
read2();  The dazzling golden ship, carrying a large tract of wealth, travels deep in the North Sea at a steady speed.

   On the edge of the wide deck of the big ship, there were two pieces of the same slump beside the piece that originally belonged to the gold ingot. At the same time, Ye Yi and Xue Dao sat on it.

   During the more than ten days when the ship sailed to the depths of the North Sea, Ye Yi and Xue Dao rarely went out. They had been studying information from the Five Immortals Sect in the cabin together with Li Dingshan and related to the Taixuan Land.

   This piece of information can be described as vast, and it contains a rough map of the 108 prefectures in the Taixuan Land, as well as numerous racial forces, and even the interests of the major forces are indicated in it.

Although there are constant disputes in the Taixuan Land, countless forces are destroyed and established every day. Some of the content in this information may no longer be applicable at this moment, but it must be said that such specific information is no matter for any sect race. Words are all secrets at the bottom of the box.

It is conceivable that the Five Immortals Sect, which has been on the banks of the North Sea for tens of thousands of years, has paid such a clear information on the various forces in the Taixuan Land. This is also the Wuxian Mountain that survives under Ao Jia. Descendants, the greatest sincerity expressed by Daxia.

On the night ten days ago, Ye Yi and Xue Dao and the old white-haired woman of the Five Immortal Sect Sect Master were in the Ao Jia rift below the Shocking God Formation, looking at the sea of ​​lights, like a sea of ​​stars, the city of Five Immortals. , Talked freely all night.

That night, whether it was for the great summer of China, the descendants of Wuxianshan who tried to restore the glory of the past, or the entire Taixuan land, it was like a pair of wings instigated by a butterfly. The stock swept the world, swallowing the tyrannical storm!

  The sea breeze is breezy, and in the depths of the North Sea, except for the occasional undulating waves around the golden ship, the rest of the scenery is unchanged. The dark green sea and the sky are almost integrated, forming a magnificent view of the sea and the sky.

At this time it was half a morning, and the sun was shining down from the gray mist above the sky dome, and then turned into a beam of light that ran through the entire heaven and earth, surrounding the big ship. From a distance, the big ship seemed to be from the end of the day. Shuttle back and forth in the scene, it is very spectacular.

   After that, on the deck, Brother Jinzong Pang Jin Ingot looked at the sun shining through the sky in front of him, and sighed:

"The two distinguished guests don’t know. In the Golden Sect, the old man’s wives and concubines as the lord are in groups, and they even spend money to buy young women from the entire Taixuan Land almost every day. Therefore, for so many years, I have had brothers every day. Sisters are born, sometimes dozens of them are born a day."

  Ye Yi and Xue Dao raised their heads as soon as the gold ingot sounded out. The eyes under the hood showed interest. After the former laughed at himself, he continued to speak:

"Compared to other sects and races, it took thousands of years to give birth to a heir of pure Dao with an exceptionally talented bloodline. My old man adopted the favorite and consistent style of the Jinjin Sect. That is to live, live hard, give birth to a hundred. If these are not enough, then one thousand, ten thousand, there will always be a person with strong blood, and the first thing these children can climb after they are born is the lottery.

   "These lotteries are numerous and of different types, and contain secret methods for testing talents. Then the people in the sect directly divide the children into three, six or nine classes based on the grade of the lot."

   After the golden ingot's voice fell, a sect that had been extremely cruel since birth was directly reflected in the minds of Ye Yi and Xue Dao, and then Ye Yi turned his head to stare at the rolling gold ingot and asked:

   "I think the wealth you have at this time is so amazing, it should be that the lottery you caught when you were a child is extremely extraordinary."

"At that time, this young man should have been lucky, or the blessing of eight lifetimes of cultivation, the lot that covered the entire hall, Lin Lin always added up to hundreds of thousands of pieces, and the young man who was just able to climb, one piece No catch!"

   The voice fell, and Jin Yuanbao's round face showed a rather triumphant smile. Then he raised his right hand and pointed to the rays of light that shone from the sky, like golden pillars, and continued to speak:

"On the day of the lottery, this young man was in full view, and he didn't know if the ghost was fascinated, he hugged the golden pillar in the center of the hall, and then let the rest of the people persuade him not to let go. Coincidentally, this pillar is the treasure of the town that the old sect grandfather secretly put in the main hall. After seeing this, the old grandfather was naturally very happy, and my status is naturally rising.

   "The wealth that my son now has has a lot to do with the grandfather's favor."

   After finishing the gold ingot, he suddenly sighed heavily, turned slightly and looked at Ye Yi and Xue Dao who were listening carefully beside him, and the voice continued:

"But I know my own talent very well, that is, when I was lucky, I was actually far worse than the real tianjiao in the clan, and the old man was also in the beginning of the year, and completely lost the backer of me. It is extremely difficult to win the first place in the selection of heirs of the Golden Sect.

   "Don't look at the countless amounts of money in my gold sect, but behind every fairy coin, there are countless scarlet blood, and my brothers and sisters have never been good people."

After   , Jin Yuanbao sat down on the limp beneath him, the fat on his face trembled, and then he leaned back and raised his legs to speak:

   "Even now, this young man has no idea of ​​getting involved in the position of the golden sect. He can save his life, and he will be satisfied for a lifetime. After all, the wealth in my hands will not be spent in three lifetimes."

   "In this world, there are often trees eager to be quiet, but the wind does not stop!"

After   Gold Ingot finished speaking, Ye Yi's faint voice sounded. Then he stretched out his hand and patted the fat gold ingot on the burly shoulder. The voice continued:

   "At least in my opinion, you still have a talent that ordinary people don't have, decisive, tenacious, and know what you want.

   "Perhaps with our help, you can imagine a little bit to sit on the seat of the patriarch, because we always don't like owing favors to others."

  Yaichi's words fell, and Xue Dao, who was surrounded by a black robe, raised his head, staring at the dark green sea in front, and a slightly smiling voice continued:

"Gold ingot, tell you the truth, I think you are quite pleasing to the eye. You can eat a little bit, but don’t want the rest to be more truthful. Okay, stop the boat. I’ll wait for a trip to the sea , And then return to the inland sect with you.

   "Get insights!"


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