
read2();   The huge Meridian Square below the Huangji Hall has a length of nine hundred and ninety-nine feet each. Ordinary people stepped from the outermost periphery to the steps of the main hall, about three thousand. Under the **** of the Imperial City Guards, Zhong Lizhan, who was holding a flying messenger and striding forward, strode forward, crossing this distance, taking a total of 1,290 steps, using 79 breaths.

   Within these seventy-nine breaths, in the Hall of the Emperor Great Hall, the Emperor Huang Huang from Zhao Yu uttered three sounds, respectively announcing the champion, champion and Tanhua of the ninety-year dynasty trial of the Daxia calendar.

And these three sounds of the emperor fell throughout the entire capital city, Zhong Lizhan just stepped up to the white jade stairs of His Royal Highness. At the same time, the door of the Huangji Hall above his head opened outward, and he was already waiting at the door of the palace. The court musicians played directly on the piano, bells and drums.

   At the next breath, magnificent movements rose into the sky, bells, drums, and piano sound intertwined in one place, as if to announce to the whole world the official arrival of the stars of the ninety years of the Great Xia calendar.

Then a group of candidates who participated in the palace examination surrounded three young young people from the imperial palace hall. Congratulations rang out one after another. Walking beside the young people was a group of cabinet officials who were one of the examiners. At this moment, their old faces were also smiling, nodding and exchanging something.

On one side is the high-spirited and vigorous imperial nobility, and on the other side is the Radiant Army Taboo who came quickly with information from the Taixuan Land. Then the two met without warning on the Baiyu Avenue below the Emperor Palace .

   "The frontline of the Winter Snow Fortress hastened military intelligence, scattered, scattered!"

Accompanied by a roar from the leader of the Imperial City Guards, the entire upper part was originally immersed in the imperial examination ceremony. Whether it was the original official or the examinee, their expressions became extremely solemn, and then they all used the fastest speed in their life to face each other Leave the road on both sides, staring scorchingly at Zhong Lizhan who quickly whizzed past.

Ten breaths later, Zhong Lizhan's figure appeared directly in front of the open door of the Huangji Hall. Before that, Liang Po's burly figure like a hill had already stood in front of the palace, and then Liang Po watched his black armor still Zhong Lizhan, who was dripping with drops of water, directly sounded with a mellow magnetic voice:

   "Your Majesty already knows your intentions, please come with me!"

When the voice fell, Liang Po turned around and took Zhong Lizhan directly into the Palace of the Emperor. Then, on the white jade stairs, those cabinets and six officials who had been halfway down the stairs, as well as Sima Annan and Yuan Bai, etc. Not to mention turning around and rushing back to the Palace of Emperors, leaving a group of candidates for the hall examination to look at each other on the original ground.

   After a while, when the figures of the officials in Daxia disappeared on the white jade stairs, among the candidates for the hall examination, a young scholar walked forward and saluted the quietly standing Xinhao, and asked loudly:

   "Song Bangyan, in this situation, what should I do at this time?"

"We Daxia has its own set of special process arrangements for the frontline military intelligence. According to the fact that the frontline sergeants entered the palace of the Emperor, this military intelligence should be the highest urgent level. Therefore, the officials who originally had positions in the body returned to the emperor. Extreme Palace."

After the words fell, on the steps of His Royal Highness, Song Xinhao, a young man still wearing a meticulous white Confucian cedar, stared at the black hall above with his heroic eyes like a sword, and then raised his hand and patted gently. He patted Rushan's sleeves and stepped to the side of the steps, his voice continued to sound:

   "So the best way for me to wait now is to wait quietly. After all, walking around the street, without the champion and flower hunting, it would not be considered a parade!"

After Xinhao finished speaking, the other young people who participated in the palace examination nodded after thinking for a few breaths, and followed the former, standing on the side steps quietly waiting. At the same time, the four-winged mysterious bird and the nine-day phoenix kept swimming. In the Great Hall of Emperor Li Zhan, Li Zhan finally knelt on one knee, facing an emperor's shadow sitting on the high platform in the upper hall, he said loudly:

   "Your Majesty, the flying messenger that crossed the border across the vast Arctic City of Shenzhou has been delivered."

   After the full-bodied sound of the final battle with Lebanon fell, the big summer officials standing densely in the entire wide hall, all focused their eyes on the little pony waving wings in the former hand.

Under the dignified gazes intertwined, on the battle armor of the final Lebanon battle, the gradual melting of the ice because of the sudden return from the Arctic land to the warm capital of the city, turned into water droplets on the ground of the main hall. , And then made a very clear voice in Wan Lai's quiet Huangji Hall.

   "Tick, tick, tick!"

   The tick was not heavy, but in the hall where the needle fell, it was like a heavy hammer hitting the inner head of a hundred officials in the hall, causing civil and military officials including Li Chunfeng to swallow subconsciously.

Everyone understands that there must be a battle between the vast land of Shenzhou and the Great Profound Land on the back of the city, but everyone hopes that this day can come later, and later, because at this time, Daxia is going very fast. In the golden stage of development, there are breathtaking progress and changes almost every day, so this increasingly great country needs time most.

   And at this time, no one knows what kind of information is hidden in this flying messenger respectfully handed over by the end of the battle, and what extremely important information it contains.

  The quality is unpredictable, but I have to face it. This is an extremely complex emotion, and at the top of the entire imperial hall, there is a young figure with no change in expression.

Because of today’s dynasty trial, Zhao Yu was wearing a very grand crown at this time, a crown of heaven and a crimson robe, which symbolized the twelve coats of arms of the Lord of Great Xia. At the same time, the vast and endless majesty of the Great Emperor suppressed the entire emperor. All the voids in the first-level hall.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu finished reading the archived dossiers about the content of the dynasty test that was submitted by the official just now. He raised his head slightly, and his black eyes, like a starry night sky, stared at the final battle below, smooth and vast. Di Yin spreads outward:

   "Ye Yi and Xue Dao have just gone to the Taixuan Land for a few months and tried a way to spread the news, presumably the information contained in them is extremely important."

After    the emperor's voice fell, the expressions of the officials below became more solemn, with their lips pressed tightly, and standing with hands down respectfully, while Zhao Yu, who was sitting above the emperor seat, saw a smile on his mouth, and said with a smile:

"I Guan'er, waiting for such a nervous look, suddenly felt amused. What came through the Arctic Realm City was the information from the people of My Nightmare Division, and it was not an enemy of the monks in the Great Profound Land. There is tension, and on the other hand, it is undoubtedly a good thing to be able to send this information in advance. Compared with ignorance, having information is beneficial to us."

   Zhao Yu’s calm and indifferent voice contained an extremely reassuring aura, and then the hundred officials in the hall subconsciously let out a sigh of relief, raised their hands and respectfully bowed forward, and the voice came out:

   "Your Majesty Shengming, I am waiting for the photo!"


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