
read2();   by the North Sea, at noon, the light of the scorching sun above the sky, breaking through the dense floating North Sea fog, turning into a golden beam of light visible to the naked eye and shining down, making The entire Shenxiancheng is bright and generous.

   This is really a good weather that has been extremely rare these days, and the corresponding thing is the change in Shen Xiancheng at this time.

Under the sun, in this great North Sea city standing on top of Ao Jia, countless monks from inland gathered in the inn or houses to prepare to leave here, and there were some dexterous hands and feet. The cultivator, who had finished cleaning up overnight, gathered on the Bagua Square early in the morning, blew the Sky Cloud Whistle, and waited for the arrival of the flying race in the Sky Cloud Palace, and at the same time chattering came out:

   "This fellow Taoist, you are also going to leave Shen Xiancheng for the time being, and wait for two years before you come to fight for chance?"

   "Yes, fellow Taoist, look at me, the one who drags the family, and there is a young boy next to me."

The one who responded was a middle-aged monk, and his thick fur should be a northern race not far from Beihai County, and beside him stood a young child. Looking around the square where people come and go, there is still not enough meaning on his face.

   Then the middle-aged monk raised his hand and slapped the child's head mercilessly. The voice continued:

"I waited from Tianshuang County below Beihai County. I heard that a great opportunity was born on the shores of Beihai County. I came to try my luck. Now the news is gradually becoming clear. It will take two years before there is any movement. And this Shenxian city is deserted. Say, Beihai County’s vitality is too thin, and it doesn’t matter if I wait here, but this kid is out of the golden stage of cultivation, and I can’t afford to delay it.”

   After the middle-aged monk's sigh fell, the boy who was shot on his head grinned for a while, then scratched his head a little angrily, and said:

"Father, there are so many people around, don't move and knock me on the head, and why did the Shenji Pavilion only send out a news yesterday, everyone here is packing their things and going home, are you not afraid of the news? "

  As soon as this statement came out, the middle-aged monk's face slammed, then he gritted his teeth and continued to raise his hand, knocking again on his son's head, and roaring loudly:

   "I really want to knock on your elm head, you use your brain to imagine, who would spend such a big price to let the highest level of sound transmission light from Shenji Pavilion amuse us?

   "That is to face all the counties in the entire Taixuan Land, and the power of the advertising world is the holy court, do you understand the holy court? Do you think your life is not long enough to pretend to be the holy court!"

After    the roar, the middle-aged cultivator was still so angry that he continued to raise his hand, and continued to tap his son’s head again and again, and continued to speak:

"Since the old man of the Lord decided to hold a chance meeting on the banks of the North Sea in two years, the rest of the forces would not dare to make big moves in the North Sea before this, so these monks like us who came to Shenxian City in advance to try their luck, Naturally go back temporarily.

   "On weekdays, I will let you read more, so that it won't be like now, without even a little judgment!"

   "Father, don't knock, my head was stupid by you!"

   "I'm so stupid, so let's be a dead horse doctor!"

   The middle-aged monk man’s response was filled with irritation of hatred for iron and steel. Then, above the father and son, a North Sea bird fell straight with its wings and suspended in the air. Then a loud voice came out:

   "But the sky cloud whistle you blew, where are you going?"

   "I am me, we are going to Tianshuang County adjacent to Beihai County."

After the middle-aged monk reported his destination, a fierce bargaining officially began, and it took a full quarter of an hour before the two sides agreed on the price, and then the North Sea wild bird fluttered into the sky again, carrying it in the blink of an eye The group of middle-aged monks disappeared directly into the sky.

   About a quarter of an hour later, this North Sea wild bird stretched out its wide wings, left Shenxian City and swept south across the sky, and below it was the place where the dock built by the Wuxianzong of Shenxian City was located.

The Five Immortal Sect is extremely efficient, so a few days after the shipyard was destroyed for most of the time, it was repaired again and opened to the outside world. At this time, this place is also extremely lively, with ships of various sizes and shapes. A different ship sailed out of the dock.

These are the inland sect forces of Shenxian City who are going to leave temporarily after learning the news. In the land of Supreme Profound, the price of a large ship is very expensive, so it is possible to have one or several powers. Low power and financial resources.

   If you take a bird's eye view from the sky, you will find that outside the Ao Jia Dock, among the large number of ships floating forward like leaves, there is a large ship that is extremely conspicuous.

   This big ship slowly sailing out of the dock, under the sun's rays, is like a phoenix among a group of pheasants, it is eye-catching and it is impossible to ignore.

   is not only because its body is dozens of times the size of other ships around it, but also because the whole body of this big ship is a dazzling golden color, which is radiated from pure gold.

   In other words, this is the color of money.

   And on the side of this golden light ship, there are three big characters shining brightly and exuding colorful light:

  Golden Zong!

If you look closely, you can see that these colorful lights come from pieces of priceless jade and celestial coins. It may be difficult for ordinary monks to obtain one of them for a lifetime, but at this time they are piled together like no money, forming these three A huge and incomparable sect character is enough to show the inhumanity of this golden sect.

On the deck of the Jinjinzong ship, the monks walked back and forth, appearing extremely busy, and among the monks who were holding the anchor, there was another in cool clothes, holding various fruits and delicious food. The woman, twisted her waist, walked to the head of the deck with a smile on her face, carrying a fragrance.

   At the head of the big ship’s deck, a large recliner was placed on the recliner. On the recliner, the fat gold ingot was reclining in a very comfortable posture. His round face was full of smiles, which could even be described as a spring breeze.

Then the disciple of the direct descendant of the Jin Jinzong raised his hand to pick up the fruit on the fruit plate and threw it into his mouth, chewing it, and by the way, he touched the soft and delicate waist of the girl beside him, and then he smiled. The gold ingot seemed to have thought of something, and raised his hand to the distance with a gentle move.

   At the next breath, a monk who was waiting not far away hurriedly stepped forward, his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks were full of flattery, and he came to the gold ingot and asked softly:

   "What's your command?"

   "These three distinguished guests on our ship, can you arrange it properly?"

   After finishing the gold ingot, his eyes were full of seriousness, and he continued to speak solemnly:

   "These are my great honourable guests, you have to be good at serving you. If you are negligent, this prince must take your skin off."

   "Sir, please put a hundred hearts on me. The younger one will certainly meet any requirements of the three distinguished guests."

  The monk beside Jin Yuanbao raised his hand and patted his chest, vowing to pack the ticket, then Jin Yuanbao nodded, grabbed another piece of meat and discharged it into the entrance. The voice continued:

   "So let's sail!"

   "Good, son!"

The monk with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks continued to show a flattering smile, then he took a deep breath and let out a roar that resounded through the entire ship:

   "The son has an order, set sail, set off!"

   Accompanied by this shout, this golden gleaming, extremely large ship, with its dazzling golden glow, began to accelerate and head towards the depths of the North Sea.


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