
read2();   The North Sea heads east, the waves are undulating, and the dark green water rushes into the sky. Then wave after wave beats on the green and green ship belonging to the Qingzhi country, breaking into pieces. Countless waves dispersed.

   This large ship that was urgently restored by many Qingzhiguo sacrifices, even if time is limited, still upholds the exquisite and beautiful characteristics of the Shumei clan, carrying Qingzhiguo and others smoothly and quickly eastward in the waves.

   Inside the cabin, the eldest Miss Qing Tian put down the cup in her hand and stared at the Master Young Miao who was hesitant to speak in front of her, her red lips lightly opened, and she said:

   "Granny Young Miao, if you have any questions, just ask?"

   After the girl's words fell, Young Miao waved his hand to make the rest of the young priests retreat, and then asked in a low voice:

"Miss, whether it is the old man and others, or Qing Ke Zun, want to know that day in Shenxian City, covering the big day, inverting the yin and yang, killing Yan Jue Guozun who descended on the gods, is it? Who?"

  As soon as this question came out, on the young girl’s beautiful face, her brows wrinkled slightly. After thinking for a long time, she finally shook her head, and a crisp response came out:

"Mother-in-law, it's only half a year since Qingzhi's overseas travels. You are here too. How can I recognize such a great person with a high level of cultivation? It must be someone who has another purpose and saved it easily. Me!"

  After the girl’s response sounded in her ears, Master Young Miao, who was still wearing a green robe, nodded, then a trace of fear flashed across the old face, and he spoke with lingering fear:

   "It's a blessing for the young lady to be able to turn the dangers into danger this time, the mother of the jungle, bless me, otherwise we will be the sinners of the entire Qingzhi Country Shumei clan."

   "Mother-in-law, don't blame yourself. You know my proclivity. This is definitely not the last time I left Shen Xiancheng, and the account of Yan Jueguo will be calculated by this lady herself sooner or later!"

   These words came from the girl's mouth firmly, and then there was a trace of desire in her emerald green eyes.

   That is the desire for power!

"By the way, Miss, something happened when you fell into a coma. The three human races you rescued halfway through were gone. I don’t know if they were still in the turmoil of Shen Xiancheng. Alive."

After the old voice of Master Qing Miao sounded, the girl's motion of raising her feet forward slightly paused, and the thin figure shrouded in the endless night appeared in her mind directly once again, and then Qing Tian closed her eyes and opened the back color. Directly restored as usual, a faint response came out:

   "Let Qinglin pay attention, after all, this lady had promised to ensure their safety in Shen Xiancheng."

   "His Royal Highness Qinglin knows this very well, so when we left, he had sent someone to search for the traces of these three people in Shenxian City."

After    Master Young Miao finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and continued to speak:

   "But the eldest lady, although the three human races can't be found for the time being, one person insists on following. He said he wants to repay."

   "Wandering around the world?"

   The girl's suspicious voice fell, and the Master Young Miao beside her nodded, and continued to speak with a hint of helplessness:

   "It is him, but in order not to cause trouble, he refused to wait for the room arranged for him in the cabin. At this time, he lives on the deck, and the food he eats is also the dry food he brought."

   "I will go and see for myself."

After finishing speaking, Qing Tian reached out and took the green robe handed over by Master Qing Miao, and draped it over her petite and exquisite body, then raised her foot and stepped forward, along the lush lawn road in the cabin, towards the stairs leading up. go with.

Inside this big ship of Qingzhi Kingdom, it can be said that it is a small jungle. Not only flowers and trees, but also small seeds with a faint light floating in the cabin, lighting up the surroundings like fireflies flying in the sky. .

Then Qing Tian barely sleek feet, reached out and grabbed a ripe fruit on the side of the tree. After gently plucking it off, stepped on a ladder that was also covered with lawn and climbed up the stairs. After a while, Qing Tian came to the intersection on the deck. , Reached out and gently pushed away, and then the girl's expression was slightly startled.

Because looking out from the deck at this time, the whole world happened to be at the moment when day and night were born. After the last gleam of the scorching sun sank below the sea level, then the endless night sky rose from the sky, in a blink of an eye. Then enveloped the entire sky.

   The young girl Qing Tian stared at the scene of the day and night in front, and couldn't help but murmur:

   "So this is the so-called Dark Ascension!"

   "Miss, what did you say?"

   Behind the girl, she also made a soft question to the Master Young Miao who came on the deck. Then the former shook his head and took the lead to walk straight to a young figure sitting cross-legged on the edge of the deck, and said loudly:

   "You Tianya, your little body still wants to stay on the deck all the time, when a random wind and wave in the Beihai night will take you into the sea."

After    finished speaking, Qing Tian came and walked behind You Tianya, and at the same time threw the emerald green fruit in his hand to the latter who turned around after hearing this, and continued to speak:

"Why would you want to leave Shenxiancheng where you have been living with this lady, and go to Qingzhi Country, where you are unfamiliar. I remember that your dream is to be a poet who travels around the world, but after this lady returned to China , It is extremely difficult to come out again."

   After the young girl Qingtian fell with a hint of joking voice, You Tianya with a handsome face took a bite of the fruit, stared at the undulating North Sea in the night, and responded:

"Since the old man left, this Shen Xiancheng has completely lost my nostalgia, and the eldest lady is my savior. When there is nowhere to go, I will follow you. Even if I lay down this life, it is a kind of reward. Ye Yi told me."

The name    Yeyi changed Qing Tian's expression slightly, and then the words of You Tianya sounded in his ear again:

   "Ye Yi Da Ren told me that Missy is not a person who can be quiet, because you have a brave heart that is unwilling to be silent and the spirit of adventure to explore the whole world!"

As soon as   you Tianya's words came out, the eldest lady Qing Tian couldn't help but show a smile, then she also slowly sat on the edge of the deck, watching the darkening night ahead, slowly speaking:

   "I can't think of the fellow Ye Yi, who knows this lady well."

After    finished speaking, Qing Tian raised his right hand and tried to touch the ubiquitous darkness in front of him, while the crisp, heroic voice continued to be heard:

   "He was right. How could this lady give in like this? She must have gotten up from where she fell. Originally I was worried about how to slip out, but when I saw you, I knew everything in my heart."

   As soon as these words came out, You Tianya's complexion suddenly changed next to the girl who was sitting cross-legged, and he stammered and said:

   "Miss, me, I really can't fly."

   "It doesn't matter if you can't fly now."

  The smile on the girl Qingtian's face grew thicker, then she directly raised her hand and patted You Tianya's shoulder, and continued to speak loudly:

   "When you arrive at the Yuanshi Forest in the Dongsheng Plain, this lady has time to train you, and you will surely be able to soar into the sky and become a real celestial being!"


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