The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1041: Break the line


read2();  The night is lonely and the sea breeze is noisy.

   For tens of thousands of years, the temperature difference between day and night on the banks of the North Sea has been constantly testing the tolerance of the aborigines of the North Sea. Once it is late at night, the gray fog above the sky seems to sink along with the boundless night, and then envelope the entire Shenxian City.

The temperature in the gray mist is extremely low, and the entire void is even frozen. Suddenly, the gray mist near the five giant peaks in the center of Shenxian City has a slight fluctuation. Although this fluctuation is fleeting, it still caused The attention of a group of Wuxianzong disciples patrolling nearby.

After that, this team of cultivators dressed in white and disciplined Wuxianzong pulled out the sharp swords behind their backs. After a flash of stature, they turned into white shadows and pierced the dense fog. It took only a few breaths to kill this. There are some undulating thick mists surrounding it.

  The five immortal patrol disciples headed by    fluttered and opened his mouth and let out a low drink:

   "Where is the ghost, sneaky on the side of the five immortal sect!"

After the voice fell, this person gathered his vitality, raised his sword and stabs forward, and at the next breath, a large amount of vitality turned into a wave and slapped forward. After dispelling the gray mist, the scene in the mist suddenly appeared in front of everyone. .

Then the patrolling cultivators of the Five Immortals all stared attentively, their expressions were a little loose, because in front of them, there was a big fish waving wings, struggling to open its big mouth with bare fangs, and constantly flapping wings about the size of its body. .

"It's a flying fish in the North Sea. This fish has its own wings and can fly in the wind. Although it is not common on the coast, occasionally, it will hit Shen Xiancheng directly with the wind. It should be the North Sea a few days ago. Carried from deep in the ocean during hurricanes."

Next to the patrolling monk of the Five Immortals Sect, a young monk watched the sea beast in front of him and spoke slowly. Then he stepped forward and flicked his sword. A dazzling sword light swept across the void, and the North Sea flying fish was directly caught Cut into two pieces, blood surged.

   "Although this North Sea flying fish is relatively slow on land, it is also a sea beast. People with lower cultivation bases will have to spend some tricks when encountering it, or it is better to kill it directly."

   After the voice of the young cultivator of the Five Immortals fell, the head of the patrol team nodded, looked around cautiously for a week, and responded:

"Following the continuous arrival of inland monks to Beihai County, our Shen Xian Shen has become more and more chaotic, and daily conflicts continue. Although there has not been a direct attack on the mountain gate, we still have to cheer up. Make sure that you are under the line of defense so that even a bug cannot be put into the clan."

   After the person's slamming voice fell, the surrounding Five Immortal Sect disciples nodded their heads at the same time, and then these figures turned into white shadows again and continued to patrol along the originally planned route.

But what these patrolling monks didn’t know was that just as they were dealing with this North Sea flying fish for dozens of breaths, a black mist that was invisible to the naked eye, magnificently under the intertwining of gods and consciousness, passed through the space left by this small team. File, arrived directly outside Wuxianzong.

   This piece of black fog is not the ubiquitous night of Ye Zhou's body, but the fog of trickery given by Zhao Yu before the three came to the land of Supreme Profound.

  As the magical weapon of war assault, the fog of tricks, the effect is against the sky. When there is no enemy within 100 meters, you can directly hide your figure, ignore the warning of the gods, and go straight to the Huanglong!

Therefore, with the addition of the power of the mist of deceit, Ye Yi and Xue Dao effortlessly walked through the layers of defenses and the impenetrable divine consciousness. The five huge peaks in the center of Shen Xiancheng straight into the sky.

Outside the Wuxianzong Mountain Gate, under the mist of deceit, two silhouettes in black robes looked like they were in another space, vaguely, and then Xue Dao in the fog raised his head and stared. The five shadows that obscure the sky and the sun in front of them gently spoke:

"This is the first time the fog of tricks has appeared in the land of the profound mystery, but it will definitely not be the last! I have a hunch that the monks of the land of the profound mystery will lose countless lives under this fog of war! "

"Your Majesty’s vastness is naturally not something that the creatures of the Great Profound Land can figure out. This is also the reason why all of us, even if we know that we will fight in all directions and are perilous, but still maintain great confidence, because of the great summer under the rule of Emperor Fuyao. , The glory is immortal, never defeated."

   Yeyi’s words carried strong confidence, and then he slowly raised his foot forward and walked towards the giant peak of the Five Immortals in front of him, his voice continued to faint:

"When victory has been cast into an indestructible glory deep in my heart, then this glory is our life. I can't guarantee that we will not encounter failure in the future, but I know that the final victory will only be written by Daxia! "

   After the rolling sound fell, Ye Yi stopped his figure directly and stared at the misty void in front of him and the giant peak with dense vegetation not far away. He took out two items from his arms, and then gently inserted them in front of him.

   Detective guards, sentry guards!

In the next moment, in the eyes of Ye Yi and Xue Dao, the appearance of the entire area in front of him changed drastically, and the countless densely shrouded gray fog and darkness disappeared completely in an instant, as if the outermost appearance and concealment were stripped away , Directly reveal the most real appearance.

Then, in front of Ye Yi and Xue Dao, there was a light blue mask that went straight into the sky, preventing them from continuing to move forward. At the same time, the mask turned into a semi-circular formation, bringing the entire Five Immortal School All are shrouded in it.

"This is one of the great gods of the Five Immortals Sect, and according to Li Dingshan, there are many formations in this Five Immortal Sect, and above the big formation in front of us, the waves flow, and the sect of the Sea Cosect once The Great Array of Ups and Downs in the Sea has similarities, but it is still the first one, which shows the profound heritage of the Five Immortals.

After the stern voice came out, Xue Dao also walked to the front of the large array, his dark eyes fixed on the blue light film with countless waves. If you listen carefully, you can even hear a faint roar of anger. .

   But as the lord of the deep sea, Xue Dao can see undoubtedly more. He can even clearly capture the law and context of this large formation under the true vision bonus of the guards at the sentry.

   And these laws of the sea, for Xue Dao, are as familiar as a part of his body, and then he gently lifted his left hand and directly pressed it on the big formation.

After three breaths, the law of the ocean that enveloped the entire Five Immortal Sect's great formation was directly controlled by a vast and concealed will, and then a smile appeared on the face covered by Xue Dao's robe, and raised his left finger. , Facing the formation light film below gently.

   With the tapping of Xue Dao's fingers, above the large array, the light blue ocean wave automatically separated to both sides, and a rift as high as one person appeared silently.


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