The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1048: Ship sailing to the depths of the North Sea


read2();   The North Sea is vast and boundless. In the depths of the ocean, a golden light-shrouded, extremely large ship is driving on the dark green sea at a steady and fast speed, and behind it Left a long trace.

In fact, compared to the often turbulent waves along the coast of the North Sea, the depths of this northern ocean, unless it is encountered by a huge storm, are usually calm and calm. If you look at this deep sea from a distance, you will find this ship. The big ship surrounded by golden awns, at this time, is like an innumerable pile of celestial coins floating on the sea, radiating the infinite brilliance of wealth.

   At the same time, these dazzling wealth and brilliance made all the monks and North Sea thief encountered along the road covetously, and they did not dare to make any rash actions.

   This is the realm of the Taixuan Land. Here, only by showing one's strength to the fullest can make those who are constantly coveting eyes narrow and even fear.

This big ship from the Rolling Jinzong has been driving towards the depths of the North Sea for about ten days, and the more the big ship sails into the depths of the North Sea, the surrounding ships become more and more rare. In the past few days, the surroundings are completely gone. Traces of the rest.

On the big golden boat, he was fat, and he was wearing a luxurious gold ingot, sitting on the edge of the deck, supporting his chin on several layers in one hand, and holding a similarly golden fish in the other. Rod, quietly lowered his head and stared at the slightly undulating sea beneath him.

Jin Ingot’s round face was full of calmness at this time, but his serious expression did not last long. After watching the fishing line seriously for a while, the slightly hungry Jin Ingot raised his hand to his side. Suddenly a waitress with food hurried forward, and after a sweet voice called the son, he respectfully handed it over.

Then Jin Yuanbao directly picked up a huge fruit and opened his mouth to bite. The sweet juice immediately filled his entire mouth. Then the disciple of Jin Zong squinted his eyes, showing an expression of enjoyment, but the next breath was his His complexion changed suddenly, his right hand gripped the fishing rod and pulled it upward, only to find that the bait on the hook was empty.

   "Oh, mother, my son just eats a melon, this cunning Beihai sea beast ate the bait, really cunning!"

After falling with some annoyance, the gold ingot slapped his thigh displeasedly, and the monk with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks behind him saw this. He immediately pulled up the fishing line to replace the bait, and at the same time opened his mouth, a flattering voice spread. Debut:

"Don’t be annoyed by the son, the North Sea sea beasts are already scarce, and they are all uncivilized creatures. They don’t understand that it is their blessing to be caught by the son. If you are younger, replace the son with new bait. If the son doesn't mind, the younger one will watch for you. If the fish gets the bait, call the son to pull it up."

   "That's boring, it's my son fishing, and not you. If you don't catch it, you won't catch it. This Beihai sea beast is not interesting!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Yuanbao waved his left hand, and at the same time directly made the shot in his right hand with precious materials. The priceless fishing rod and magic weapon were thrown directly into the sea in front of him, and then his round face flashed with thought. Continue to ask:

   "Sun Daren, how long have we left since Shen Xiancheng?"

The sharp-mouthed monkey-gill monk waiting behind Jin Yuanbao is named Sun Daren, from the ape family in the Taixuan Land. He is one of the supervisors sent to Jin Yuanbao by the Gunjin Sect. However, this supervisor has become accustomed to the extravagance of the Gunjin Sect disciples. At this moment, seeing the fat man throw the fishing rod and magic weapon into the sea carelessly, a trace of flesh pain still flashed in his eyes.

   Then Sun Daren put away the fleeting anomaly in his eyes, and replied respectfully:

   "Returning son, it has been eleven days since we left Shen Xiancheng."

   "So many days have passed in a flash. Sure enough, this unchanging day of sea voyage will make people forget the passage of time."

After speaking, Jin Ingot raised his head and looked at the endless dark green water in front of him, and the depths of the North Sea looked like a flat black jade from a distance, giving people a strange feeling that could not be said. Then the former stood. He got up, walked to the soft side of his side, and after sitting down, the question sounded again:

   "Daren Sun, have you made arrangements these days, have any requirements been met?"

"Don’t worry, you’re all scouts with delicious food, but it’s strange to say that these distinguished guests have very little demand on weekdays. They only ask for all the books on the boat with the young ones, and then they never go out. Even the food in the room is extremely simple."

   Sun Daren behind Jin Yuanbao stepped forward and came to the former, after hesitating for a while, he continued to speak:

"But my son, there is something very strange here. We are going back inland. The route should be from Shenxiancheng to the neighboring county by boat, and then take the flying race of Tianyun Temple to return to the sect, but I will wait Now it was heading straight north, into the depths of the North Sea.

   "The little one asked the monk who controlled the ship specially. They said that the son specially ordered it, and the little one reminded him specially for fear of delaying the son's itinerary."

   "My son must have my reasons for this arrangement. Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!"

In response to Jin Yuanbao’s opening, he unknowingly took on a strong majesty, and then Sun Daren immediately changed his face in front of him, knelt down, and then Jin Yuanbao looked down at Sun Daren who kept begging for mercy in front of him. A faint voice came:

   "No matter which of my elder brothers is the master behind you, this time you are destined to never go back inland alive."

   "The son has been wronged, the young one has been with the son for so many years, the world can learn from it!"

A hoarse begging for mercy resounded above the ship, but Jin Yuanbao, a round and innocuous person and animals, did not move at all. After that, he stretched out his right hand, which was covered with heavy Taoist ring, and lifted the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek in front of him. Sun Daren grabbed it, and then violently broke the latter's neck.

   The stern begging for mercy came to an abrupt end, followed by a dull popping sound from [笔趣阁], Sun Daren, whose neck was twisted by the gold ingot, followed in the footsteps of the fishing rod and was also buried in the sea.

   After doing all these things, Jin Ingot patted his hands, and after the next breath, a very cold voice rang directly in his ears:

   "You are decisive in your action, which makes me a little admired, but why do you think we are right?"

   As soon as this voice came out, Jin Yuanbao turned around with a smile, and saw that on the deck, Ye Yi and Xue Dao two figures covered in black robes did not know when they appeared. Then the former smiled and responded with a very natural response:

   "This is very simple, because you are strong, the strong will not spend time on such trivial matters to cheat weaker people, just like my son won't cheat the poorer than me."


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