
read2();   I don’t know how long it has been, maybe half an hour, maybe longer, the hurricane raging in the North Sea and the sudden night, which obscures the sky, dissipates almost at the same time , And then released the infinite light and heat Da Ri once again took over the entire sky.

  Besides the North Sea, the light shines!

But when this lost light passed through the heavy gray fog above the North Sea and poured again on the still wet ground of Shenxian City, the only big city in Beihai County that was originally full of people was still pressed the pause button. Like, it becomes audible.

   Numerous Beihai natives hiding in their homes or a large number of monks gathered outside the Shenji Pavilion. At this time, they all looked up at the sky, which was the same as usual, and it was difficult to return to their senses for a long time.

   Then gradually a monk slowly turned his head, looked at the same dazed companion on the side, and muttered:

   "Try to pinch me to see if I am in a dream right now."

   Then the monk beside him directly reached out and grabbed the former's shoulder, twisted hard, the man let out an exclamation of pain, and continued to mutter:

   "It will hurt, this is not a dream, so why is there such an unthinkable thing happening?"

The area of ​​the Taixuan Land is vast and it is difficult to measure with a specific number. Moreover, there are many counties and countless races on it. It can be described as chaotic and complicated to the extreme. In the extremely long fairy palace era, it is easy to distinguish and Rule, divide the entire continent of Taixuan Land into 108 counties.

   Thirty-six Upper County, 72 Lower County!

Nowadays, after tens of thousands of years of changes, the sea in many places has turned into mulberry fields. It is no longer desirable to talk about the upper and lower counties, and even the impossible fairy palaces have suddenly collapsed, but the names of these counties have been largely preserved. to date.

These counties vary in size, ranging from large to small. The big ones are like this Beihai County, which directly straddles the entire North Sea, while the small ones, such as Wuxian County that was once located above the North Sea, have survived the North Sea War. .

   But except for Wuxian County, the remaining 107 counties, no matter which counties, have a huge area that cannot be crossed by non-combat races in their lives.

The land of the Supreme Profound Realm is really too huge, so big that even the Heavenly Cloud Temple Touring Tian Weng clan who are best at long-distance flying will take months or even years to travel between the counties and counties, between Shangguo and Shangguo. In this vast land, the situation where a large number of cultivators watched the sky together did not just happen on this Shenxian City in the North Sea.

  The land of the Profound Sky, the central capital of the Kingdom, also has countless monks and people, under countless frost flying, looking up at the sky.

Different from the sky by the North Sea, which is shaded by countless gray mists, the inland center of the Taixuan Land is cloudless. Although the frost is flying like snowflakes, it is high in the hot day and the surroundings. The three halos can still be seen.

  The central part of the capital of the Central Kingdom is a huge area with countless buildings densely lined with rows. There is a huge square school field on which a large number of young people from the Central Kingdom are gathered at this time.

These people are all wearing uniform robes, gorgeous robes, and inlaid with gold and jade ornaments at the seams. With the handsome faces of both men and women, the graceful and luxurious temperament is undoubtedly obvious, and if you look closely, these young people In her eyes, there was a faintly noble and colorful statue.

  The above ancient immortals are Taoist statues, the bloodline of the royal family in the central kingdom of the Taixuan land.

   "Brother Three Emperors, it turns out that you are in the martial arts school of the royal children, so I can find my little brother, why, but what annoyance can't be done?"

   Outside a pavilion in the martial arts field, a young and mellow voice suddenly sounded, and as this voice fell, among the frost, a young man walked quickly with his big sleeves.

   After the young man stepped into the pavilion, he stretched out his hand and patted the ice flowers on his shoulder and top of his head, his colorful eyes staring at the broad back who stood holding his hand in front of him, looking up at the sky, and continued to speak slowly:

   "Little brother, I heard that earlier, the monarch summoned a few of your elder princes, but the three emperors are worried about this?"

   "Your news is very good, no wonder other brothers and sisters are secretly calling you Xiaoshuatou, old nineteen."

   The voice that came from the back of the young man was extremely strong and with a strong majesty, and then the person did not look back, but continued to speak:

   "Nineteenth, the third brother and you are born of the same mother, so I don't hide it from you. This time the monarch summoned me to wait, the source is in the far north."

  As soon as this statement came out, the expression of the young man called Nineteen with a slight smile suddenly changed slightly. After squinting his eyes for a moment, he responded:

   "Could it be that the third brother is referring to the birth of the sinking Erxian Mountain that has been reported in the Taixuan Land?"

After   's words fell, he reached out his hand to touch the smooth chin, and continued to mutter:

   "Isn't this matter that the horoscope hasn't been written yet? Could it be that the leader of the Snow Charm country came to our central government to see the Lord, really for this matter?"

   "What is the so-called "Xuemei Country Lord" coming here is not something I can guess, but the king's father summoned us to wait, and it is indeed its business."

   The vigorous response sounded faintly in the pavilion, and then the vigorous back figure went silent for a few breaths before continuing to speak:

"In a nutshell, the father of the king concluded that these two immortal mountains will be born in the North Sea again this time, so we princes rushed to the bank of the North Sea to fight for this great fortune from the sky. You should know that our central government There are countless distances from the North Sea, so I have to leave recently. This time the struggle for luck is extremely important for me and the Central Government!

   "Because this is a battle to win a child!"

  As soon as this person’s voice fell, the young man behind him let out an exclamation, then his eyes condensed, and the extremely solemn voice continued:

   "For so many years, Lord Monarch has not decided the candidate for the crown prince. Will this Beihai incident be the final test?"

After the nineteenth princes of the Central Kingdom finished speaking, the thick-backed three princes in front of them did not continue the topic, but continued to squint their golden eyes and stare at the frosty sky. After a long time, they made a faint question. :

   "Nineteen, you said how high is the ladder that once led to the fairy palace?"

   "It's very high, it's said that I don't know how many miles it is. People like me, I'm afraid I won't be able to go up for a lifetime."

   After the nineteenth prince’s response fell, he also looked up at the sky, and continued to speak gently:

"Furthermore, it is said that climbing this ladder depends not only on strength, but also on various factors. You see, the leader of the Snow Charm nation has not reached the top after climbing for a day, and you know how difficult it is. Why, brother, you want to climb. This ladder, go up and take a look?"

   "Who doesn't want it?"

   After a long time, the generous back in front of the young man opened his mouth and let out a faint question.

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