
read2();  The ladder to the sky, the ladder to the sky, the ladder can go straight to the nine heavens, and ranks in the fairy class. May I ask mortals who don’t desire?

   In a pavilion in the martial arts field of the royal children of the capital of Shangguo, the three princes of Shangguo and the younger nineteen princes simultaneously looked up at the sky.

Above the sky, the frost in the sky carried by the leader of the Xuemei Nation is still flying everywhere. This indicates that this noble leader, one of the four great kingdoms, has spent a full day, still at this moment. Climb on the ladder.

Like two princes, people living on the ground can’t see the ladder leading to the nine heavens and the ruins of the fairy palace standing proudly on top of the nine palaces at the top of the ladder, but countless years of inheritance clearly tell living The countless people in the capital of the Central Upper Kingdom, above their heads, once existed the most powerful and incomparable ruler of the Taixuan Land.


The land of Taixuan is vast and vast, with countless races. The fairy palace once ruled the world, and even the most powerful forces such as Wuxian Mountain in the northernmost part of the North Sea were all surrendered. It is enough to show how powerful it was once and beyond everyone Imagine.

"Third brother, we pride ourselves on being the orthodox descendants of the fairy palace. Our ancestors and ancestors have tried to restore the glory of dominating the world in the past. Therefore, the title of the country is directly named as the central government. How many people are on this ladder?"

The 19th prince gently sounded inside the pavilion with a melancholy voice, then raised his hand, extended his palm out of the pavilion, reached out to catch a frosty flower floating on the sky, and then the words in a low voice continued Outgoing:

   "What's more, even the relics of the fairy palace where our ancestors once lived are occupied by people, so what is the glory of the past?"

  As soon as these words came out, the magnanimous figure in front of the nineteenth prince suddenly turned around, followed by a low voice full of majesty, accompanied by sharp eyes directly:

   "Nineteen, be careful! You are not allowed to say these things in the future, and you will rot in my heart."

   "I know the third brother, except you, I will not say this to anyone."

After    finished speaking, the nineteenth prince stretched out his **** and kneaded the frosty flower into powder, but in his eyes, the cold color flashed away. After a few breaths of silence, he continued to speak:

   "Since the elder brothers of the admiral of the monarch and father are all sent to the North Sea to compete for the so-called illusory luck, then you should be allowed to form a team."

"Naturally, I can't let me wait alone. Whoever takes me depends on my own ability, but the only requirement is that it can only be the younger generation, because if even the older generation can be brought out, then the local strength of the central government will It will be cut in half."

   After the three princes finished speaking, he raised his hand and gently patted the shoulder of the nineteenth person in front of him, then turned around and looked into the distance, and the majestic voice continued:

   "Don't worry about this. You are still young at nineteen, and you spend more time with your mother on weekdays. As for who you take to Beihai, your Highness will consider it for yourself."

   After the words of the three princes were heard by the nineteenth, the latter's lips were pursed, and then as if he had made some determination, he spoke very solemnly and directly:

   "Brother, this time I will go by the North Sea too!"

   "It's just a nonsense, Yin Shang, it's about life and death. If you don't care about it, there will be no bones left. It's not a playhouse. You have to go and join in the fun."

On the face of the three princes of Central Shangguo who were not angry and presumptuous, there was a trace of anger, and even directly called out his brother's real name. Then the nineteenth prince named Yin Shang in front of him showed stubbornness and slowly responded. :

"Third brother, you usually deny yourself and return to rituals, and you are not willing to make friends with the core disciples of the major sects in Tangdu. Compared with the other princes, the disciples of Taiqing, Wujiang, Funeral Soul, Dayan and Suncheon, you There is no intersection, so how can we go to arrogant people?"

   The words of the nineteenth prince Yin Shang's response made the faces of the three princes in front of him slightly startled, and then he listened to the voice of the former and continued:

   "Whoever says that one is low at a young age, the third brother has forgotten that one."

After    finished speaking, Yin Shang raised his hand and pointed to the sky, his solemn voice continued:

"Once the Holy Venerable agrees to the requirements of the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom, then that one will definitely be sent to the coast of the North Sea, and I just have a little friendship with him just before he was taken into the fairy palace by the Holy Venerable, and maybe I can say it by then. a few words!"

   The words of the young nineteen princes directly caused the three princes who had still opened their mouths to stop directly into silence, and stopped speaking.

   Following the fingers of the nineteen princes of the Central Shangguo pointing to the sky, upwards and then upwards, there is a fuzzy figure surrounded by countless frost, raising its legs in the high sky.

   At the foot of this figure, there seems to be an invisible staircase, carrying the former to the depths of the sky.

As long as the monks stepping into the realm of cultivation, they will be informed by their elders or masters that there are nine layers of the sky above everyone’s heads, and each layer has its own profound mystery, and its power is unparalleled, and after these nine layers of heaven, there are all The bridge on the other side of the avenue that people have long dreamed of.

But in the inland center of the Taixuan Land, above the Nine Heavens, there is not only the unreachable avenue and bridge, but also the Qionglou palace that stretches for countless miles, faintly sinking in the clouds. People can't see their heads at a glance, and at the same time countless rays of light burst into the sky, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are so gorgeous.

At the same time, this piece of Qionglou Yuyu gives people a sense of contradiction that is within reach, but it is extremely long-lasting, and the facts are also true. It is not easy to get close to this immortal fault, and from the bottom of Tangdu, it goes straight to Jiuzhong. The end of the ladder above the sky is in this palace.

On the outermost periphery of the palace, there stands a huge palace gate that spans the entire sky. This palace gate is as big as thousands of miles. It stands under this gate, covering the sky and covering the sun, small as a drop in the sea, but if Zhao Yu and others here will definitely be extremely shocked to discover that the style and size of this palace gate is almost exactly the same as the Arctic world in the vast Arctic Land of Shenzhou.

   The same countless runes are densely covered, the same thickness is extremely heavy, even on both sides of the palace gate, there is also this poem:

   "Looking into the twelfth layer of the heavenly gate, Feng Ran flying into the void."

   At this time, under the gate of the palace, stood a young figure who was not very tall and waited with his eyes closed.

This person seems to be young, except for a simple black shirt, there is nothing else on his body. It can be said to be extremely simple, even the face with closed eyes is very ordinary, ordinary mouth, ordinary nose, Adding up all this, if you put it in the soup city with countless people below, you won't even be able to find anything outstanding.

   But it was this ordinary young man who stood steadily at the end of the ladder that countless people had dreamed of reaching the sky, under the gate of the fairy palace!


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