The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1037: Rolling gold


read2();   may be affected by the ubiquitous gray fog above the sky, the night in Beihai County, Taixuan Land, is darker than the inland areas.

The tumbling gray fog obscures the stars and the moon. Under no stars and no moon, the dark night is like a hard iron curtain covering all sides of Shenxiancheng. At the same time, cold and silence have become the main theme of this northern world. .

   After the sun sinks below the sea level, in the big city, only the lights in the Shenjige Inn can represent some popularity.

Regardless of the monks in the entire Shenxian City, or the local Beihai creatures and natives, after the riots a few days ago, they all had lingering fears about the night. Therefore, at this time, the night was not deep, and there were no figures on the streets in the city, but the Shenji Pavilion But the inside is still extremely lively, and a large number of monks gather in the lobby, communicating with each other and waiting.

In the huge lobby of the Shenji Pavilion, it can be said that there are no empty seats. Inland monks wearing various robes, one after another focused their eyes on the dark room of the Shenji Pavilion selling news, waiting for this room. The door opens.

"The days and nights turned upside down in the past few days, and the horrible scenes of the raging storm are still vivid. In order to clarify the situation and at the same time have the first-hand advantage, there are big forces that have initiated fundraising to buy news from Shenji Pavilion. We have more or less handed in some Money, dare to ask you Dao brothers, how much is it?"

In the corner of the hall of the Shenji Pavilion, after a voice of inquiry sounded, beside the middle-aged monk who spoke, a young monk dressed in luxurious clothes with a big belly heard the words, and a nonchalant smile appeared on his round face, and he stretched out and wore a Taoist ring. , Golden fingers, casually spoke:

   "Not a lot, just 10,000 sen coins."

  As soon as these words came out, the monks in this corner of the lobby subconsciously gasped for a while, and then immediately some monks stepped forward to pour tea and praised it flatteringly:

   "It turned out that the God of Wealth came here. We didn't know Taishan before. If there is any negligence, fellow Daoists are no wonder."

   "It's okay. Actually, this time this time, this son is also less, mainly because it is not good to occupy the limelight of the other major sects."

  The young fat monk waved his hand nonchalantly, leaned back, and the chair under him suddenly squeaked, then he stretched out his hand to support the table in front of him, and continued to speak loudly:

   "After all, we are in the golden sect. Apart from money, our strength is still inferior to those sect forces with great monks."

  The words "Rolling Jinzong" came out, and the brows of the other cultivators beside the young fat cultivator suddenly jumped wildly. Then these people looked at the former gaze, and suddenly became extremely weird, as if they were looking at a pile of fairy coins exuding jewels.

The three words   Golden Sect, are like a thunderbolt in the ears of monks in the land of the Supreme Profound Land. It is not because of how strong this sect is, but because of the wealth and countless wealth.

   And on the other hand, the disciples of the Jinzong who are walking outside all follow a principle of dealing with things, that is, things that can be solved with money, absolutely will not use other methods.

   In other words, the disciples of Jinzong are so generous that it is unimaginable!

In the land of Supreme Profound, countless monks are fighting for opportunities, like a hundred geese. A little carelessness is the end of their souls and souls. One path of cultivation is indispensable for the transportation of wealth and wealth, and the disciple of the Gun Xianzong can be called scattered. Choi boy, therefore extremely popular in the Taixuan land.

Sure enough, after the young fat monk revealed his identity, a large number of other monks sitting in the corner of the Shenji Pavilion swarmed up, squeezing their shoulders, thumping their legs, and even self-contained and beautiful female cultivators around. Under the suggestion of the person, he twisted and showed his face, trying to attract the attention of the young fat monk.

However, as a young monk who was a disciple of the Jin Jinzong, he was already quite familiar with this scene. It was also extremely handy in handling. He stretched out his big fat hand and touched it in his pocket, and suddenly a bunch of colors glowed. The cents were caught.

The eyes of the cultivators suddenly brightened, looking at the young cultivators of the Jinzong Sect, they were even more flattering, then the fat cultivator chuckled and threw the celestial coins forward. These celestial coins looked like they had eyes. Automatically fly in front of the surrounding monks, even those female monks who just came to show their faces.

   Then the fat monk raised his hand and lightly snapped his fingers. All the cents fell together, and the former’s young voice came out:

   "My son wants to sit quietly and wait for news, please don't bother me."

   "Naturally, we will leave now, and we will not disturb the young man's purity."

   A large number of cultivators around reached out to take the penny coins falling in front of them, put them carefully in their pockets, and left with joy.

After a while, the corner where everyone had dispersed became extremely quiet, and then the young monk laughed, his round face that seemed harmless to humans and animals gradually became solemn, and sharp eyes appeared in his eyes. Ruiqi, then he stretched out his hand to take the tea on the table in front of him, and after taking a sip, the light from the corner of his eye happened to catch a glimpse of the table at the back. Three figures were sitting quietly and did not leave.

A trace of doubt appeared in the eyes of the Fat Monk Jin Zong, and then he stood up directly, moved his extremely thick legs, and walked towards the three figures with difficulty, and after the fat body of the former came to the table, one of them Sitting down, the voice of inquiry came out:

   "How many cents do you need?"

After    finished speaking, the fat monk took the opportunity to take out the celestial coins from his pocket, but a steady sound in front of him prevented his hand from moving:

   "No, you want to spend money to buy clean, I will not wait to speak, this will not affect you, and it does not conflict with your demands."

   "Interesting, it's the first time I have ever met a penny coin."

  The young cultivator of Jinzong showed a playful smile on his round face. Then he pulled out his hand in his pocket and placed a handful of cents directly on the table in front of him. The voice continued:

"My disciples of the Jin Jinzong believe that no one does not collect money. The only difference is the amount of celestial coins. There are thousands of celestial coins. You can use these money to hire a grandmaster. Realm monk for seven days."

After the Jinjinzong young monk finished speaking, the three figures in front of him remained motionless, and even their eyes did not change. Then the fat billowing monk did not give up, and directly slammed a Dao ring from his finger with a snap. Put it on the table in front of you and continue to speak:

"The number of immortal coins in this Taoist ring is 10 million. These money can directly let a great master of the birth and death realm handle your life for you. The world knows that the money given by our disciples of the Jin Sect will never Take it back, wait for it or not?"

The words of the Fat Monk of the Golden Sect were extremely loud and loud, matched with his solemn face, and even gave people a sense of majesty, but the three figures in black robes in front of him still had no waves, even their eyes did not. Variety.

   Then the chubby face of the young fat monk became more and more serious, his eyes fixed on the front, and slowly said:

   "You are already qualified to know the name of this son, my name is Jin Yuanbao."

After he finished speaking, the young monk named Jin Yuanbao directly stretched out his right hand to retract the Taoist ring on the table, put it back in his hand at an unpredictable speed, got up and left without hesitation, leaving only a touch of light. The voice lingered in the ears of Yeyi and others:

   "Master explained that you can't be friends with people who are not interested in money. Goodbye!"


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