
read2();   Shenxian City on the banks of the North Sea, the night is deeper and the temperature is lower, the squally wind from the depths of the North Sea is constantly roaring, and then bursts like ghosts in the streets and alleys throughout the city A snarling noise.

   Contrary to the rest of the lonely place in the city, in the brightly lit lobby of the Shenji Pavilion, there were a lot of voices and a steady stream of monks who heard the news came together, waiting for the final news to come out.

In the corner of the lobby, in the small area that was emptied by the young cultivator of Jinzong with a large amount of cents, three figures in large robes sat quietly at the table, and then Ye Yi and Li Dingshan’s ears sounded Xue Dao’s clear Voice of Sound:

   "The big fat man from the Gold Rolling Sect not far away is really interesting. As expected, many interesting sects will appear in this vast and profound land."

"There are countless monks in the Taixuan Land, but even the basic rules governing monks' behavior are extremely confusing, not to mention the perfect iron-blooded laws such as the Daxia Law, so the living environment here is better than our Shenzhou vast land. To be even worse, it is naked and the weak.

"Under this situation, all sects that can grow and develop have special means. For example, the Jinjin sect where the fat monk belongs depends on money, and I have to say that this is indeed an extremely powerful force. the power of."

After Ye Yi’s response fell, the three of them turned their eyes to the table in front of them. They were sitting alone playing with the young fat disciple of the Jinzong who was playing with the Dao Rings. The latter had chubby hands, and every one of them whirled at will. Among the Taoist Rings, there is a huge amount of wealth.

Then the disciple of the Gunjin Sect named Jin Yuanbao seemed to feel a few gazes coming from behind. He turned his head alertly, and after a glance, he shrank his head, got up and walked outside again, as if he was facing him. In other words, the three weird people who are not interested in money are as terrible as scourges.

After a few breaths, just as the fat and rolling gold ingot cultivator was still moving slowly, in the corner of the lobby, the door of the black room of intelligence locked by countless lights opened without warning, and then the entire Shenji Pavilion A very loud riot suddenly sounded in the lobby.

   When a large number of monks saw this, they immediately stopped talking and looked at the door all at once. What's more, they stood up and walked forward, and a voice of inquiry rang through the entire lobby:

   "Panshan, what exactly does this Shenji Pavilion explain about the events of the previous few days?"

After one after another inquiries, an old man with gray beard and a burly figure appeared behind the door. The vigor of the old man's body was extremely heavy, like a rock standing between the sky and the earth, giving people a sense of extreme stability. .

   Then the old man raised his hands and pressed them down, and the old thick voice spread out:

   "Dear fellow daoists, old man Panshan, thanks to the trust of all fellow daoists, I raised funds to go to the black room of Shenji Pavilion in exchange for the insider information of the chaos in Shenxiancheng a few days ago. Now the old man has listened to it and I am sharing it with you.

   After the old man’s words fell, all the voices in the hall of the Shenji Pavilion disappeared. All the monks pricked their ears and listened to the old man in front of them. Then the voices of the people on the mountain rang in the lobby again:

   "First of all, the price of this intelligence transaction is very expensive, and it is also the highest level of intelligence that the old man has been exposed to in his life, because this involves the land gods and fairyland."

As soon as the words of the people on Panshan came out, even if the monks had already guessed in their minds, there was still a very noisy sound in the lobby of the entire Shenji Pavilion. Once upon a time, the land gods were so far away. But everyone present now has some kind of communication with him, and with such a stalwart existence, just hearing the name can make countless people fearful.

   Under the loud noise, the old man standing in the black room of intelligence paused for a few breaths, and then the calm voice continued:

"According to the information of the Shenji Pavilion, this is a killing game set by the nobleman from Yan Jueguo against Qingzhi Guodaozi, and the nobleman personally descended on the body of the heavenly lake to shoot, This majesty is the third majesty of Yan Jueguo, not a majesty!"

   The old man’s voice just fell, and there was a bang, and the exclamation in the entire lobby suddenly tripled, and then various voices sounded:

   "Yan Jue Country and Qing Zhi Country have always been mortal enemies. No wonder this exalted one wants to kill the latter's Taoist son, that is the son of Tao!"

"Yes, the son of Tao is known as the purest racial Tao image in the entire race, the closest to the ancestors, and some even call it the reincarnation of the **** ancestors, representing the fortune and top combat power of the powerful race for the next nearly thousand years. Something went wrong, it was a real injury."

   "But this time, this Yan Jueguo is definitely not a superior, but he suffered a dark loss, and it won't take long for this matter to spread throughout the Taixuan land. There is no place for his old man's face to rest!"

   After the slightly joking words of a monk fell, he suddenly noticed that the people around him moved away for an instant, and looked at him with extremely compassionate eyes, while the former thought, the endless fear suddenly went straight to his heart, and his head was sweating profusely.

   The power of the Supreme Land God and Wonderland is beyond imagination. Perhaps when the monk uttered a word that was definitely not a second word, it was already felt by the third Supreme Lord Yan Jueguo.

Not to mention this trembling monk with a face full of fear, on the other side, the person on the mountain who has not walked out of the black room of intelligence that can isolate perception, after turning around for a week, raised his right hand and opened his five fingers. Continue to open his mouth and say:

"Dear friends, the previous message Shenji Pavilion charged a fee of 500,000 sen coins, and the master used another 500,000 sen coins to buy another message, that is, the one who can reverse day and night and cover the day. Great monk status!"

The heavy voice of the person on the mountain just fell, and the extremely noisy sound in the lobby in front of him suddenly became audible again. All the monks stopped speaking, staring at the front, waiting for the next words of the old man in front of him. , Everyone knows that this is the highlight of the intelligence that this time fundraising purchased from Shenji Pavilion.

The young cultivator of Jin Jinzong, Jin Ingot, who was sitting lazily in the corner, stopped directly with his right hand playing Dao Rings, his whole fat body sat up with a solemn expression, and if someone carefully observed his eyes, he would find In his eyes, there was a stronger desire than the other monks.

   But what the young monk of Jin Jinzong didn't know was that behind him, the three sculpture-like figures directly raised their heads.

   Then the person on the mountain, who was under everyone's eyes, took a deep breath, and continued to sound with a heavy and helpless voice:

   "Shenji Pavilion's reply is that I don't know it, but it is completely unknown. It is useless to give it any money!"

   As soon as the voice of the people on the Panshan came out, the entire hall of the Shenji Pavilion suddenly uttered a straight boo!


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