The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1052: Winter Snow Fortress


read2();   Shenzhou is vast and the North Pole, the darkness is boundless, the day recedes, and the night is king.

   This is a place abandoned by the sun.

  The environment of the Arctic is extremely dangerous. It was originally a terrible place that no one could step into for thousands of years on the vast land of China, but it is the northern end of this world, and now there are more than one hundred thousand Northern Army stationed there.

   This not only represents the great military strength of Daxia, but also proves that this great land of China is a well-deserved overlord and has made rapid progress in infrastructure.

   A brand-new era is definitely not limited to one aspect. As the saying goes, from point to aspect, everyone can clearly feel that all aspects of Daxia's huge country are improving at an extremely steady but amazing speed.

In the Arctic, under the intertwined red awns, the tall city wall is winding like a dragon in the winter snow fortress. From a distance, it looks like a newborn giant standing on top of the earth, suppressing the entire northern boundary city, exuding extremely richness. Jagged air.

On the city wall, a sergeant of the Northern Army who has experienced hundreds of battles, his eucalyptus in his hands was stained with the blood of rebellious snowmen in the northern snowfields, his aura became more fierce, and every step forward, he leaped forward. All of the murderous intents seemed to contain the roaring Scarlet Thunder.

   The thick **** wolf smoke soared into the sky, and three huge ancient black dragons spread their wings across the winter snow fortress, and left three giant swimming shadows on the city wall.

   Then the northern sergeant who was in the shadow raised his head and stared at the three black dragon guards who quickly patrolled over with the vast and wild aura, with awe and desire in their eyes.

After a month of discussions between Zhao Yu and Daxia’s Ministry of War, the cabinet and other officials, a new military promotion route was determined, and Daxia was notified that under this new system, sergeants could not only be conferred by virtue of their military merits. , It is more able to rise to a higher level of service.

In other words, as long as you are talented and capable, you can even leap the dragon gate directly and be incorporated into the emperor’s personal guards and become one of the coveted taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division. One member.

   "My old man often tells me that jade can't be a weapon without cutting, and the hard condition is the best whetstone for cultivation. This sentence honestly does not deceive me."

On the highest point of the Dongxue Fortress wall, a young and vigorous voice sounded between the red awns. Then Zhong Lizhan, who was dressed in a radiant army robe with a well-proportioned body and a young face, looked away from him. The Arctic City in front moved down to the patrol sergeant on the wall below, and continued to speak:

"I remember that the Northern Army below has been fused with the souls of ancient soldiers in less than a few months. Now it is so powerful that it has even formed the first French repair army in Daxia. And the wild army where I belong to Zhong Li's is better than the northern The integration of the military took place earlier, but it was far behind the combat power."

After    finished speaking, Zhong Lizhan turned his head and looked at the Tianmen Hou Jiangqing, who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, with a calm expression on Tianmen Hou Jiangqing. He continued to sound with a little sigh:

   "Jianghou, if the Northern Army and the Southern Barbarian Army are facing each other head-on at this time, the Barbarian Army may not be able to survive for three days, because the three words of mere repairing the army are enough to make people numb."

   "Boy Zhong Li, you can't say that. There is a specialization in the art industry, and the same is true between the different arms of Daxia."

After the calm response fell, Zhong Li’s face was Junxiu, Tianmen Hou Jiangqing, who was seven-point similar to the old Beian Wang and Jiang Yue, showed a faint smile, showing that he is quite satisfied with the spirit of the northern army. He opened his lips slightly and continued to speak:

"The Wild Army is good at fighting on complex terrain, such as the jungle, while our Northern Army is a good at assaulting on a snowy field. If you place the confrontation between the two armies in the dense forest, it will be replaced by the Northern Army and it will not last three days. The French revision army does not play a big role in the dense forest."

"But the rapid growth of the cultivation base of the Northern Army sergeants is real. Looking down, most of the sergeants are even about to complete the initiation and directly step into the virtual realm. This speed is even difficult for those with good talents. Looking at it, the rest of the army is even more jealous, even I want to tell your majesty to rotate the wild army here, and practice it."

