The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1051: Longing forever


read2();   "God of Wealth is here, can I have an illusion with the gold ingot!"

In the depths of the North Sea, on the edge of the violently undulating golden ship deck, the rounded gold ingot stretched out his hands and hugged the fence under him, preventing his whole body from falling off the deck. At the same time, he looked at the North Sea, whose appearance was greatly changed. There was a roar of horror.

Looking down from the place where the gold ingot is located, there is a huge tornado running through the entire deep sea under the sea level of the North Sea. Then under the horrified gaze of the gold ingot, the tornado vortex gradually showed creepy blood. red.

   What’s even more bizarre is that even though this giant tornado vortex is so powerful that it seems to stir up all the seawater below the ship, everything on the sea level, including the golden ships, is not sucked in, just up and down.

  The golden ingot felt that between the big golden ship he was on and the tornado below it was like a huge piece of extremely strong glass separated, and he had truly witnessed a crazy upheaval in the deep sea below.

   "Churning the waves and breaking the sea, disturbing the situation, who are these two distinguished guests!"

The gold ingot, in extreme shock, even forgot that his half-round body was floating outside the boat, muttering his mouth, and then his pupils suddenly widened, and even his pupils continued to shrink and shrink because of the horror. A shout out:

   "Mother, how is this possible!"

Before the roar of the gold ingot fell, a huge vague gate appeared at the bottom of the extremely large blood-colored tornado vortex in the former's eyes, and above the gate, a blue and white space teleportation flower suddenly lit up. , Straight into the sky.

The dazzling light shot directly into the eyes of Jin Yinbao, and then the direct disciple of the Jin Jinzong closed his eyes subconsciously. After a few breaths, when Jin Yinbao opened his eyes again, all the visions in front of him disappeared. As if it had never appeared before.

   From the collapse of the sky and the sea to the current calm, it took only a few moments to make the gold ingot's mind seem to be struck in a trance like a sap.

Afterwards, the gold ingot, still in a trance, climbed up from the deck a little staggering, looking around blankly, and saw the big golden ship floating peacefully on the dark green sea, without any bumps. , And the earth-shattering **** vortex and the underwater city gate are like an illusion in a dream, illusory.

   "This should not be a dream."

After the muttering sound came from Jin Ingot's mouth, he suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped his round face three times. Accompanied by the crisp applause, the former let out a painful scream, and then his ears By the side, a cold voice suddenly sounded:

   "Come on, gold ingot, go inland, you have two years to fight for the power of the overlord of the golden sect, two years later, I will return here later!"

When this voice fell, Jin Ingot suddenly turned his head. On the deck, Xue Dao supporting Ye Yi did not know when he had already appeared. After Xue Dao finished speaking, he put the weak Ye Yi in his left hand, and then the gold ingot healed. With awe-inspiring eyes, he walked slowly back to the cabin.

   "Start the boat, continue on!"

   Accompanied by the vigorous shout of the monk on the big ship, this big golden ship belonging to the Golden Sect turned the bow directly to the west, and drove quickly inland again.

   For the gold ingot and the Jinzong, a dramatic change is about to begin!

   And down the sea level where the ship is, and then down, behind the space of countless ridges and mountains, there stands a huge gate.

On the surface of the border city on the deep side of the North Sea in the Taixuan Land, a large number of dense scars are crisscrossed and mottled. These numerous scars even completely cut off a large number of runes on the door, indicating that once At a certain stage, this side of the city gate suffered an extremely severe blow.

   If you continue inward along the staggered lines of this city gate, you will enter the other side of the city, a dark, cold world.

In fact, the vast Arctic land of Shenzhou, on the other side of the city, used to be lonely apart from darkness and coldness, but since the supreme sovereign of the vast land of Shenzhou came to this Arctic land, under its vast will, In just two months, the entire Daxia Ministry of Industry and the soldiers of the Northern Army built an extremely large military camp relying on the stone tower and the altar.

The main structure of this barracks is the Yinxu City of the Ying Family Kingdom where the ghost energy has been burned out under the phoenix flames. The Daxia Ministry of Industry is based on the former structure, flattening the city center and should no longer be left in the world. Winning the palace made it a training school for sergeants. At the same time, it strengthened the square city wall and extended it outwards. Using the model of defensing the endless mountain gate outside the Shenjing city, a great wall was built outside the Arctic City.

This horizontal fence stretches endlessly, like a giant dragon entrenched in the North Pole. Under the cover of thick ice fog, above the tall city wall, it is not The darkness, on the contrary, was bright red.

The red light comes from the special spar inlaid on the city wall, and under the action of the mysterious energy, these spars from the Ministry of Engineering are directly turned into powerful searchlights, which shoot out each other. Intertwined with red threads, pierced the floating extreme cold and thick fog, and then shone on the rune-winded northern boundary city.

   Under the reflection of this red light, if there is any wind and grass above the Arctic City, you can see everything.

At the same time, a Northern Army sergeant wearing a thick cotton-padded coat patrolled the city wall with a halberd. They stared closely at the snow and fog rolling in front, and the seat that seemed to have never changed. The Arctic City, in the eyes of the tiger, is full of killing intent.

As we all know, the severe cold in the Arctic is beyond imagination, and ordinary monks will freeze and die if they can't even stay here for an hour. However, at this time, the number of Northern Army sergeants participating in the patrol on the entire city wall is 100,000. Huge.

The soldiers of the Northern Army can walk freely in the northernmost part of the vast land of China. In addition to the altar that emits white light at intervals, there are also one flying beside each squad of soldiers. The piglet puppet releasing the steaming heat.

These brand-new things that have emerged in recent months, as well as the powerful and iron-blooded Northern Army sergeants, have formed a miraculous new fortress in the north, and this fortress has been used by the young emperor. Given a very poetic name.

   Winter Snow!

As we all know, Daxia built six fortresses in the outer three gates and the inner three gates in order to defend the endless mountain. In addition to the last imperial capital of the inner three gates, the remaining two were named Chunhua and Chunhua by the dead empress. Autumn moon.

   So it is self-evident that Zhao Yu named this newly built northern fortress Dongxue.

   Spring flowers and autumn moons, summer rains and winter snows, the seasons are ethereal, but the longing never stops.

   Zhao Yu, I miss my grandma.


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