
read2();   Shen Xiancheng night on the banks of the North Sea, the boos from a large number of monks are deafening, and it also represents the dissatisfaction of these funded monks.

For a long time, Shenji Pavilion’s information has been known for its accuracy and vast magical powers. However, this time, even Shenji Pavilion has difficulty getting any information about the mysterious overhaul. It is disappointing. It can be seen that the latter is so mysterious.

  In the dark room of the Shenji Pavilion information, after finishing speaking, the old-faced person on Panshan arched his hands to the monks in the front lobby, and said:

"Dear friends, the above is the general information. As for the specific internal information, because it involves the game between the four major powers and other major powers, the more you know, it is not a good thing, but if the power is interested, you can Come and ask the old man alone, the old man will be in the lobby of the Shenji Pavilion these few days and will not stay away."

After the people on Panshan finished speaking, he walked out of the black room and walked towards the center of the lobby. This master’s race is an extremely rare family of terrestrial turtles. Not only has a long life span, but also has a kind and committed personality. There is a well-known good person in Taixuan Land.

The monks also respected this old man, and they also bowed their hands in return. Then the whole hall of the Shenji Pavilion fell into a hustle and bustle again. Countless monks began to express their opinions and opinions on the matter, and the fat man from the Gunjin Sect The monk Jin Yuanbao flashed an annoyed and unwilling look on his face, and then he drank alone, raising his hands and heading up while drinking boring wine.

"It seems that the Shenji Pavilion in the Supreme Profound Realm does not exceed our cognition for its ability to collect information. It is undoubtedly an unpredictable prophet for us and others from outside the Supreme Profound Realm. It's a blessing, otherwise I will wait for the follow-up action, it will not be easy to start."

   Xue Dao's faint voice came, Ye Yi next to him, took a sip of the dark green Beihai tea on the table, and responded:

   "Heaven and earth have their own rules, and everything is also causal. If this Shenji Pavilion can truly be a prophet of the unknown and see through the future, then it is not just a mere inn now, and the rest of the forces cannot tolerate him!"

After    finished speaking, the corners of Ye's mouth raised under the big robe, showing a smile, and the steady and young voice continued:

"Our Shenzhou Haotu also had the existence of the Shenji Pavilion before, but after his majesty ascended the throne, he almost broke it up with thunder means, so that he could only seal the pavilion for self-protection, but it is said that its inheritance is extremely long, and it has nearly ten For thousands of years, the silence time between the two fairy mountains of Daiyu and Yuanqiao has only been tens of thousands of years. It is obvious that the Shenji Pavilion in this Taixuan land is in the same line as our Shenzhou vast land.

   "In this way, the Shenji Pavilion here may also be divided into two universe pavilions, the interior is controlled by a special race, the three-eyed soul race!"

After    Yaichi’s voice came out, he stretched out the fingers of his right hand and gently rubbed the rough stone teacup in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice continued to sound in the ears of Xue Dao and Li Dingshan beside him:

   "In the entire Taixuan Land, if we know which force we know best, it is the Shenji Pavilion, because beside your Majesty, there is a Sima Young Master who walks the world in the Shenzhou Haotu Shenji Pavilion.

"Before coming here, this young man can explain that the Three-Eyed Spirit Race is best at appearance changes, and even its breath can be imitated seamlessly. It is a natural and meticulous race, and the spies of the Spirit Race full of major forces may be this Shenji Pavilion. One of the reasons for obtaining so much information."

   "I hope that the three-eyed spirit race here will not be as stupid as those in the vast land of Shenzhou. If you know the race that your majesty hates most, these three-eyed spirit races can be considered the top three!"

Xue Dao’s response was as cold as ever. Since the incident in Shanzi came to the fore, this young scout who was once full of scorn and lost a right arm in the Nanban jungle has become less and less speechless. Once you speak, it gives people a sense of madness like a roar of anger.

   "Since the people of the Shenji Pavilion can't know the identity and whereabouts of me, then we have to think about the follow-up arrangements."

After    finished speaking, Ye Yi turned his gaze to Li Dingshan, a young man who had been taciturn since then, and then continued to speak:

   "Actually, what I am most concerned about is the Five Immortals in the center of the city, and under the Ao Jia under our feet, what is hidden?"

As soon as    Ye Yi said this, Li Dingshan’s response came directly, causing Ye Yi and Xue Dao to clenched their hands suddenly:

"I can be sure that there is an incredible big city at the bottom of this Ao Jia, and the population in it is thousands or hundreds of times more than the Shenxian City where we are located. It hides such a city from the eyes of the public using the formation method. Next, it’s an amazing masterpiece!"

Li Dingshan was hidden under his hood, and among the pupilless eyes, the golden pattern lines flashed away, and then he gently lifted his foot and stepped on the ground that was still strong after countless years of wind and frost. A steady voice continued to speak:

"Under our feet, the Ao Jia relic of the ancient giant Ao, with countless runes on it, is actually a formation of a large formation. I have never seen such a stalwart formation. The foundation of this five immortal sect has exceeded Everyone’s imagination, including any forces in the entire Supreme Profound Land."

   "[Literature Museum] Then I have to go down and take a look!"

Ye Yi continued to respond with a strong expression of interest, and then he spread his five fingers, like the claws of the night demon king in the rolling night, pressing down on the table in front of him, saying each word. Openly said:

   "The Wuxian Sect, who claims to be a descendant of Wuxian Mountain in Beihai County, is from the same origin as our people in the vast land of Shenzhou, so I think this big city under Ao Jia may bring us endless surprises!"

   "Yeichi, when will you start?"

   Xue Dao turned his head, and after the question fell, Ye Yi sank for a while, and directly spoke:

“It’s better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Just tonight, we have observed the entire Ao Jia from all directions in the air. Except for the five giant peaks that go straight into the sky at the center, the rest are closed structures, so this is the only entrance to the ground. it goes without saying."

After    finished speaking, Xue Dao next to him raised his eyebrows and continued with interest:

   "It seems that tonight, it is very possible to have a real head-on confrontation with this mysterious and abnormal cultivator of the Five Immortals. It has been Ye Yi you taking action for a while. In fact, my hands are itchy!"

   "I hope that the Five Immortals Sect can become my ally rather than an enemy after the birth of Daxia, as we imagined."

   After the calm voice fell, the great summer night nightmare Si Cheng, the darkness of the dark pupils, continued to speak slowly:

   "After all, waiting for Daxia people, I have two completely different attitudes towards allies and enemies!"

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