The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1035: Dongsheng Plain


read2();   Taixuan Land In the east of the vast mainland, there is a huge area of ​​the county. It was named Dongsheng County from the Immortal Palace era. The terrain is flat and the river is lined, so it is called it For the Dongsheng Plain.

   At this time, it has another name.

   Qingzhi Shangguo.

As one of the four upper kingdoms of the Taixuan Land, Qingzhi Kingdom has the smallest area compared to the other countries, occupying only the land of the Dongsheng Plain, but this county plain is the entire Taixuan Plain. The land of Xuanzhi has the most sunshine and the widest area of ​​sunshine. At the same time, there are countless trees growing in the ancient forests of this plain, rare ancient trees anywhere else.

   These ancient trees, which are called living fossils straight into the sky, have grown and bred for countless years, forming an extremely dense and ancient Dongsheng jungle, which is also a natural country where the people of the Qingzhi nation and the Shumei clan depend for a living.

The birth of each tree charm clan is a miracle in this Dongsheng jungle and a gift from the mother of the jungle. Therefore, the growth of the tree charm of Qingzhi Country is also extremely long like a tree, and they have extremely long Lifespan, day after day, bathed in the sun, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, learning the knowledge of living in the land of the supreme.

   As Ms. Qingtian said, the light of the big day is the essential energy of the tree charm of the Qingzhi country. They love the day and hate the night without the sun.

   "That's right, this lady hates the dark night, how nice the sun is, it's warm and bright!"

   Qing Tian, ​​a petite girl lying on her back on the old trees in the Dongsheng Plain with her smooth feet upright under the bright sun, squinted her eyes at the blue sky above the clouds, and let out a sigh.

   But the next breath, the environment around the girl changed suddenly, the day disappeared, and the darkness engulfed in the night, as if a blood basin swallowed the former with a big mouth.

   Then Qing Tian frowned slightly, but for some reason, there was no fear in her heart, instead she was a little eager. After hesitating for a few breaths, the girl subconsciously stretched out her right hand, trying to touch the dark ups and downs ahead.

The girl’s slender, white right hand gradually stretched into the rolling night in front of him, and then Qing Tian's brows gradually stretched, because this night is not as dark and cold as imagined, but warm and thick, giving people a kind of A sense of peace of mind.

   "This lady seems to have forgotten something, it is very important!"

   A faint question appeared in Qing Tian's heart. Then she stared at the dark night ahead, and fell into deeper and deeper thinking. Suddenly, a young and steady voice suddenly resounded through the girl's entire mind:

   "I know that you are born into the sun, happy day and not night, but today, let this world be night and bless you once!"

   When the words in the girl's mind rolled over, the night around her body suddenly rolled, and then gathered inward into a pale young man's face, then Qingtian opened her mouth and called out a person's name:


In the northern sea of ​​the Taixuan land, a big ship moved steadily between the ups and downs, and in this big blue ship, the young lady Qing Tian, ​​who was lying on her back on the branches of a big tree in the cabin, suddenly opened her eyes, at the same time The sound of rapid breathing continued to echo in the cabin.

After a while, the young girl Qing Tian stared at the top of the cabin in front of which was carved with exquisite hollow patterns. In the emerald green eyes, there was a little trance. In the next breath, a group of people suddenly appeared beside this vacant tree. Then Master Young Miao's relieved voice sounded directly:

   "Bless the mother of the jungle, miss you finally awake."

   "Where am I?"

   The response sounded from the mouth of the girl Qing Tian, ​​with a hint of dryness and hoarseness, then the Master Young Miao standing under the tree hurriedly waved his hand and asked the priest beside him to get the life syrup. At the same time, he responded:

   "Miss, this is Beihai. You are now on the big ship heading to the Dongsheng Plain."

After   's words fell, Master Qing Miao looked at the girl who was still lying on the branches, her long green hair hanging down like waves, and continued to speak:

"Miss, you have been in a coma for a full day and night. After you turn the crisis into peace, I waited for the order from Qing Kezun to take you immediately to leave Shenxian City and return directly to Qingzhi Country. Next, the Lord of the Country and the Sacrificial House have decided to end your experience journey ahead of schedule.

"Because Shen Xiancheng on the shore of the North Sea is in danger at this time, although I am waiting for the help of the mysterious overhaul to temporarily get out of danger, the Lord Yan Jue will definitely not give up after suffering a dark loss, so the old age is in Heqing. After the discussion, His Highness Lin took the young lady directly on the journey home."

   "Where is Qinglin?"

   The young **** the branch, Qing Tian, ​​spoke softly after hearing the words, and then Master Qing Miao reached out and took a cup of green agar syrup from the young priest, and continued to respond:

"Miss Hui, His Royal Highness decided to stay in Shen Xiancheng temporarily. This time, Yan Jue Guozun ignored the land and fairyland covenant and personally framed the lady. The Lord of the country and the sacrificial house were furious. Although my Qingzhi country loves peace, it is absolutely It’s not the people who bully the soft and fear the hard, so this place is still looking for it back."

After    finished speaking, under the big tree, the old-faced Master Young Miao stared at the girl who had been unwilling to get up for a long time, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and then asked tentatively:

   "This time the Supreme Divine Sense is coming and attacking, it is very dangerous and abnormal, what is wrong with the eldest lady?"

   "I'm fine."

A crisp response came from the tree trunk, and then the girl slowly got up, stretched out her hand to support the branch on the side, twisted her somewhat stiff neck, jumped down from above, fell in front of the Master Young Miao, and continued to speak. :

   "Granny Young Miao, I remember you were extremely dangerous back then, how did you get out of danger later?"

"Miss, it's the Five Immortals Sect. After the chief disciple of the Five Immortals Sect, Ao Bai was attracted by the young lady on Yan Jue Guozun, he dragged me into the gate of the mountain, thus resisting the last expression of the Supreme Lord. attack."

After the Master Qing Miao finished speaking, he handed the green jelly in his hand to the girl in front of him, then the latter took it, raised his head and drank it, then Qing Tian stretched out his right hand and wiped the corner of his mouth, and the emerald green eyes gradually recovered. Confident and active, continue to speak:

   "This time, our Qingzhi Kingdom owed the Five Immortals a favor."

   "Yes, and this Five Immortal Sect can call the wind and call the rain, control the North Sea hurricane, the hidden strength is really shocking.

   "Although I don't know the last one who can reverse the yin and yang and obscure the great sun, there are rumors that it may also come from the Five Immortals."

After   's words fell, Master Qingmiao looked up at the girl with the usual face in front of him, and pressed down another question in his heart, revealing an expression that hesitated to speak.


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