The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1054: The top three


read2();   under countless years of worship and accumulation, at this moment, the drop of blood that was hovering quietly in the backpack of the flying messenger, in fact, already has a very weak and chaotic consciousness , Maybe this point of consciousness can't form the so-called thought, but it already has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

   Under this instinct, this drop of Dao blood actually prefers the vast land of China where it is currently located, even if it is being held tightly by Zhong Lizhan's big hands, standing under the most majestic and richest imperial palace in the entire Great Xia Emperor Dao.

Above Meridian Square, countless invisible and intangible imperial Dao majesty, filled with every inch of void, overbearing, domineering in the world, and even the Dao blood that manifests itself as the core law of the land fairyland has produced a blood. The thought of surrender, and this emperor's aura, in addition to the domineering and noble, but also with the warm and thick as Haori.

   Two kinds of romance, made by one family!

Below the Imperial Palace, this drop of blood carrying the information of the Taixuan Land can clearly feel that after the vast emperor's voice announced the leader of the Dynasty test, Zhong Lizhan was escorted by the Imperial City Guards There was a slight pause for the entire fast-walking step, and then a young voice came directly from the latter's mouth:

   "Really deserves his name, Yuan Sicheng, but I don't know how Sima Annan is ranked. If he can't even make the top ten, I must make fun of him."

Daoxue, who has just had a little sense of chaos, doesn’t know what the Great Trial is, but it can feel the joyful emotions on Zhong Lizhan’s body, and with the latter’s strides, he has just walked to the Meridian Gate. In the center of the square, in the Hall of Emperor Jiji, the young emperor's voice belonging to Zhao Yu once again soared into the sky, swept outwards, and instantly spread throughout the huge Shenjing Xiongcheng:

   "The second and first place in the ninety-year dynasty test of the Great Xia Calendar, Song Clan in Liuye Alley, Shenjing City, Song Xinhao!"

As Emperor Huanghuang’s voice rolled around, on the Baiyu Avenue outside the Meridian Gate of the White Emperor’s Palace, countless people crowded on both sides of the avenue continued to open their mouths and cheered, while among the crowd, there was a pale and pretty face, but she was born early and splendid Miss Song Palace After hearing the words, he threw himself directly into Sun Jian's arms beside him, tears welling up, crying silently.

   Then, Sun Jian, who was as tall as a loose body, dressed in a large robe of Sisi Cheng, stretched out his hand and gently patted the undulating shoulders of the eldest lady in his arms, raised the corners of his mouth, showing a smile with a missing tooth, and said softly:

   "Xinhao, this kid, is really striving."

If you look carefully, you will find that the missing half of the teeth of the former leader of the great dynasty has regrown part of it, and Sun Jian’s voice has not yet fallen, and the old housekeeper of the Song Palace next to the two is already happy at this time. Crazy, with a flushed face, tightly clutching Jia Ding beside him, jumping and jumping frantically, roaring repeatedly in his mouth:

   "The second place in the list, the second place in the list, the young master won the second place in the list, go and tell the master, go tell the master, the master will be happy when he knows it!"

   Then Jia Ding, who was firmly grasped by the old housekeeper, looked helpless, smiled and responded:

   "Old housekeeper, you hold on to me like this, I can't tell the master right now!"

Jia Ding repeated it several times, but the old housekeeper turned a deaf ear to him. He still clung to the former's arm and laughed wildly, because this old man who had almost witnessed the changes in the Song Mansion was able to understand the second place in the ranking. Ye Xiang Song Mansion is so important.

   After the entire Shenjing City boiled for a few breaths, the cheers of all the people on both sides of the noisy Baiyu Avenue suddenly stopped, because the emperor's voice belonging to Zhao Yu once again sounded from the Palace of Emperors and continued to spread out mightily:

  "The ninety years of the Daxia calendar, Sima clan, Jiangling Sima, Sima Annan!"

When this emperor's voice came out, whether it was the Daxia officials waiting for news at the Meridian Gate of the White Emperor Palace, or the people who spontaneously gathered on both sides of the Baiyu Avenue outside the Meridian Gate of the Palace, it even included countless monks and scholars in the Shenjing City. All of them opened their mouths and exclaimed, because it was really unexpected.

Before the beginning of the Great Dynasty Examination, there were folk storytellers and some sects predicting the ranking of the people on the list, and whether it was Yuan Bai, who came from the south of Daxia, and perched on the sycamore tree of Shenjing Que, or Xinhao's most proud disciple, was on the list.

Especially Yuan Bai, the song of Baixue sent His Royal Highness Taisun back to Beijing, as well as Phoenix He Shaoer's chanting of the southern bird, has now followed the story of the storyteller and has been completely spread throughout the world, becoming countless young people. The example of diligence and improvement, so the rankings of these two people are within the expectations of the world, but this Tanhua and the first Sima Annan are really dark horses that have been smashed out of the sky.

In the eyes of people who don’t know him, Sima Annan is a rich young man in white clothes fluttering and playing the world. Relying on the good relationship with his majesty, there is no righteousness on weekdays, and there are even many people in the capital of God. Regarding it as a negative textbook for idleness, this extremely thick-skinned Shenji Pavilion walked around the world, this time completely overturned his inherent impression in the eyes of the world.

   But for Sima Annan, in fact, he doesn't care whether the world thinks about him or not, but he cares about the feelings of the people he likes.

Among the crowds beside Baiyu Avenue, a pretty girl in green was extremely excited, with a sincere smile on her face. Then she turned and looked at You Tingjian, who was wearing a simple coarse cloth, and she was very happy to speak. :

   "Father, look, I said he can, and he told me that he can!"

Afterwards, You Ting looked at the slim and graceful standing in front of him, like a daughter who had grown up like a green tree. He raised his hand fondly and patted the latter on the shoulder, revealing a smile, but his mouth was still a little bit. He spoke without mercy:

   "This kid is far behind me. Back then, your father and me, but the champion and the first prize, were the one galloping in the forefront during the parade."

   After speaking, You Tingjian squinted his eyes and turned to look at the end of the White Jade Avenue ahead, the solemn Meridian Gate of the Baidi Palace, with a complex expression.

Before the Meridian Gate of the White Emperor Palace, there is a wide jade Jinshui Bridge. After a while, the candidates in the list will start from this Jinshui Bridge, jump out of the White Emperor Palace’s Meridian Gate, and then follow the Central Avenue , Walked all the way to see the flowers, traversing the six banks of the mountains and rivers of the capital city, congratulated by hundreds of millions.

Standing with his hands in the crowd, You Ting watched and watched. Suddenly, blurs appeared in his wise eyes. Even though he had experienced vicissitudes and ups and downs for half a lifetime at this time, he was still surging under the circumstances. Yourself.

  Because for him, fresh clothes and angry horses, horses stepping on the Central Avenue, are the most beautiful, most public and unforgettable years of his life!


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