
read2();   The strong high platform before the Five Immortals Zongmen, because of the short-term battle between Ao Bai and the Master of Tianchi, under the influence of supernatural powers, it has become riddled and crumbling, and then An extremely young scream sounded from below the high platform:

   "Master Tianchi, you dare to openly release the scarlet war fog in the city, you are not afraid of being chased by the sect of the Quantian Profound Land?"

The young man Qinglin slowly stepped out of the camp of Qingzhi Nation where the thorny jungle barrier was arranged in a very short time. With murderous eyes, he stared at the imposing Tianchi above. Master, continue to speak slowly:

   "You escaped in the dock a few days ago, and this time, no matter what you have to rely on, you will once again appear in front of the people of Qingzhi Country, you will definitely die!"

Qinglin’s words came out firmly, and at this time, he was already what he looked like after completely releasing the racial Taoist statue. Countless green lights came out from under the robe of the Wizard of Oz, and on the face under the hood, there were lines on the face. Outlined, two runes of emerald green sprouts emerged from the ground, and at the same time a green longbow as tall as a person was held in his hand, and the momentum of reaching the palm edge birth and death realm steadily rose into the sky.

After that, Qinglin raised his big bow and pointed it straight ahead, slowly pulling it away. Numerous life qi in the entire world began to gather inward like a surge, directly turning into a killing intent and pointing straight ahead, which was faster than Qinglin's magical powers. It was Master Young Miao who had met his enemies and was already angry to the extreme.

I saw the forest of thorns arranged by the priests using the seeds of the jungle suddenly began to tremble violently, countless thorns and vines stretched out, and then two huge whips of thorns covered with silver runes directly stretched out like a giant python. Directly stab at the Master of Tianchi on the high platform.

   At the same time, the same complete release of the racial Dao, like the Master Young Miao jumped up directly, and then stretched out his fully branched hands, pressed them on the ground in front of him, and shouted:

   "Supernatural power. Paralyzed Forest!"

   At the next breath, the Heavenly Lake Master, who wanted to continue to attack on the high platform, felt the violent attack from the priests of the Qingzhi Kingdom for a long time, and suddenly turned around, opened their two big mouths at the same time, and issued a roar in response:

   "I'm here this time. Killing these human races is just an appetizer. Killing you is the main goal. As for what you have to rely on, you can experience it after you wait. Don't be too shocked by then."

After the roar, the already extremely large body of the Heavenly Lake Master unexpectedly doubled outwards once again, forming a strange little giant half-ice and half-lava, and at the same time the extremely tyrannical aura rose to another level, making In the feelings of everyone, there seemed to be a Tianchi volcano that was about to erupt immediately.

   Then the Heavenly Lake Master, who was soaring in figure, roared and faced the two whips of thorns that bite like a giant python, stretched out his left and right hands, and firmly grasped the whip of the jungle in his hands.

The whip of thorns, cast by many monks in Qingzhi Nation, not only has sharp barbs, but also contains unimaginable power, because he is a natural python in the jungle of Qingzhi Nation, so he grabbed the thorns with his bare hands. The huge body of the Master of Tianchi then shook severely, and the strength pouring out easily tore the high platform built and reinforced by the cultivators of the Five Immortals Sect below.

The entire high platform collapsed in an instant. On the high platform, Ao Bai grabbed the old man rock on the side, and led the other Wuxianzong disciples to jump up, and several ups and downs directly plunged into the Wuxianzong mountain gate not far away. within.

   At the same time, on the top of the Five Immortal Zongyingzhou giant peaks, hidden in the dark, holding a bell, Ao Fu, a girl in white clothes, who was about to take a shot, watched the roaring and fighting scenes below with a weird look.

The development of the following things can be said to be beyond the expectations of the entire Wuxianzong. Then the woman in white saw that Ao Bai had brought the old man's rock back to the sect, put away the sea-calling bell in her hand, and hung it carefully around her waist. Then he smiled and said softly:

   "Whatever, we don't need to take action, these people will fight on their own."

Through the eyes of the girl Aofu, the entire chaotic situation before the Wuxianshan sect was unobstructed, and the most striking was the fierce battle between the Heavenly Pond and the Qingzhi Kingdom. Because of the fragmentation of the high platform, the Tianchi The man's huge body holding the whip of thorns directly smashed into the room, and on the ground, Master Young Miao had already released the magical powers and the forest of paralysis was already ready.

   In the next second, countless vines containing the law of jungle paralysis drilled out densely from the void on the ground of Ao Jia, and directly entangled the master of Tianchi on the ground.

Although the frost and the law of lava on the body of Tianchi skyrocketed outward at the same time, it is not the first time that Master Young Miao who has fought against the former is well prepared, and the law of life contained in the supernatural powers brings rapid regeneration Because of this massive entanglement and numb vines, between the rapid destruction and rebirth, the Heavenly Lake Master was completely **** into a zongzi.


   Accompanied by Master Young Miao's extremely cold low drink, all the vines entwined with Master Tianchi tightened inward at the same time, and the latter made a roar to the sky, and the whole body was immediately tied to the spot, motionless.

   But in spite of this, the Heavenly Pond with only two bare heads, not only did not show any fear, but still grinned, with madness in his eyes, and said loudly:

  "You wait for the little girl from Qingzhi Kingdom who owns the Jungle Judgment. I went back and thought about it carefully. In this grade, you can unplug the Qingzhi Kingdom’s artifact, which should be the Taoist in the legend of your Shumei family.

"All the forces that have Daozi are hiding it, secretly letting it grow, for fear of being discovered by the enemy, but your Qingzhi Nation is better, and you should let it come to this treacherous North Sea. I should say you Qingzhi Country is bold but stupid."

After    Tianchi Master’s arrogant voice fell, his two heads stretched out their tongues and licked their lips at the same time, and continued to speak:

"I might as well imagine it later, but if that little girl dies in this Shenxian City, the Qingzhi Nation that has lost her Daozi, how will she compete with Yan Jue Nation in the next thousand years? Can she even maintain it? The position of the country is always two things, let’s not hide it from you, this time this seat is for this little girl."

   "I can't help myself, my mouth is full of noise!"

After the Heavenly Lake Master’s words were completed, Qinglin’s murderous voice immediately resounded across the sky, and along with the bow of his right hand, waves of emerald green thunders began to appear in the Great Bow. Up, and exudes a harsh sound like ten thousand birds singing.

   Then countless jungle thunders gathered as arrows, pointing straight at the eyebrows of the master of Tianchi ahead, and at the same time Qinglin's cold voice rolled out:

   "Under the anger of the Jungle Mother, when Quan Qing Zhi Guo Shu Mei faces evil enemies, all have the power to judge!"


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