The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1042: Block the way


read2();   The outermost guardian formation of Wuxianzong, its name is Raging Wave Roaring Great Formation, and as Xue Dao said, this formation is the same as Shenzhou Haotuhai Zongmen Great Formation. The ups and downs of the sea are very similar, and they all contain extremely strong laws of the deep sea.

   At the same time, this raging roaring formation has been regarded as a defensive formation since the Wuxianshan era tens of thousands of years ago. It has both offensive and defensive capabilities and is extremely powerful.

   But everything has its own head, and the big formation is no exception. At this time, when Xue Dao tapped the big formation with his fingers, the deep-sea murloc power he mastered was the core source of the roaring big formation.

   Compared with the world where the weak between the world and the earth depend on the strong, the world of laws is undoubtedly more straightforward, and at the same time more naked, the avenue controls the trails, and the core origin can unconditionally control the branch laws!

   Under such circumstances, Xue Dao, who was in control of the core origin, easily controlled this large formation to disperse a gap, and then stepped into the formation with Ye Yi and the two.

All of this was silently shrouded in the fog of deceit, and as the two figures disappeared, the gap above the big formation slowly closed again, and then the thick gray fog once again enveloped the place, in an instant All traces were erased.

   Shen Xiancheng Wuxianzong center, in the Wuxianzong sect that has been standing for tens of thousands of years, for the first time an uninvited guest appeared, and there were still two!

   Inside the Five Immortals Sect, the same fog rolled, but the fog that enveloped the five peaks at this time was not the gray fog floating above the sky of the North Sea outside, but the thick white fog that represented the gathering of the rich vitality of the world.

   In other words, the heaven and earth vitality in the Five Immortals Sect has reached an extremely astonishing level, even forming a substantial mist of rain.

"The vitality of heaven and earth in this Five Immortal Sect is hundreds of times that of Shen Xiancheng outside. It is enough to see that there is a powerful spirit gathering array in the Sect. With this light, it can be compared to what we once was in the vast land of Shenzhou. Ten major sects."

   In the fog of trickery, Ye Yi's steady voice sounded, and then Xue Dao beside him nodded, looking up at the two oppressive giant peaks in front of him.

Both Ye Yi and Xue Dao were once the top scouts of Daxia, so the disciples of the Wuxianzong who avoided patrolling in the sect are naturally no longer a problem. The two of them used extremely strange routes in the huge area. After two quarters of an hour in the Wuxianzong, it gradually penetrated into the hinterland where the five peaks are located.

At this time, Ye Yi and Xue Dao were shrouded in the mist of tricks. On the right is the Five Immortal Sect’s disciples and the most built Yingzhou Peak, while on the left is the relatively sparsely populated and lightly lit Abbot Peak. Xue Dao, who scanned back and forth between the two giant peaks, opened his mouth and responded:

"For tens of thousands of years, this Five Immortal Sect has developed alone on the shores of the inaccessible North Sea, and quietly has become a giant in the north of the Taixuan Land. Its strength cannot be underestimated. This huge gathering of spirits is only part of it. I felt an aura in front of me that was extremely palpitating."

After he finished speaking, Xue Dao raised his left hand and pointed to the front. The direction of his fingers happened to be deep in the thick fog between Yingzhou and Fangzhang Peak. The disciples who were familiar with the entire Five Immortal Sect knew that between these two peaks, There is an extremely old chain bridge.

"Presumably that place is what Li Dingshan said. The great formation that he felt was the biggest obstacle to our exploration of this trip, and the route before reaching the formation was also difficult to find. The mountain on the left was basically There is no way to go up the mountain alone, and the peak on the right is the gathering place for a large number of disciples of the Five Immortals, and it is extremely easy to break the fog of trickery."

   "Then enter from the air. Although the Five Immortal Sect has the power of forbidden air, it is only for supernatural powers, and in the night, the Night Stalker wants to soar into the sky, no one can stop it!"

After Ye Yi finished speaking, he opened his hands slightly, and the wisps of night slowly spread out from his body. Then a pair of huge night demon wings spread out instantly from behind the former, and the cold deep purple wings were perfectly balanced. The ubiquitous night light around me merges into one.

This is the first time Ye Yi has touched the secret dark night law since entering the Five Immortal Sect. Then the former stretched out his hand and grabbed Xue Dao's shoulder beside him, and the wings behind his back lightly flapped, the two figures together with tricks. The fog went straight into the sky together.

   At the same time, on the high platform of Yingzhou Peak, at the moment when the Night Demon's wings were waved that night, an old woman sitting cross-legged with silver hair flying like a galaxy behind her suddenly raised her head.

Then the old woman turned her head and stared at the bottom of the normal peak with her silver light flashing eyes. After a breath, the vast and endless divine consciousness swept down the sky and swept the entire Five Immortal Sect inside and out. But still no abnormalities were found.

   "Sect Master Lan, what's wrong?"

  In front of the old woman, Clan Changyan of the Rift Light Valley Human Race, with dark eyes watching the puzzled old woman in front of her face, she opened her mouth and let out a question. After the question fell, Sect Master Lan of the Five Immortals retracted her gaze, shook her head and responded:

   "The old man seemed to feel a strange fluctuation, but there was nothing unusual in the investigation. Perhaps Shen Xiancheng has been too chaotic recently, making the old man a little too nervous."

   "Our human race has had an old saying since ancient times, it is called careful sailing for ten thousand years, especially at this stage, we can not take it lightly."

  In the words of the old man rock, with wisdom and calmness, the silver-haired old woman nodded and agreed:

   "Yes, if we descendants of Wuxian Mountain want to live in the Taixuan Land, and want to restore the glory of the past, we must be cautious!"

Under the two elders, the number of monks living on the peak of the five immortals, Yingzhou Peak, is actually not a lot. Therefore, under the continuous light shining on, the entire Yingzhou Peak is not completely dark, but perhaps it is intentional. The more you walk in the direction of the Abbots Peak Cable Bridge, the fewer buildings and the darker it is.

Then on the road leading from Yingzhou Peak to the west, a mist of tricks that is invisible to the naked eye was wrapped in the night and slowly descended, and then the figures of Ye Yi and Xue Dao appeared among the dense woods, and walked along this line together. The not-wide path leads to the cable bridge not far away.

   "Only a vast expanse of divine consciousness swept past. If there is no mistake, there should be a great monk who is almost the same as the land fairyland within this five immortal sect."

   Xue Dao's icy voice fell, and he nodded at night. He just wanted to speak, but frowned, and at the same time, his steps forward hovered directly in the air.

   Then Ye Yi retracted the half step he had already taken, and looked up, and saw a young man sitting on the cable bridge in the undulating white fog ahead.

   Ao Bai!


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