The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1011: Killing all over the city


read2();  Death is undoubtedly a great horror, and the eight sufferings in the world that Zhao Yu once said, death is one of them.

Whether it is an ordinary person or a monk, death is the final destination, but if this destination is advanced to the next moment, it will undoubtedly make people tremble with fear. Therefore, those who can die without fear, regardless of age, no matter the cultivation level High strength, with a shocking power.

   At this time, the old man who walked at the end of the team and stepped forward steadily, with a calm complexion, carried such an unspeakable power.

Later, more and more monks put their eyes on the old man, watching him walk up to the high platform step by step, and then stand on the high platform. As we all know, because of the strong spiritual power, the monks will have invisible in their eyes. After converging his spiritual power in one place, there was pressure like a mountain, but in the old man's pitch-black eyes, they were as plain as water and without fear.

After a while, all the human races that came out of the five immortal sect gate were escorted to the top of the high platform. Then, under the biting sea breeze, Ao Bai, who was dancing in white, looked around the bottom for a week, raising his hand to signal the silence below. Holding a fist forward, he said loudly:

"Friends of Taoism, all the adult men in the Rift Valley Human Race are on this stage. As for women and children, public punishment is against the heavens. God has a good life. My Five Immortals are not a brutal and **** generation. Will handle it by itself."

After Ao Bai finished speaking, he continued to look down and saw that the cultivators below were not too fiercely opposed, and he secretly sighed, knowing that the entire Rift Valley human race, if you count all the women and children, there will be a lot of them. Then Ao Bai Slowly walked to the end, came to the side of the old man whose body was straight and loose, and after hesitating for three breaths with his lips, he slowly turned around and said slowly to the bottom:

   "Everyone, this is the patriarch of the Rift Valley Human Race, Iwa!"

Ao Bai’s loud voice resounded across the sky, with a bang, and the monks below suddenly made a very noisy noise. Then countless gazes of curiosity, respect, or murderous intent were intertwined with the old man. Above the not tall body.

Among them, the eyes of the monks from the Open Mountain Sect were particularly tyrannical and bloodthirsty. Then inside the large shed, the Open Mountain Sect Master, sitting boldly, looked up at the high platform above, even with a little bit The smiling Human Race Old Man Yan let out a cold snort of disdain, then turned his head to the side, and asked coldly:

"Gunxi, your spirit dog clan is best at distinguishing breaths. Sniff the human races above to see if they are those in Rift Light Valley, especially the old clan elder. You were there when you fought in Rift Light Valley. The human breath is no stranger."

   "Sect Master, he is not unfamiliar, it is a deep memory!"

When the voice fell, beside the Sect Master Kaishan, a middle-aged man with a particularly huge nose stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips. He lifted his nose and sniffed in front of him. The next breath was in his eyes. , A dog-shaped Taoist statue appeared instantly, and at the same time the entire head changed drastically, completely transformed into a bulldog with a long mouth and erect ears, constantly sniffing the front.

   After more than ten breaths, the spirit dog clan named Inuxi disappeared from the Taoist statue, restored to its original appearance, nodded solemnly and said:

   "Sect Master, confirm that they are correct. These people are indeed the human races in the Rift Valley, especially the old man named Yan. I also recognize this aura turned into ashes."

"Are you sure? This sect is subject to these human races, one by one, their breath is weak, and they have completely lost their previous bravery in the Rift Valley. You must know the bravery of this group of people at that time, but this sect master left an extremely deep impression. "

   Sect Master Kaishan sitting in the greenhouse, after falling down with a suspicious voice, the middle-aged man of the spirit dog tribe beside him stood up, knelt on one knee, and said solemnly:

"Sect Master Mingjian, I wait for the people of the Spirit Dog Clan. What I smell is not the body or surface odor, but the scent of vitality. Under every human race above it, I can smell the scent of vitality that has fought. As for these people Why is the sluggish appearance, it is estimated that it is not better in the Five Immortal Sect."

The vocal response of the dog West raised the corners of the open mountain sect master’s mouth, revealing an ugly smile, but he was suspicious by nature, still turning his head calmly, looking to the side where the other sect that had suffered a loss in the Rift Valley , Secretly asked the voice transmission.

In the interior of the Taixuan Land, each sect will collect some non-combat races, such as the spirit dog tribe, that are not strong in combat but have a special role in other aspects. Therefore, each sect has its own identity for the human race on the stage. Identification method.

After the Sect Master Kaishan saw the other Sect Masters nodding their heads to confirm, his mouth cracked bigger, even faintly revealing sharp fangs. Immediately after his slap on the table beside him, he made a loud bang. He stood up straight on his seat, strode to the high platform, staring at Ao Bai in front of him with scarlet eyes, and let out a roar:

"Boy of the Five Immortals Sect, we people came here from our busy schedule, not to listen to you talking nonsense. These despicable human races have damaged a lot of our manpower in the Rift Valley, so this The Qiu must be shameful, don't talk nonsense, all will be killed by the sovereign!

   As soon as this killing word came out, the Kaishan Sect and other sect monks who had already been ready to move in front of the entire high platform rushed out and began to shout:

   "All killed, all killed, all killed!"

   Under the leadership of these monks, in the center of Shenxian City, more and more monks gathered around, driven by the murderous words, they also raised their arms and started roaring constantly:

   "Kill, kill, kill!"

In an instant, the entire Shenxian City was completely shrouded in the sound of killing that resounded through the sky, and even the gray mist around the sky became like a sea of ​​blood ups and downs at this moment, with a pungent smell. .

The sky-shaking killing sound made it clear and audible behind the Wuxianzong Mountain Gate, on the Great Peak of Yingzhou, which straight into the sky, and somewhere on this peak, a white-haired old woman with a slightly squiggly figure Standing on crutches, the bitter cold wind from the north blew his white hair, which was longer than his body, back, like a tumbling silver dragon.

  Then the old woman lowered her head and watched the countless monks shouting to kill with their arms raised below. The silver eyes were filled with extremely cold killing intent, and she slowly spoke:

   "All beings are ignorant and become pawns without knowing it, or whether this is a good thing or a bad thing."

After the faint voice of the old woman fell, an extremely sweet response sounded from behind:

   "Master, time is almost up, I will go down and act according to the plan."

   "Go to Fuer, there are powerful eyes around you, and there are more than one. Although these powerful abilities check and balance each other, you have to be especially careful and bring this sea bell!"

After speaking, the silver-haired old woman raised her hand and waved forward, a small silver bell flew out in the void, and then the white-clothed woman Ao Fu standing behind the old man stretched out her white and slender right hand and held the bell in her hand. After bowing to the old woman, his body flashed and disappeared.


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