  Zhong Lizhan’s expression in words was full of seriousness, and then Jiang Qing's smile in front of him became even more serious. He reached out his hand and pointed downward, and a faint voice came out:

  "You see this winter snow fortress is huge, and it is easy to accommodate one million people. As long as your majesty is willing, the court is willing to bear the massive logistics support. Our Northern Army is extremely welcome.

"However, during this period of time, Benhou has been exploring the reason why the cultivation base of the Northern Army sergeants has grown so fast. In this regard, because the Arctic where we are waiting is abnormally cold, every sergeant not only needs to run quickly at all times to resist. The severe cold and the constant control of muscle tremor to generate heat is equivalent to a high-intensity practice from beginning to end."

   After Tianmen Hou Jiangqing finished speaking, he paused, picked up a gourd lying beside him, shook it, and continued to speak:

"Boy Zhong Li, you have to know that the other side of my northern sergeant's rapid cultivation speed, but your majesty and the imperial court are underpinning the massive resources below. The conditions in the Arctic are so sinister, not to mention the monks in the virtual realm. It is difficult for monks in the realm to gain a foothold, so for the establishment of this winter snow fortress and the stationing of the northern army, Daxia has spent an unimaginable price.

"Without mentioning the heating and lighting equipment first developed by the Ministry of Industry, the daily consumption of the purification and life water in the hands of Benhou is shocking. If this is the case for the Northern Army's training speed, we will directly find a piece of hard ice. It's dead."

After Tianmen Hou Jiangqing’s sonorous voice fell, he and Zhong Li Zhan on the side fell into a short silence. In fact, both of them knew very well that although Da Xia was prosperous at this time, he faced this mysterious and unknown great power. The land of the enemy Taixuan is still full of urgency and is still racing against time.

   This is the real battle of luck!

   The sight of the North Pole did not change. After Zhong Lizhan meditated for a while, he seemed to have thought of something. He slowly spoke, and his young and steady voice continued to sound:

   "I count the days. Today should be the day when the Great Dynasty will try to release the rankings. I don't know who can win the first champion and the first champion after our majesty ascended the throne. It is a pity that I can't go to Shenjing City to see what happened.

Zhong Lizhan’s voice was much more relaxed than before. After all, this great imperial examination was a blessing for the nation, whether it was for the Great Xia court or the countless people who went to Beijing for the examination. The only way for your son is self-evident. Even Jiang Qing, who has always guarded the northern border and does not care about the world, kept paying attention to it. Then he touched his chin and responded faintly:

"Ben Hou, the champion, is not sure, but the leader of the Ministry of Industry's special recruitment can tell with toes that it is the woman who is following Lao Shangshu. After all, the magic equipment of our Dongxue Fortress was developed by him. "

After    Jiangqing’s voice fell, Zhong Lizhan on the side just wanted to nod his head in agreement. However, in the next moment, the two of them changed their faces at the same time and suddenly raised their heads. Tiger eyes stared at the northern boundary city surrounded by red light and blurted out:

   "Something is sending!"

I saw that a large number of runes were gradually lit up on the huge and incomparable world city, forming a huge teleportation flower. At the same time, the entire Winter Snow Fortress directly resounded with a deafening horn. Countless Northern Army sergeants on patrol lined up quickly under the command of the guard roar.

   The teleportation rune flower above the Arctic Realm City came quickly and dissipated quickly, as if it was shattered by a bubble, and fell silent again in an instant. Then the figures of Jiang Qing and Zhong Lizhan appeared directly in front of the Realm City and stood in the air.

   In front of the two of them at the same time, a little pony waving its wings is floating quietly with its wings. After Zhong Lizhan saw this, he looked happy and let out a roar that resounded across the sky:

   "Emergency information in the Taixuan Land, the Black Dragon Guard, and the Angry Beast Army immediately **** him to the White Emperor Palace with me!"


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