
read2();   In the Qingzhi country, there is a saying that the jungle mother is vast and endless. Although it contains the power of survival for all things, it also has the power to suppress evil things.

  Everything has two sides, the law of life can not only bring about survival, but also bring about death!

At the gate of Wuxianzong Mountain, above the big bow held by Qinglin, the life thunder and killing aura that cannot be ignored and rising constantly, swept all over the place with powerful fluctuations that made everyone's heart palpitating. This is this Qingzhi The strongest and most tyrannical blow for young people in China.

Whether it is in the vast land of China or the land of the profound mystery, the fight between the great monks is actually shorter, because every move and style is unreserved and puts people to death, because no one knows what the opponent has. Revealed.

At this time, the Master of Tianchi, who was firmly locked in the thunder of life, was surrounded by countless vines. No matter how hard he struggled, he could hardly move. However, in the jungle of thorns, the young man Qinglin who draws bows and arrows does not know why , But a feeling of extreme anxiety suddenly rose in his heart.

However, the growth of every Qingzhi Kingdom Shumei clan has to go through countless years of tempering. As the Qingzhi Kingdom's Royal Highness, Qinglin is no exception. Therefore, he squinted his green eyes and held the already gathered momentum in his right hand. At the top, it was like a thunderbolt of thousands of birds chirping, aiming it at one of the two heads of the Master of Tianchi.

After special fusion with the Kingdom Yan Jueguo race under the ground, the Master of Tianchi has two creepy heads, one is the head containing the Taoist statue of the Tianchi Snow Beast race, and inside the other head, It is a statue of an unknown demon **** in Yan Jueguo.

   Therefore, outside the gate of the Five Immortal Sect, Qinglin, who holds Life Thunder, has two choices, which is to use the arrow in his hand to explode the eyebrows of one of the heads of the Heavenly Lake Master!

Then, under the hatred that Qingzhi Nation and Yan Jue Nation have accumulated for thousands of years, the young Highness of Qingzhi Nation moved the tip of the thunder arrow from the head of the Supreme Being of Tianchi to the head of the underground race among the lightning and flint. Above the eyebrows.

"The sacrificial house once said that the number of puppet brains in the Yan Jedi clan with the power of fusion is extremely small, and how many powerful monks want to merge, they must have the same level of cultivation, so they have lost the fusion. The strong Tianchi master can kill at will, but once you are not dead, another Tianchi master will appear soon.

   "Supernatural power. Wrath of the jungle mother!"

After    finished speaking, Qinglin no longer hesitated, let go and let go of the strings, murderous pouring, emerald green thunder dazzled, and the whole world was flooded by countless chirping birds at this moment.

An extremely slow life thunder from the naked eye appeared in front of everyone. Before the anger of the jungle mother, time and space seemed to have lost their original functions, because this type of magical power almost crossed that barrier. Over that mountain.

   As the life thunder approached the eyebrows of the people on Tianchi, the young lady Qing Tian, ​​who had witnessed all this, showed a smile on the pretty face under the hood, with a little cheerful voice coming out:

   "The big bow in Qinglin's hands is called Jungle Fury in Qingzhi Kingdom. It contains unimaginable life thunder power. Once hit, it will have a direct effect of obliteration."

However, the girl Qingtian's words had not yet fallen, a powerful hand stretched out from the side, directly grabbed the former's arm, and pulled it away. Then Ye Yi's steady voice sounded directly in her ears. :

"This matter is not that simple. There is great horror in the master of Tianchi. He is coming at you. Let's go to the city for a while. You are familiar with this Shenxian city. Take me to find a place to hide. local."

After   's words fell, Ye Yi and his party directly took the unknown Miss Qing Tian, ​​avoided the surrounding cultivators who were falling into violent, red-eyed cultivators fighting each other, and quickly moved away from the distance.

   Then he turned his head slightly during the time he walked, watching under the murderous intent of the wrath of the life thunder jungle mother, avoiding the inevitable head of the person on the Tianchi, and continued to mutter:

   "Sure enough, as your Majesty said, the monks in this land of profound mystery should not be underestimated."

Ye Yi’s murmur fell, and the head of the Master Tianchi was locked tightly by magical powers, and suddenly he gave a very strange grin. Although this smile was so sudden and fleeting, it still let you see The arrival of Qinglin and Master Young Miao slammed in their hearts, and a deep chill suddenly rose.

Sure enough, just before that life thunder pierced the weak point of the head and brows of the Heavenly Lake Shangren, this ugly head with obvious underground racial characteristics suddenly became blurred, and because it was too sudden, it even gave people a sudden The illusion of disappearance.

This ambiguity is like a mysterious power that disrupts all the laws and makes the entire void lose the ability to be clear, making it difficult for all living beings to see it, whether in the vast land of China or at this time. There is only one existence between heaven and earth that can do this.

  Land fairy!

   "Damn it, Lord Yan Jue went off the court himself!"

At the moment when I saw the fuzzy head, the Master Qinglin and Qingmiao who were watching closely in front of him made an angry shout almost at the same time. Then the sound did not fall, and the Thunder Arrow of Life, ignoring time and space, plunged directly into this piece. Within the blur.

Outside the gate of the Five Immortals Sect, the large area centered on the people of Tianchi was completely forbidden at this moment, and then maybe a few moments passed, or maybe a very long time passed. The green thunder with a powerful and devastating aura rose directly into the sky, straight into the sky, and even blasted a large hole clearly visible from the gray fog above Shen Xiancheng that was floating all day long.

As we all know, the speed of light travels countless times faster than sound, so after the thunder, there are countless tearing sounds like birdsong, and then under the eyes of a pair of eyes, dense space cracks appear at the intersection of the head and the arrow. .

   "The space has been broken, this is a means only available between the superiors!"

Accompanied by the utterly shocking gasp of the great monks who were not affected by the scarlet fog, above the nine heavens of Shenxian City, behind the layers of gray fog, there are three kingdoms of white, blue, and red standing in the sky and each other. Check and balance, and then a very angry female voice suddenly sounded in that blue country:

   "Absolutely, you dare to ignore the Profound Sky Land and Land Fairy Covenant, and make a shot in person, without fear of being attacked by all the crowds?"

   "Qing Ke Zun's words are wrong!"

A hoarse and stern response came from within the crimson country. After the voice fell, the red country suddenly began to boil violently, as if there was a large amount of magma surging during the period, and then the sound came out again, loudly Through the entire nine heavens:

   "As you can see, it is the deity that the people of Qingzhi Country shoot first with a bow, and this power has reached the point where it can cause harm to the deity, etc. Our covenant does not stipulate, the deity cannot fight back!"

   As soon as this statement was made, the Heavenly Lake Master, who was still shrouded and torn apart by countless thunders, outside of the Five Immortal Sect Mountain Gate below, suddenly raised his head and raised his head with a deafening roar!


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