
read2();  "There is a mysterious space between the vast land of Shenzhou and the land of Taixuan, and even the star sand sea is the boundary, and the boundary city as the gateway is like this It is heavy and hard to invade, so I originally thought that this information would not be sent back to our country so quickly."

   In the Baidi Huangji Hall, the voice belonging to Zhao Yu resounded throughout the hall, and then under the young emperor, Sima Annan, who had just obtained the first place to search for flowers, raised his right hand and touched his smooth chin, thinking and saying:

"Your Majesty Shengming, this matter is indeed extremely abnormal, but in Yichen's opinion, as your Majesty said, this matter is beneficial to me and Daxia. Ye Sicheng has always been meticulous and never leaking, and this time even he felt that it would cost a lot. Sending this information back at the cost of this shows that the news in the flying messenger at this time is extraordinary and may be enough to change the situation between the enemy and the enemy in the future."

After    Sima Annan finished speaking, a smile appeared on his handsome face, he raised his hand and bowed forward, and continued to speak loudly:

"Furthermore, it has only been a few months for Ye Sicheng and others to go to the land of the Supreme Profound Realm. Therefore, it can be inferred that there may be our allies in the land of the Supreme Profound. After all, the place is chaotic and all forces believe in The principle of "is the best for oneself."

   When Sima Annan said this, everyone in the hall nodded in agreement, and then, concentrating on Zhao Yu, raised his slender right hand and made a gentle move downward, and then a steady voice came out:

   "Sima Tanhua, your analysis is very good, but it is true or false. You can open this flying messenger to find out that it is the mule who came out of the horse."

As Zhao Yu’s voice came out, the little pony that was originally suspended above the palm of the final Li Zhan suddenly shook its wings, condensing the eyes of everyone in the Emperor Hall, and slowly flew to the seat on the throne. The young emperor then hovered in front of Zhao Yu extremely obediently.

   Zhao Yu raised his right hand and patted the little pony in front of him. With a breath, the rucksack on the back of the flying messenger opened, and a red glow suddenly flew out of it.

The next breath, in the Palace of Emperor Ji, a red glow like a red thunder directly pierced the void, and even stretched out visible blood patterns in the air. At the same time, the dazzling light caused the pupils of all officials in the temple to shrink severely. The entire huge imperial palace shone bright red.

Beneath the red light, the avenue flower composed of four cinnabar avenue patterns in the center of Zhao Yu's eyebrows instantly burned brightly, and he kept his eyes open and stared at the blood-colored thunder in the air. Guan, after seeing the drop of Dao blood in the red glow, Qi Qi's expression changed, and he blurted out:

   "Blood on the road!"

Compared with before, after Zhao Yu ascended the throne, not only Da Xia itself is advancing by leaps and bounds, but also the court officials who are the core of the brain like a sponge absorbing water, continuously absorbing knowledge that was never heard of in ordinary days, and that was once extremely secret. , Dao Blood, the core of Dao, at this time the officials in the Huangji Hall also dabbled in it. Although most of them saw the most primitive appearance of Dao Blood for the first time, they were recognized at a glance.

   At the same time, in the minds of these officials, there was a sentence like this:

  The blood of the avenue is just like gaining the dao, which can increase the winning rate of the saints in the land fairyland by 30%, making it the top treasure in the world!

The Dao Yun in the entire Huangji Hall, due to the appearance of Dao Blood, was instantly stretched to the point where it was extremely rich, and the Dao Flower in the center of Zhao Yu's eyebrows, like a provoked king, became extremely hot and began to burn. The majesty of Dao of domineering suppression exudes outward.

   Then Zhao Yu's gaze from within the ebony black eyes also brought endless power, and then he gently raised his right hand, together with the large sleeve of the entire Jiangsha Emperor robe, and gently waved it forward.

   Under the majesty of the Great, everything is surrendered!

