all attracted by the Ao Bai in front of her, and then she continued to respond softly:

"You know that my countless races in the Profound Skyland are all cultivating the racial Taoist images spread in their own bloodlines, and the golden Taoist images condensed by this golden bloodline are inherently strong and can not only suppress other ordinary Taoist images. Moreover, fighting across the border is completely unnecessary, once reaching a high state, the gap between it and the ordinary blood is even more different.

"However, the golden blood is extremely rare. Except for those ancient sects that are hidden from the world, once they appear in the inland, they are all desperately collected by the major forces. Every time, an extremely distant conflict will erupt. It can be seen that it is precious, and as for the golden race that those people just said, all the people of the whole clan are of golden blood. This is undoubtedly even rarer, and may only exist in the legendary fairy palace era!"

  Ms. Qingtian's response just fell, and Ye Yi, Xue Dao and Li Dingshan's hearts were already rolling up with the stormy waves, and the three big characters appeared in the minds of the three.


The golden bloodline mentioned by the girl Qingtian is not unfamiliar to the three of them, because in the vast land of Shenzhou, which is countless miles away, there are also a group of very similar people, and at this time the girl is standing next to it. The two, but Qing Tian didn't know, staring at the extremely handsome Ao Bai on the high platform, muttered:

   "But as far as I know, the former golden race Beihai Molong should have been extinct in the war tens of thousands of years ago."

   However, the grunt of the eldest lady Qing Tian did not fall, standing proudly above the high platform, Ao Bai, fluttering in white, raised his hand to the front with a fist and continued to speak loudly:

"Some time ago, in a rift valley not far from Shenxian City in Beihai County, a fellow Taoist discovered the traces of the Human Race, and many sects have suffered from the Human Race. My Five Immortals Sect I was shocked when I heard the news."

As soon as Ao Bai said this, there was a sudden sneer from below, and the Kaishan Sect and other monks sitting in the shed in front of the stage felt a fierce pain on their faces, and they all let out a cold snort, and then Ao Bai did not Continue to ridicule, but continue to speak without selling it off, the voice resounding through the sky:

   "As we all know, this Beihai County is the site of my Five Immortal Sect, so today, my Sect will give you an explanation, and don't talk nonsense below, bring all the people of Rift Optics Valley."

When Ao Bai’s clear voice was lingering in the sky, he looked at a corner of the dark crowd below without moving, and intertwined with several eyes for a very short time, then the former looked back and looked up as usual. With a light wave of his hand, within the five immortal sect's mountain gate, a crackling iron chain dragging sound suddenly sounded.

Then the sound of the dragging of the chain became clearer and clearer, and the monks looked up one after another, and saw a group of ragged, blank-looking figures, whose feet were locked by thick chains, holding swords in a group. Under the leadership of the Wuxianzong cultivator, he filed out of the mountain gate and walked slowly towards the high platform step by step.

   As the group of figures approached, the monks below also saw the appearance of the fifty human races, and they showed their curiosity and exploration.

   After all, among the cultivators present, there are only a handful of people who have actually seen Human Race before. Then some cultivators showed disdain and spoke to the companion beside him:

"It turns out that this is the so-called human race, the Taoist image is not visible, the breath is weak, like a walking dead, I can squeeze a group of people with one hand, and I still think that it has three heads, six arms, copper skin and gold body. I really don't understand why Who in Zhongyu wants to order this race to be killed for tens of thousands of years?"

   As soon as this person's words fell, the expression of the person on the side changed drastically, and he hurriedly raised his hand to prevent the former from continuing to speak, and then responded in a low voice:

"Fellow Daoist speaks cautiously and deliberately talks about the Lord. If others know about it, a hundred of your heads will not be enough to chop off, and this human race is not as weak as you think. Well, before the Kaishan Sect and other cultivators suffered a big loss on a human race major repair, and lost a lot of manpower. At that time, I happened to be watching from a distance to see who it was."

After    finished speaking, this person squinted his eyes and glanced back and forth on the team of humans who were escorted. Then his eyes lit up, raised his finger to the back of the team, and continued to speak slowly:

   "It's the one, tearing the statue with bare hands, with infinite power, like a monster!"

   There was still a trace of fear in this person's voice, and then the people around with a look of inquiry, followed the direction of the former's fingers and looked towards the back of the team.

   It was an old man with white beard and hair, an old face, and a straight back who knew he was going to die!


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