The vast and endless emperor's might rolls down like the sky to the red glow in the void, and directly presses the pouring out of the Taoist energy back into the drop of blood, and then the landslide moves forward and does not move. The stable emperor’s sound originated in the whole hall:

"I once discussed with Lava Kua, Sima Annan and others how to send the information of the Supreme Profound Land to our Divine Land without disturbing the former Tiandao and the great practitioners. Later I came to the conclusion that it was to use the blood in front of me to activate the transmission rune above the northern boundary city, and transmit the flying messenger back."

After   diyin fell, Zhao Yu watched the gradual weakening of the momentum in front of his eyes, and the avenue blood lingering on it with black rune patterns, the silver glow in the black eyes undulated, and then continued to speak:

"Ye Yi’s choice is no different from what I had imagined, but the importance of Dao Blood is self-evident, and the Dao Blood Rune that has been carved on the face since birth is undoubtedly one for Ye Yi. Such a tragic and extremely heavy injury."

  As soon as the words of the young emperor came out, everyone in the entire imperial hall stood in awe, their faces were solemn, and they all opened their mouths and made a uniform shout:

   "Ye Si Cheng Dayi, ministers and others admire it!"

After the billowing shouts fell, Li Chunfeng, the former Sitian Supervisor, who had just completed the task of the Dachao test without any errors, raised his hand and stroked the white beard on his chest. His old but still ruddy face was solemn and opened his mouth. Asked:

   "Your Majesty, now that the information in the Taixuan Land has arrived, do you immediately summon the six departments, the cabinet, and the commanders of the frontiers to come to the White Emperor Palace to face the holy?"

   "No need for now."

   The young emperor’s response did not hesitate for too long. Then Zhao Yu’s majestic and handsome face showed a light smile, and the voice continued:

"It's true that the land of Taixuan is a great enemy, but everything shouldn't be led by him. I have my own rhythm. I should guard the border and guard the frontier, and those who should walk the horse parade, go to the horse parade. After all, The people of Shenjing City are all waiting for these descendants of Wenquxing."

   After the steady and heavy emperor's voice fell, Zhao Yuwei leaned forward slightly, then raised his hand into fingers, and pointed directly at the drop of blood in front of him, while the voice continued to resound through the entire imperial palace:

   "Then now, let me see what information Ye Yi sent back at a huge price?"

After the emperor's voice, Zhao Yu just pointed on the blood of the Dao. In the next moment, the red light containing the infinite Dao rhyme suddenly reappeared in the entire Huangji Hall, and with the continuous injection of the pure silver origin on Zhao Yu's fingers, the whole drop The runes on the Dao Blood, which were portrayed by Ye Yi using the Law of Dark Night, directly lit up, and then refracted outwards, forming a pattern in the void that occupies the entire huge Emperor Great Hall.

   The whole pattern of this pattern is a vast and endless continent, on which countless lines outline the one hundred and seven prefectures where the Taixuan creatures are living at this time, and the dense dots are used to represent the numerous forces.

   "This, this is a detailed map of the entire Taixuan Land!"

   Li Chunfeng's old voice became stammered because of too much horror. Not only him, but everyone in the whole hall, including Zhao Yu, made endless waves in their hearts, and directly clenched his left hand subconsciously.

   After the formation of this huge map, the law of the dark night within the blood of the avenue did not dissipate, but continued to roll inward to gradually condense a night.

   In the end, the night turned into a tall and well-proportioned black shadow. After the black shadow was condensed, he knelt directly on one knee to Zhao Yu above, with his head drooping, and then a young and respectful voice came out, resounding through everyone's ears:

"Your Majesty, my Nightmare Division Si Cheng Yeyi, together with the Nightmare Division official Xue Dao, reported something in the Taixuan Land. Soon after, the Central Saint Court in the Taixuan Land will unite with the rest of the major forces and formally move hands. From the sunken mountains of Daiyu and Yuanqiao, and according to the information so far, the time to do it is.

   "Two years later!"

   With a thundering thunder!


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